Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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He recruited well at Memphis. He’s great at that part but below average in being a floor coach. A good floor coach at UK who has a semblance of salesmanship and personality could win.
Times have changed a lot since his days at Memphis though, id be curious to see how he does.
As far as floor coach, I wish i remember who it was, but a couple years ago Cal lost one of his assistants to the Knicks, when he left it was mentioned that he was the floor coach and Cal would suffer. They were right UK hasnt looked the same in a couple years.
Looking into my magic crystal ball...we'll have ups...downs...people will B&M...they'll want to fire Barnes...all while looking just great overall.

Atp if feels like just stay steady...progress where needed and this is a top-2 seed team.
These last three games feel like we've played the same team, matchup wise so I'm ready to see us really get challenged. Offensively we're doing whatever we want while still playing the same old elite defense.

I'm so impressed with this team... But there are matchups coming that will.... Not look like this 😂... For now tho, let it rain.
I find this very interesting. Survey of AI researchers...idk if these are actual computer scientists or theorists, but opinions are all over the place, tifwiw:

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Look at the Military and the things they do as far as future battlefields, that is where any big advancements will appear.
Times have changed a lot since his days at Memphis though, id be curious to see how he does.
As far as floor coach, I wish i remember who it was, but a couple years ago Cal lost one of his assistants to the Knicks, when he left it was mentioned that he was the floor coach and Cal would suffer. They were right UK hasnt looked the same in a couple years.

I haven’t paid too much attention to UK’s offense recently, but Cal implemented a dribble drive offense at Memphis years ago. It was good at the time for his teams with elite athleticism. But it’s stale now, and I think he’s still playing it. UK’s two transfer guards were supposed to be shooters, and they don’t. Wheeler is small and can’t shoot. They can’t play the modern offense.
Look at the Military and the things they do as far as future battlefields, that is where any big advancements will appear.
Good point. For all we know the govt/military is ahead of private research. Not betting on it, but it's definitely possible.
These last three games feel like we've played the same team, matchup wise so I'm ready to see us really get challenged. Offensively we're doing whatever we want while still playing the same old elite defense.

I'm so impressed with this team... But there are matchups coming that will.... Not look like this 😂... For now tho, let it rain.
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Mississippi State was a good defensive team based on efficiency- top 10.
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