So here's a hypothetical for all the beer lovers:
You go to a party where you can't bring your own beer, but every beer there is free to drink. However, the only beer they have available is either cheap or mass produced beer. Everything from Natty ice to the banquet beer.
Without defaulting to the "I'll go without" type of answer, what do you drink? What kind of cheap beer do you go for if there's nothing else to drink?
Personally, info high life or Busch if I'm drinking cheap.
I drink whatever they have. I haven't been to many parties (if any) with just Natty Lite or High Life. It's usually at least Bud Lite, Coors, Miller.
In the last few years, I have really gotten into craft beer. I might be a little disappointed privately, but I try not to be a beer snob. I understand that not everyone enjoys craft beer. If I am choosing, it will be more complex than mass produced beer. However, I will drink what's available. I drank a Bud Lite at the Grizzlies game last weekend, and I don't drink it much. But I wasn't going to get a water.
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