Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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VN is hilarious sometimes. We have people all in a tizzy over guys hitting the portal that never got playing time and saying they're big losses. Then we have people talking about how productive, proven starters would be easily replaced, and wish they'd move on. Gotta love this place. 😀
Always looking for a reason to freak out and/or complain
Why’s that bad news? We don’t need a total rebuild
Not necessarily bad news we aren’t on here
Agree - not taking away from anything the guys have done. It's just really clear we are not using UGA, Bama, etc. type talented RBs. The scheme is really helping the guys we do have to achieve.
That’s part of the negatives being used against us….. Georgia and Alabama is considered schemes that get you ready for the pros…. Ours is not at this time…. The exciting product has the ability to draw some in though.
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VN is hilarious sometimes. We have people all in a tizzy over guys hitting the portal that never got playing time and saying they're big losses. Then we have people talking about how productive, proven starters would be easily replaced, and wish they'd move on. Gotta love this place. 😀
Buncha lunatics lol
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The thing about the portal, you see these talented players enter and think you'd love for them to come here. But those are rarely the players we go after.
People freak out over several “talented” players that no one had heard of before they entered the portal…. I’m not worried at all bc this staff has proven that they know how to evaluate and build this roster.
Do you have insight on what positions the coaches are looking at in the portal, or is it just a "anybody who can improve the team and fit our culture" approach?

WR, OL, DL and a versatile RB/playmaker. Warren returning is no surprise-- they've known it was very high prob for a while-- but I think they'll take another TE if they can find the right one. They like the DBs coming in and are pleased with the QB room. Expect it to be fluid as they move guys around and see where the pieces best fit.
That’s part of the negatives being used against….. Georgia and Alabama is considered schemes that get you ready for the pros…. Ours is not at this time…. The exciting product has the ability to draw some in though.
I hear the same thing going around. Teams like Ohio State, Georgia and Bama using their Pro Style/Multiple offenses in recruiting as a benefit over Tennessee’s high tempo veer and shoot offense. It could potentially be a negative as some kids believe the negative recruiting
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People freak out over several “talented” players that no one had heard of before they entered the portal…. I’m not worried at all bc this staff has proven that they know how to evaluate and build this roster.
On offense, absolutely. On the DL, too. I've also liked the work BJM has done with our LBs. I still have questions on the secondary.

But there's nothing wrong with wanting to see more talent on the team. Certainly, you have to be mindful of the type of players this staff wants and realize not everyone is a culture fit. But it also hurts to see rivals get better by taking these same players. We're fanatics for a reason.
Need a portal DB, period.
Defensive speed as a whole was very mediocre this year. As much as the secondary gets bashed (mostly for good reason) the front 7 struggled with pass rush all season consistently as they’d disappear repeatedly in key moments. Shows there is still a ways to go in getting better defensive talent
This isn't about those people. And I feel for those people.

This is about the fans that are already spending money on Tennessee merch, games, experiences. Of which there are more than 2,000 people.
I know what your saying but the haves are way out numbered by the have nots. Maybe Sprye should sell merchandise, work out a deal with the UT book store or Nike if they haven't already, that would give them a continuous stream of money. I don't really understand why some of the mega rich boosters aren't stepping up like some of these other schools seem to have, maybe they are but nobody seems to know.

I don't understand how it works as far as how the money is distributed and who decides who gets what but I haven't really dug into it either. I just don't think your average fan like myself is comfortable with the whole system as it is now and I'm afraid it is just going to get much worse before they ever get it under control so to speak. Pandoras Box has been opened and this is where we are now.'s not too crazy to think 4.7 YPC isn't enough.

Travis Henry: 5.5
James Stewart: 5.4
Johnnie Jones: 5.5
Jamal Lewis: 5.5
Cedric Houston: 5.3
Reggie Cobb: 5.3
Charlie Garner: 6.7

Hell last season Small was at 5.6. Like I said though I want both Small & Wright back, but if the numbers shift where Wright is the featured guy more it wouldn't surprise me and I think he'd produce just as well.
Garner was so dang good
I would wager several people on this site that can't afford to give the money, I would bet there are some having trouble buying medicine and food much less trying to lure some kid to play football. I am blessed not to be in that category but many are having a hard time making it. Granted the Vol brand is a large one but I'm not sure your average fan wants to fork over money into something they don't fully understand or believe in.
As a community, let's put some focus on what ultimately matters. If we have members here that are having trouble making ends meet, let's not just rightly excuse any responsibility to give to Spyre. Let's do something positive.

If any of you are in troubled circumstances in this troubled time, don't be ashamed to speak up. Gofundme gives us all an avenue to help.
I think we're gonna drop a couple games we have no business losing.
Definitely how basketball works. Shoot, we almost lost our SEC opener.

I don't even know what to say anymore about the postseason though. Hopefully we just have a more balanced offense. I usually say "just get hot at the right time..." and we did just that last season and still went out early.

Maybe I should add "get a really sweet draw just for insurance" because that Michigan draw looked gross from the start. Had a bad feeling about that one just from watching them play the week before. Going 3-for-million from 3 doesn't help either.

Hope this is the team that breaks through and reaches a FF. Sure do have the defense to do it.
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