Recruiting Forum Football Talk XXXIII

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Sir, in going to have to ask you to calm down, and return to your seat

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Based on? A finger crossed hope or what you have seen in the past?

He is still relatively young in P5 conference coaching and I think even you would agree people have the tendency to improve in their profession as experience grows. You can't deny he has taken us in a positive direction since being here. Many great coaches had to learn and grow with time.

Some will not be happy unless we win every game. I want to win every game too but this is not realistic. Butch made changes and upgraded, I believe, in asst coaches so why not be optimistic and just maybe enjoy the upcoming season?
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Just my 2 cents but I think butch is going to hand over the reigns to shoop and co on defense, and spend most of his time on offense, with shoop,hoke,Warren, and stripling there to advise the others the defensive coaches have a lot of experience
Article on Wells...

"It's been really busy," Wells said. "It's different than the role I had last year and with recruiting and installing the new offensive stuff, interviewing wide receiver candidates, it's been a whirlwind. It's been great though." "It gives me a chance to do more recruiting," Wells said. "I was in the room last year and we had a great room. We still do. With the new stuff we are doing it's good to learn that quickly and move on to the other stuff I have to do." "In the input in the game play and techniques I'll be the same," Wells said. "When it comes to my personality on the field, I'd say the guys are going to see a little difference."

"To be at Tennessee is special," Wells said. "To grow up in Tennessee, this is the flagship school. This is the University of Tennessee. It's very important to me and my goals that I had as a young coach, to meet them now. At the end of the day, I know the results have to be there. We have to win and produce a quality product."

"It's all about competition," Wells said. "You are playing the SEC. All these guys want to play in the NFL and you go to the SEC, you are expecting to go to the next level. The next level they carry seven and five play. You better get out there and compete and be ready to go. That's what I've been preaching to them and that's what they have to understand. It's a competition. You look at the teams across the board that are successful and they aren't rotating guys and worrying about hurt feelings. We have to go out and find the best five available that's going to come off the ball and hit somebody in the mouth and get some movement up front. And protect the passer."

"I'm an advocate of athleticism," Wells said. "They should be able to pull and that's at all positions. In this league with the defensive lineman you face you have to be able to generate power and be able to move too. The fronts are always moving and always cutting with so much blitzing on third down. If we cannot move up front then we will struggle."

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Poster asked what differences we would see, what new stuff?

There are going to be tweaks to the system as Scott installs his things. Obviously he was key in some of the two tight end stuff they did last year, but he's going to have his own flare for things with formations, even techniques in terms of pulling offensive linemen, blocking schemes, etc. The system while rooted in the same foundation with have a different personality to it.

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No new updates on the 247 action. Last thing I saw (posted last night) was Callahan assuring folks that significant action would be taken, which has been preached for 3 days now.
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Here's the latest from 247, which is not much other than an excuse:

We're still awaiting official word, but the wheels are in motion, and the latest I've heard is that we should have something to report within the next few days. Things often move slower than we would like them to in the corporate world, but I can assure you the powers-that-be are working to address this as quickly as possible.

- Callahan

I know that its hard to change peoples opinions after they've solidified them but I very much disagree with your statement.

At the time he said that, he was genuinely upset at the situation and he wanted things handled immediately. Now that we are part of CBS we have more funnels we have to go through with everything and its completely out of our control at that point.

Please do not take our delay as us not caring and being aloof to yall. Things can just take an unnecessarily long time in corporate land

- Random staff member I have not seen before
Waiting on official word for what? I thought the "solution" was that they were just going to take Haney off the UT beat?
Poster asked what differences we would see, what new stuff?


Have a good feeling about Scott although it isn't based on anything. With the different weapons we have on offense and more consistent play calling I think this offense can be tough to stop.
247 is a great rankings service, but I would never subscribe to get info from the staff of guys they have for Tennessee. Brice was the best thing they had
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247 is a great rankings service, but I would never subscribe to get info from the staff of guys they have for Tennessee. Brice was the best thing they had

I think Callahan makes their recruiting news worth reading. VQ may be able to get the inside scoop more often, but he brings a large quantity of information, and when he makes a prediction, he's usually right. He's just more conservative than the typical homer fan would like.
Won't post it here but if you're on Instagram, have a pulse and appreciate attractive female Vol fans, check out the 4th most recent post by toptieru. A buddy just sent the link to me.

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