This is disappointing. Life gives you many hard knocks and one of the worst is losing a parent at a young age.
Having said that he needs to get on with his life. He may have such a fragile psyche that it's impossible for him to deal with this for many years. If so then I doubt he would have ever made it at UT playing football. Some people aren't made that way. I lost my mother at age 5, with 7 other siblings age 4 to 18. We struggled but life is always a struggle. And no, I am not saying "if I can do it everyone can do it, so get on with it". I am saying the opposite, some people cannot do it.
But if he can do it he should. He has already spent more than a year grieving. Life goes on whether you do or not. I hope he has the right kind of family support. He will never in his life be 18 or 19 years old with this opportunity. And right now, in his state of mind, he needs a whole new challenge and environment.
To anyone who thinks I am trying to be crass, indifferent or cruel, nothing could be further from the truth. Sometimes you get so close and caught up in something that the only thing that helps you is being pulled up out of it by someone and sent to do something else important. May he find peace and purpose in his life.