Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Was just thinking of it yesterday seeing how Darren Aronofsky just released The Whale and there are very mixed, love/hate reviews...made me immediately think of Requiem. But that man has a LIST of great movies.

But Requiem will always stick with me. It is great, haunting, and just flat tough to watch. Also very insightful into the human psyche and condition.

Used to watch it every few years, but the last time I watched it was about 16 years ago. Buddy and I thought it'd be creepy to smoke and watch it...bad idea. We turned it off halfway through and retreated to our bedrooms to try and fall asleep and forget that nightmare 😅🤣

Of all the awful storylines, the old lady on speed/diet pills always creeped me out the most.

Fwiw Aronofsky's list:

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That movie is just rough and disgusting.
Cool story, I had a friend that worked as a waitress at Olive Garden in Rivergate years ago. Reba McEntire was there celebrating her son Shelby's birthday. This lady came over and asked her for an autograph and Reba told her " Ma'am any other day I would be happy to sign something but today I'm not Reba McEntire I'm Shelby's momma.". Kind of shows you how some of them are away from work.
I feel some would have to be that way. They’ll be considered jerks, but boundaries have to be made.
I feel some would have to be that way. They’ll be considered jerks, but boundaries have to be made.
Back then Hendersonville and the area around wasn't as grown up as it is now and they were just like everybody else, nobody really gave it a second though.........except Roy Orbison........he had a RED back then that stood out !!!!!:cool:
Hank Jr is 73…so the math checks out. Tidbit I didn’t know was that Hank Sr had divorced Audrey and married Billy Jean Eshelman in 1952…a year before his death. She then married another country star, Johnny Horton (The Battle of New Orleans) in 1953 and he died like Hank 7 years later…in a car crash.
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Hank jr played a concert in Knoxville years ago and he was so high….. the power went out and he never even noticed it. LOL
Tennessee isn’t going to be ranked where most fans expect to be ranked in the preseason. A lot of it has to do with scheduling and of course recruiting. You could imagine who the first few teams were without even looking.
It has a lot more to do with no hooker, Hyatt, Tillman, wright, young, banks etc... Lots of production that will have to be replaced off the best team we've had in 20 years.... Whereas FSU has a lot returning... And they play in the ACC.

We aren't gonna suck. But there are 5 teams with 9 wind ranked between 13-18. Tulane, the lone exception at 16 with 11 wins.

The next 5 all are 8-4. So if you told me we were anywhere between 13-24, I could buy that.
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Tennessee isn’t going to be ranked where most fans expect to be ranked in the preseason. A lot of it has to do with scheduling and of course recruiting. You could imagine who the first few teams were without even looking.

I don’t see that as a big deal.

Unranked this season to #1 in the first 7 weeks.
Question: When you use a safety ladder to access removal of Christmas Lights, does this constitute Eaves of Use?

Ill hang up...
May just be me, but I would be okay with that accuracy percentage if it included the touchdown to interception ratio. A bunch of his incompletions came in the vandy game this year. 😎
Even with the vandy game…. He was at 64% this year…. Last year was in the low 50’s though.
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It has a lot more to do with no hooker, Hyatt, Tillman, wright, young, banks etc... Lots of production that will have to be replaced off the best team we've had in 20 years.... Whereas FSU has a lot returning... And they play in the ACC.

We aren't gonna suck. But there are 5 teams with 9 wind ranked between 13-18. Tulane, the lone exception at 16 with 11 wins.

The next 5 all are 8-4. So if you told me we were anywhere between 13-24, I could buy that.

to be fair we didnt have Tillman this yr either. Pitt game was the only game he mattered in.

agree on the rest although we did just fine with no Hyatt/Hooker in the Clemson game and not many teams on our schedule next yr have the defensive personnel like they do across the board. Maybe like 3.
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