Go talk to Marshall. Pay his price. Sit back and enjoy. This search is nuts. I have spent my last basketball dollar in TBA if White or Tyndall is the best we can do. I have attended many games in SAC and TBA. I've been to many of Mears games and up to the present. I love the Vols. It is starting to hurt too much to watch over and over as incompetent administrators run Tennessee sports into the ground. Even if Jones is successful ( and I will grant he could be ) his hire was dumb luck. Cheek and Hart should be held accountable. We graduate thousands of students from the business school and none are competent to run the university or our athletics ? I do not understand this. We are a laughingstock in the media. Coaches are afraid to come here. We have awesome facilities , yet coaches look at Tennessee as a stepping stone. The athletic department ( much like our government ) has wasted my money. They say that we are not able to hire a quality coach. Sit back and enjoy whatever product we decide to give you. Well no, I have a choice. Put a quality product out there and maybe I will show up again. I'm disabled. Why should I drive 2 and 1/2 hours to a basketball game that lasts 2 hours, and root like my life depends on it, at a top tier facility that I and other fans helped pay for, when we have a mere faint hope for a coach. Hobble back out to the car and drive 2 and 1/2 hours home. I will still root for the Vols. I will listen to the radio or perhaps watch it from the comfort of home. And hopefully our administrators will understand that one empty seat in the stadium is a preview of things to come if they do not pony up the money to put a competitive product on the floor.
I will have my detractors and that is fine with me. I care not. It is my health, my money, my time. I was there when Mears and Pearl won. Also I remember some quality wins with DeVoe and Green. Martin had a few as well. I remember when basketball in the SEC was Kentucky then Tennessee. Alabama started winning. Now it is Florida. Our administrators have watched us slide from second to being irrelevant. That is sad.
I mentioned Marshall at the beginning. He is one man and there are many that could take Tennessee to great heights. If we settle for less we condone what is happening. If we really love Tennessee we help our team by demanding more. The choice is yours. If you want mediocrity then that is your choice. I want to be second and putting up a challenge for first. We have the facilities already. Mears and Pearl have shown us the way. Let us please find a coach to take us to a final four at some point. If you are still reading thank you for listening.