Recruiting Forum Off-Topic Thread II

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You are not wrong in that there are errors with every denomination. That's why we have denominations. We are all fallible men trying to understand infallible Scripture. There will be disagreements. Where you're wrong however, is concluding that Catholicism is another denomination. It isn't. Catholicism has a different gospel. Catholicism rejects the gospel. At the council of Trent they anathematized anyone who believes that salvation is by faith alone. Even if you believe that salvation is by faith and works as Catholicism does, then you can't believe it's just another denomination. They are claiming a different gospel. They claim the mass is another propitiation, that they offer Christ up as a sacrifice every week during the mass. The bible on the other hand, teaches in Hebrews 10 that Christ has died once and for all, and He has perfected everyone for whom He died for all time. Salvation therefore, is by faith alone in the finished work of Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3;4, Galatians etc). I encourage you to examine this. Ask yourself the question, how is one made right with God? Protestants and Catholics do not answer than question the same way. How would you answer that question? I'm not asking you to answer me, but to examine yourself, and really ask how it is that you can be made right with God.

But your basic premise unless I am mistaken is that the doctrine I follow is wrong.

I give up.
I don't tell others how to interpret the word of God. I will interpret it in my own way. No one living can do better than that.
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But your basic premise unless I am mistaken is that the doctrine I follow is wrong.

I give up.
I don't tell others how to interpret the word of God. I will interpret it in my own way. No one living can do better than that.

Well it depends. You said you were a Protestant, maybe Baptist, can't remember, and now you're a Catholic. I'm not sure why you are now a Catholic, so my question to you is how does a man receive eternal life? Roman Catholicism and Protestants answer that question two very different ways. Protestants say by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. We believe in the imputation of Christ's righteousness that merits our justification. Roman Catholicism teaches however, an infusion of grace and reject the doctrine of imputation. They believe that man is saved by faith plus his good works, including attending mass and so on. My question to you is, what do you believe. That's the most important question. You don't have to tell me, in just asking you to ask yourself what you believe. How will you receive eternal life?
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Bass - thank you for your witness. 100% agree with everything you have posted recently in this thread.
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The bible is incredibly confusing with all the metaphors

Most of us need assistance from those that spend their whole lives in study (theologians). So you may want to investigate at local book stores, libraries, etc. and find those that you can follow well. Virtually every aspect of the Bible has been researched with many good commentaries that can help. There are Biblical Dictionaries that act almost as encyclopedias that when you get hung up on a section or scripture, you can reference them to gain better understanding. There are concordances that help reference scriptures that apply to specific words and concepts.

Just some advice that you can take or leave, throw away all the preconceived notions and negative experiences of life. So don't let perceived confusion, confuse you. Approach the Bible with a fresh view, like a child exploring something for the first time. Do your own research. Dig in and let the Holy Spirit lead your study. You could not get up on stage and deliver a song out of nowhere to an audience without inspiration, development, and practicing the song until you got it right. So it is with developing an understanding of God's role in your life. The Holy Spirit leads us to better understanding as we are willing to open our hearts to the truths of his perfect word. Once you get that, you would rather die than turn your back on Jesus. Everything changes.
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Man I'm running a fever and got a mean head cold. First time in several years. Any home made remedies yall like?
Sarge is the only resident Jew that I know of. I am only Jewish in the vulgar sense that I am.... thrifty with money.

I'm only an ethnic Jew. Raised Catholic and am non-denominational now.

But Jesus was recognized as a prophet by the Jews if I am not mistaken.
Argentina starting to grow good pinot
Oregon gonna produce good Malbec
Interesting that at about the same distance from the equator that the same grapes do well...


Interesting fact: Knoxville is at about the same spot as Rome. TBH, if Prohibition and insane Blue Laws still remaining hadn't hobbled the US wine industry, we'd be producing some fantastic wines here. (I live next door to a brand new vineyard and winery and what they're already producing is really good). Also, there's an exceptionally rare and expensive truffle that only grows in a specific region in France. At least that's what they thought for a few centuries as everyone tried and failed.

A few years ago, a small place in East, TN started producing those truffles to everyone's astonishment. That whole where you're located on the equator-thing is a big deal when it comes to wine, truffles, and other foods.
You are not wrong in that there are errors with every denomination. That's why we have denominations. We are all fallible men trying to understand infallible Scripture. There will be disagreements. Where you're wrong however, is concluding that Catholicism is another denomination. It isn't. Catholicism has a different gospel. Catholicism rejects the gospel. At the council of Trent they anathematized anyone who believes that salvation is by faith alone. Even if you believe that salvation is by faith and works as Catholicism does, then you can't believe it's just another denomination. They are claiming a different gospel. They claim the mass is another propitiation, that they offer Christ up as a sacrifice every week during the mass. The bible on the other hand, teaches in Hebrews 10 that Christ has died once and for all, and He has perfected everyone for whom He died for all time. Salvation therefore, is by faith alone in the finished work of Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3;4, Galatians etc). I encourage you to examine this. Ask yourself the question, how is one made right with God? Protestants and Catholics do not answer than question the same way. How would you answer that question? I'm not asking you to answer me, but to examine yourself, and really ask how it is that you can be made right with God.

This is incredibly bigoted and offensive. Not to mention laughably wrong.
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Interesting fact: Knoxville is at about the same spot as Rome. TBH, if Prohibition and insane Blue Laws still remaining hadn't hobbled the US wine industry, we'd be producing some fantastic wines here. (I live next door to a brand new vineyard and winery and what they're already producing is really good). Also, there's an exceptionally rare and expensive truffle that only grows in a specific region in France. At least that's what they thought for a few centuries as everyone tried and failed.

A few years ago, a small place in East, TN started producing those truffles to everyone's astonishment. That whole where you're located on the equator-thing is a big deal when it comes to wine, truffles, and other foods.

Yes. I think it's very cool.
It is very interesting that if you split the globe at the equator and overlay Southern Hemisphere over Northern, you can see a lot of the wine regions match up.
This is incredibly bigoted and offensive. Not to mention laughably wrong.

Only took me a day to be called a bigot for saying someone is wrong. In today's world maybe that isn't bad.

Laughably wrong tho? Mass as a propitiation: "That the Sacrifice of the Mass is propitiatory both for the living and the dead.And forasmuch as, in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the mass, that same Christ is contained and immolated in an unbloody manner, who once offered Himself in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross; the holy Synod teaches, that this sacrifice is truly propritiatory and that by means thereof this is effected, that we obtain mercy, and find grace in seasonable aid, if we draw nigh unto God, contrite and penitent, with a sincere heart and upright faith, with fear and reverence."

Denial of imputation and belief in Justification by faith and works: "If any one saith, that men are justified, either by the sole imputation of the justice of Christ, or by the sole remission of sins, to the exclusion of the grace and the charity which is poured forth in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and is inherent in them; or even that the grace, whereby we are justified, is only the favour of God; let him be anathema."
"CANON XIV.-If any one saith, that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified, because that he assuredly believed himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly justified but he who believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone, absolution and justification are effected; let him be anathema."
Another one for good measure:
"CANON XXX.-If any one saith, that, after the grace of Justification has been received, to every penitent sinner the guilt is remitted, and the debt of eternal punishment is blotted out in such wise, that there remains not any debt of temporal punishment to be discharged either in this world, or in the next in Purgatory, before the entrance to the kingdom of heaven can be opened (to him); let him be anathema."

So as you can see, my representation of Catholicism is not wrong, especially not "laughably wrong". I simply paraphrased what they said as dogma at the council of Trent. There, as in the quotes above, they said that the Mass is a propitiatory, unbloody sacrifice, as I said. They also anathametized, cursed, anyone who believes in justification by faith alone and the imputation of Christ, as well as anyone who denies that our justification is final without having to spend time in purgatory.

There is their statements. I am not wrong, even in this postmodern world, there is such thing as truth.

Now question, you think I'm a bigot for saying that the Bible teaches that salvation is by faith in Christ alone. Well, are the Catholics bigots in your view? They anathemetize me and every Protestant in the world who believes salvation comes by faith alone in Christ alone.

Here is a debate where the Roman Catholic tries to defend exactly what I have said they believe regarding justification:

Another debate on the Mass

Listen and enjoy.
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This is incredibly bigoted and offensive. Not to mention laughably wrong.

In a previous life, Bass converted Native Americans to Christianity (didn't end well for the Indians), participated in the Crusades, was a witness for the Inquisition. I like Bass overall, but it is kinda scary that his views are so extreme. (NBA and Religious :) )

One of my best friends in med school wears a cross to remember his grandfather. His grandfather was a Buddhist leader in his village. He was publicly executed by missionaries when he would not convert to Christianity. Forcing your views of higher powers on others has been historically a very bloody activity.
Not really what the Good Book was intended to do.
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In a previous life, Bass converted Native Americans to Christianity (didn't end well for the Indians), participated in the Crusades, was a witness for the Inquisition. I like Bass overall, but it is kinda scary that his views are so extreme. (NBA and Religious :) )

One of my best friends in med school wears a cross to remember his grandfather. His grandfather was a Buddhist leader in his village. He was publicly executed by missionaries when he would not convert to Christianity. Forcing your views of higher powers on others has been historically a very bloody activity.
Not really what the Good Book was intended to do.

What year was this and who were these psychotic missionaries? Nothing in the NT would make us believe that what they did was right. Sharing the gospel with people of course is not even close to being equivalent with that. I trust by the joking nature of the first paragraph that you don't believe I am doing that. But I've been called a bigot merely for presenting the gospel, so you can never be sure.
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what year was this and who were these psychotic missionaries? Nothing in the nt would make us believe that what they did was right. Sharing the gospel with people of course is not even close to being equivalent with that. I trust by the joking nature of the first paragraph that you don't believe i am doing that. But i've been called a bigot merely for presenting the interpretation i've been taught of the gospel, so you can never be sure.
fyp :)
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In a previous life, Bass converted Native Americans to Christianity (didn't end well for the Indians), participated in the Crusades, was a witness for the Inquisition. I like Bass overall, but it is kinda scary that his views are so extreme. (NBA and Religious :) )

One of my best friends in med school wears a cross to remember his grandfather. His grandfather was a Buddhist leader in his village. He was publicly executed by missionaries when he would not convert to Christianity. Forcing your views of higher powers on others has been historically a very bloody activity.
Not really what the Good Book was intended to do.

I find that odd for him to use a symbol of Christ to remember his grandfather who was supposedly killed by followers of Christ. Not doubting your story, just find that portion curious.
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