Recruiting Forum Football Talk XXXIII

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How is it too late for him to relenquish control of the minute day to day details and let his coaches coach?

Get out of the way, Butch.

Agreed. I've said for a while, the Dabo approach would suit Butch very well. I think he could be very successful that way.
Agreed. I've said for a while, the Dabo approach would suit Butch very well. I think he could be very successful that way.

But is dependent on him hiring a quality of assistant that he appears to be slowly migrating toward. Hoping..
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I just looked at our schedule for this upcoming year and my oh my how much favorable it is on paper

I said this after the bowl game. The 2017 schedule...regardless of LSU being on the most favorable it's been in years. LSU being on it to me is even a ?, because you really don't know how they're going to be in year one of a new coach.

I can't remember the last time we had a schedule this favorable. No more than two, what should be hard games at a time. No four game stretches this year.

Does it mean we're going undefeated? No. Does it mean (in what is considered a rebuilding year for us) we could do ok to good and with some luck great? The possibilty is there.

I;m actually more excited about this season than I thought I would be last year. Lots of question marks. But this year the question marks could actually have a bright side.
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I said this after the bowl game. The 2017 schedule...regardless of LSU being on the most favorable it's been in years. LSU being on it to me is even a ?, because you really don't know how they're going to be in year one of a new coach.

I can't remember the last time we had a schedule this favorable. No more than two, what should be hard games at a time. No four game stretches this year.

Does it mean we're going undefeated? No. Does it mean (in what is considered a rebuilding year for us) we could do ok to good and with some luck great? The possibilty is there.

I;m actually more excited about this season than I thought I would be last year. Lots of question marks. But this year the question marks could actually have a bright side.

This schedule last year could have changed some things I think. And I agree about LSU. Having them so late in the season could be good for us. Who knows how they'll be that late.
This schedule last year could have changed some things I think. And I agree about LSU. Having them so late in the season could be good for us. Who knows how they'll be that late.

I believe this schedule last year would have the fan base more united than it has been in a decade. This year? we'll see. We have a lot of question marks. Still though. Even in a rebuilding year. There is room for optimism IMO.
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Based on? A finger crossed hope or what you have seen in the past?

Honestly, without injuries, I think Butch wins 11 games last year. I also like the moves he's made with the coaching staff. It is showing us that he is willing to learn from mistakes and adapt.
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Talk about bad luck. Projected 1st round pick at CB, Sidney Jones, tore his Achilles on pro day at WU. Out for 8-12 months is the early report. That will cost him big bucks as he will drop down a bunch. Sounds like the kind of luck we have around here.

I don't get why he was working out. He was just at the combine and did fine to lock in his first rd status. No reason to work out at pro day in his situation.
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Based on? A finger crossed hope or what you have seen in the past?

Back to back 9 win seasons for the first time since the '06 and '07 seasons. 3 straight bowl wins. And probably the most consistent recruiting since the '04 and '05 seasons.

As disappointing as last season was, it was in no way grounds for firing Jones. The guy has brought us out of a very bad place and he deserved a chance to make adjustments after last season, and I really like the adjustments he's made so far.
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Back to back 9 win seasons for the first time since the '06 and '07 seasons. 3 straight bowl wins. And probably the most consistent recruiting since the '04 and '05 seasons.

As disappointing as last season was, it was in no way grounds for firing Jones. The guy has brought us out of a very bad place and he deserved a chance to make adjustments after last season, and I really like the adjustments he's made so far.

I'm mostly happy with the staff changes thus far (though I do feel like Butch could have done a better job vetting more candidates in a few places) and think the staff in place now probably is the strongest all around we've had in place for quite some time. As it pertains to 2017, though, there are just so many questions for this team and staff in a really vital year for Butch.

For a while now, I've been going back and forth in my head between thinking these two things:

1. Butch and Co's scouting and recruiting will finally manifest itself into quality depth, the new coaching changes will lead to better execution and performance for many of our veteran players, Butch and team 121 will thrive in an underdog role, they will play together as more of a team despite losing some flash and star power, we'll see a team that looks more disciplined like in 2013 and 2014, Team 121 will turn out to be a sneaky good 9-10 win team, and they'll find their way to Atlanta and vindication.

2. The staff changes will be too little too late, the concerns about scouting and recruiting will turn out to have been justified and we won't be able to replace the star power and production from the 2016 Vols, attrition from our top classes will show, we won't be able to settle in on a QB early enough to build the kind of momentum we need for early season wins, Team 121 manages to scrape together 8 wins or so, and come December 1 we're either in the market for a new HC or the fanbase is largely clamoring for us to get in that market ASAP.

I've said before and I'll say again that IMO 8-4 is about the worst predicament we could find ourselves in by December. Currie will have to make some sort of contractual decision on Butch over the next year or so. If Butch wins 9-10 regular season games and/or gets to Atlanta OR if the team tanks and only wins 6-7 games, then that decision is relatively clear and easy to make.

If the team goes 8-4 again, does Currie decide he can hire a better guy on his own, pull the trigger, and fire Butch? Does he extend him for keeping the team at a consistently not-bad-but-not-great level of football in the hope he'll put it all together and make a run if the stars align 2-3 years down the road? Or does he try to wait things out another year, leave Butch on somewhat of a lame duck contract, and run the risk of Butch saying "f*** it" and jumping to a lateral or lower level job?

2017 has the potential to be one of the most gratifying, vindicating, frustrating, and/or miserable seasons of Vol football in recent memory. IMO there are some strong arguments to make for team 121 achieving poor, average, or great results. It's why I keep going back and forth between how I think things will turn out.
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He better pull a Dabo and get out of the way.

JMO, this would be the thing that puts him over the top. All great CEO's do it once they have assembled the team they envision. They get out of the way and let the professionals do their jobs. His nature is to micromanage. Can he set that aside and let success happen? He could just monitor and step in as needed instead of all the time. Questions, questions...
I don't get why he was working out. He was just at the combine and did fine to lock in his first rd status. No reason to work out at pro day in his situation.

I thought the very same thing. There was zero benefit to actually doing drills. He could have interviewed with teams and left it at that.
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