This is incredibly bigoted and offensive. Not to mention laughably wrong.
Only took me a day to be called a bigot for saying someone is wrong. In today's world maybe that isn't bad.
Laughably wrong tho? Mass as a propitiation: "That the Sacrifice of the Mass is propitiatory both for the living and the dead.And forasmuch as, in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the mass, that same Christ is contained and immolated in an unbloody manner, who once offered Himself in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross; the holy Synod teaches, that this sacrifice is truly propritiatory and that by means thereof this is effected, that we obtain mercy, and find grace in seasonable aid, if we draw nigh unto God, contrite and penitent, with a sincere heart and upright faith, with fear and reverence."
Denial of imputation and belief in Justification by faith and works: "If any one saith, that men are justified, either by the sole imputation of the justice of Christ, or by the sole remission of sins, to the exclusion of the grace and the charity which is poured forth in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and is inherent in them; or even that the grace, whereby we are justified, is only the favour of God; let him be anathema."
"CANON XIV.-If any one saith, that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified, because that he assuredly believed himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly justified but he who believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone, absolution and justification are effected; let him be anathema."
Another one for good measure:
"CANON XXX.-If any one saith, that, after the grace of Justification has been received, to every penitent sinner the guilt is remitted, and the debt of eternal punishment is blotted out in such wise, that there remains not any debt of temporal punishment to be discharged either in this world, or in the next in Purgatory, before the entrance to the kingdom of heaven can be opened (to him); let him be anathema."
So as you can see, my representation of Catholicism is not wrong, especially not "laughably wrong". I simply paraphrased what they said as dogma at the council of Trent. There, as in the quotes above, they said that the Mass is a propitiatory, unbloody sacrifice, as I said. They also anathametized, cursed, anyone who believes in justification by faith alone and the imputation of Christ, as well as anyone who denies that our justification is final without having to spend time in purgatory.
There is their statements. I am not wrong, even in this postmodern world, there is such thing as truth.
Now question, you think I'm a bigot for saying that the Bible teaches that salvation is by faith in Christ alone. Well, are the Catholics bigots in your view? They anathemetize me and every Protestant in the world who believes salvation comes by faith alone in Christ alone.
Here is a debate where the Roman Catholic tries to defend exactly what I have said they believe regarding justification:
Another debate on the Mass
Listen and enjoy.