Obviously this is TIFWIW. We knew the rumors would start flying with the BOT meetings this week:
From TOS:
this from a poster thats been a member since 2014
This gentleman has had lunch with both of these guys in the last two weeks. He said they are keeping everything super close, but he is going to a function tonight with what he called "The powers that be" and said he hopes more information comes out in the next few days. He also said don't worry about getting an up-and-comer or "small fish"...said it's going to be a wow hire. "Watch out for FL he said, they have the cash and would love to sink their teeth into our guy. "
TIFWIW but this guy I spoke to has his last name on a few buildings down there and donates more than all of us combined.
I should also add that Gruden is #1 on this guys list o.0
the title is "Just spoke with someone in touch with Currie and DiPietro."