Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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People in the comments… everyone saying losing Hyatt is going to make our offense come to a grinding halt. They gon learn.
Most people don’t realize Hyatt was a non factor prior to ‘22 season just as Tillman was a non factor prior to the ‘21 season. Heupel makes QB’s and WR’s into stars. He’ll do the same next fall and the fall after and the fall after…
I’m 100% on board with a 12 team playoff but this was the one thing that I don’t like at all. Giving conference winners an auto bye is dumb. Not all conferences are created equal and not all conferences are structured the same. I just want the top 4 teams based off the committee rankings to get the byes.. screw conference winners.
You and I are on the same page. I also think the ranking system should go back to the BCS formula.
we need more info and momentum towards the schedule changes that have been discussed. whether it's pods, permanent opponents, or round robin - it's time to start a rotation that keeps competition fair for all

Not sure it can ever really be fair, but there will be a lot of horsetrading. Hopefully, UT will push our power-- which for more than a decade, we have not.
They so silly...

I wonder what would happen if everyone just lavished unrelenting praise on Georgia, it’s coaches and players all off-season and regular season in 2023?

Just affirm that they are the best and we are all here just hoping to finish second.
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At this point, I am ready to totally do away with permanent opponents and find an equitable way to rotate teams through the schedule so that every team plays all the same teams over some predetermined period of time.

TSiO has been a bone of contention for years. People are passionately for-- and against-- it. UT and Bama both have supported preserving the tradition for "the good of the game." If Bama had been on UT's end of recent tradition, the Tide would have fought to end it long ago. They'll probably be good with ending it now.
You do realize that we are talking about players playing extra minutes due to the expanded playoffs…. That would affect 22 players X 12 teams…. The majority of those guys attempt to sign on with the nfl when they are done playing college football…..

No I didn't realize that...since the conversation you jumped into was about High School players and their playoffs and how that wasn't the same as the college game.

I guess you was talking top 12 teams in college playoffs, the rest of the conversation was talking about how 15 HS games isn't anywhere near as bad as 15 college games. But I'll clear the air, I don't have any issue with college playoffs and that adding games to the best teams because you are right those 12 teams typically have players that are trying to make the NFL.

I will not agree that the majority of college players are trying to make the NFL though.
Well, my prediction wasn’t too far off.
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Probably had the social media team create a fake sports news website with that prediction on it and then printed it out and showed it to the team at practice.

I think Richard G. West had UGA 3rd in the division in his preseason rankings.

Somebody pay attention to Jack. 😴 He’s prophesizing and no one’s signing up for his online cult.

TSiO has been a bone of contention for years. People are passionately for-- and against-- it. UT and Bama both have supported preserving the tradition for "the good of the game." If Bama had been on UT's end of recent tradition, the Tide would have fought to end it long ago. They'll probably be good with ending it now.
we looked like idiots standing there with Bama demanding to keep the rivalry, while the rest of the league punished us via scheduling for wanting to keep it and "holding back" scheduling options for other programs

they were basically stomping on our fingers while we were hanging onto the platform of tradition for dear life
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