I want every legitimate opponent this season to go into the game against our guys thinking they should win. About the middle of the third quarter when it dawns on them they are not going to win and that they are going to have their azzes handed to them; I want to see the slumped shoulders and them getting upset with each other. I want them to know that they are going to get punched in the nose and gut on every play. I want to hear them and their fans blaming themselves for the loss and not giving credit to our guys for being better. I want them dazed and confused. I want our guys to be in their heads when they go to sleep at night. I want payback time and I want it to be very, very painful for all the trash talkers and smart azzes that have downed UT for too long. That includes doofus Verne and Gary and Jesse and David and all of the rest of the smug self proclaimed experts. Eff 'em.
Starting now with Team 118.
Make it happen, Butch.