Butch is probably one of the most genuine coaches out there. He constantly is praised by recruits for his truthfulness and honesty. Some posters simply don't like the current commits or they don't like the on field product right now and want to think that Butch has all these secrets and is providing misleading information. We don't know what goes on in practice or behind the scenes because we suck as fans and our local media sucks at not jumping on our team and coaches at the slightest opportunity. Butch has to be bland and vanilla with his comments because as soon as he goes off script, even slightly, Colton Jumper's dad turns into a Sith Lord with Darth Purpleface as an apprentice.
I know this is a message board and people can say what they want. However, to say Butch is a liar is the most stupid comment I have seen D4H make. He is in the business of making stupid comments and after that little gem brother business is booming!