Recruiting Forum Off-Topic Thread II

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What year was this and who were these psychotic missionaries? Nothing in the NT would make us believe that what they did was right. Sharing the gospel with people of course is not even close to being equivalent with that. I trust by the joking nature of the first paragraph that you don't believe I am doing that. But I've been called a bigot merely for presenting the gospel, so you can never be sure.

My friend's father was witness to his father's murder by the missionaries. It was in the late 40s in Viet Nam.

No I was not saying that you would perpetuate such an atrocity.

Merely pointing out that man has used religious zeal to give credence to their crimes.
All religions are man made therefore not perfect.

What bothers me the most is your evident zeal to persecute other Christian denominations. You say that Catholics are wrong over some piddly verbage.

I feel confident that Jesus didn't intend that. "Love your neighbor as yourself" seems to have plum evaded many...
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My friend's father was witness to his father's murder by the missionaries. It was in the late 40s in Viet Nam.

No I was not saying that you would perpetuate such an atrocity.

Merely pointing out that man has used religious zeal to give credence to their crimes.
All religions are man made therefore not perfect.

What bothers me the most is your evident zeal to persecute other Christian denominations. You say that Catholics are wrong over some piddly verbage.

I feel confident that Jesus didn't intend that. "Love your neighbor as yourself" seems to have plum evaded many...

I am not persecuting anyone by simply presenting the gospel. The difference between Protestants and Catholics is not "piddly verbiage". It isn't to them either! They anathemtized us! And they literally persecuted the reformers. This isn't "piddly verbiage at all, to anyone. This is a matter of the gospel.

It is very similar to Paul and Judaizers in Galatia. Paul had taught justification by faith alone and the Judaizers had come in preaching salvation by works of the law, circumcision and other works. The entire point of Galatians is to show that to add works to the gospel destroys the gospel.

Listen at Paul address the Judaizers and their false gospel: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: if anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God's curse!" Galatians 1:8-9.

Was Paul unloving? Was he bigoted? No! He was telling them the truth. There is nothing more loving than the truth. I cannot love my neighbor if I do not tell them the gospel. There is that other command of Jesus as well, you know, "go into all the world and make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:18-20. Sharing the gospel with people is the most loving thing that a Christian can do. Finally, how about seeing an example of the love of Jesus? "Unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins" John 8:24. Was Jesus loving or unloving when He said that?
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The three Abrahamic faiths are very similar in many ways.

One eternal God
Keep the Sabbath
Read the Torah
Follow the Law as given to Moses (includes things like giving and caring for widows and orphans)

One eternal God
Giving to charity
Pilgrimage to Mecca

One eternal God (Father/Son/Holy Spirit are all one)
Belief that Jesus was the Son of God who died for all mankind's sins
Give to charity with a joyful heart (Especially for widows and orphans)
Keep the Sabbath (Christians worship mostly on Sunday)

The three religions all trace their roots back to Abraham. They all worship the God that Abraham worshipped. However, Muslims trace their heritage to Abraham through Ishmael and Jews and Christians through Isaac. I think this fact creates more friction between the religions. It's like three siblings fighting over what their Father told them to do and each one heard something different. In most cases the differences are slight. In other cases, like the idea of Jesus as the Savior of mankind, the difference is almost insurmountable. We are all from the same Father though and so, while it is difficult, we should all strive to love one another. That is what Jesus taught as one of the core values we should strive for.
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Instead this difference, even between protestants and catholics, has been the cause of more death and misery than anything in our history. Yay religion!
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Instead this difference, even between protestants and catholics, has been the cause of more death and misery than anything in our history. Yay religion!

While this is true, it doesn't make religion wrong. It's just a reminder of the fallenness of man and how they can abuse even things that are good. The New Testament does not support killing people in the name of the gospel. But the wickedness of man is seen very clearly in their abuse of even things that are good.
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Actually when any religion teaches that it is the only way it is inherently wrong and will cause the flawed man to kill and bully its beliefs onto others. IMO.
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Instead this difference, even between protestants and catholics, has been the cause of more death and misery than anything in our history. Yay religion!

People have been finding excuses to kill each other since the second generation of human beings on earth. Cain killed Abel because God accepted Abel's offering and rejected Cain's. Things haven't improved with the addition of more human beings. There are radicalized factions that claim to be acting in the name of their faith. However, as a Christian, I can't hope to help someone find Jesus if I kill them. That is counterproductive to what Jesus taught. However, it is a difficult thing to do because as humans, often our first instinct is to seek revenge or redress when we feel we have been wronged in some way. It is difficult for us to follow the turn the other cheek mantra.

Matthew 5:39-41
"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles."

I am not as educated in the other two religions, and have much to learn about Christianity for that matter, but I have not found anything in the teaching of Jesus that would justify killing anyone. Even when He found the money changers and animal dealers doing business inside His father's house, he did not kill. People who kill in the name of Jesus Christ have missed the message.
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I'd say so. Protestants and Catholics killed each other for hundreds of years in the name of God. Same for Shiites and Sunnis...

Humans should have evolved past it but alas they probably never will.
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According to the book of Revelation we will. Lots more people will die before we get there, but we will.
I'd say so. Protestants and Catholics killed each other for hundreds of years in the name of God. Same for Shiites and Sunnis...

Humans should have evolved past it but alas they probably never will.

Humans yes. But Jesus says He is the only way. Truth is truth. Humans abuse that, doesn't change the truth and doesn't make the truth guilty
According to the book of Revelation we will. Lots more people will die before we get there, but we will.

Isn't that a feel good story!

Seriously I've read Revelations and there couldn't be a more vague, foreboding, open for interpretation book. IMO its that way to scare the masses into belief and to also make them think the "end is always near." My parents are Southern Baptist and the Rapture is always right around the their parents thought...and their parents thought...and their parents thought...
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Isn't that a feel good story!

Seriously I've read Revelations and there couldn't be a more vague, foreboding, open for interpretation book. IMO its that way to scare the masses into belief and to also make them think the "end is always near." My parents are Southern Baptist and the Rapture is always right around the their parents thought...and their parents thought...and their parents thought...
Apocalyptic preachers were a dime a dozen in Palestine in the center or so leading up to the destruction of the temple by the Romans. The belief that the end was nigh was central to those movements. It's no surprise that it also happened to make it's way into the most popular of the bunch to spring up from Roman occupation and an exploitative priestly class.
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The three Abrahamic faiths are very similar in many ways.

One eternal God
Keep the Sabbath
Read the Torah
Follow the Law as given to Moses (includes things like giving and caring for widows and orphans)

One eternal God
Giving to charity
Pilgrimage to Mecca

One eternal God (Father/Son/Holy Spirit are all one)
Belief that Jesus was the Son of God who died for all mankind's sins
Give to charity with a joyful heart (Especially for widows and orphans)
Keep the Sabbath (Christians worship mostly on Sunday)

The three religions all trace their roots back to Abraham. They all worship the God that Abraham worshipped. However, Muslims trace their heritage to Abraham through Ishmael and Jews and Christians through Isaac. I think this fact creates more friction between the religions. It's like three siblings fighting over what their Father told them to do and each one heard something different. In most cases the differences are slight. In other cases, like the idea of Jesus as the Savior of mankind, the difference is almost insurmountable. We are all from the same Father though and so, while it is difficult, we should all strive to love one another. That is what Jesus taught as one of the core values we should strive for.

Glitch, your words express what is in my heart.
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I find that odd for him to use a symbol of Christ to remember his grandfather who was supposedly killed by followers of Christ. Not doubting your story, just find that portion curious.

I don't know that he could even explain that to himself.
While this is true, it doesn't make religion wrong. It's just a reminder of the fallenness of man and how they can abuse even things that are good. The New Testament does not support killing people in the name of the gospel. But the wickedness of man is seen very clearly in their abuse of even things that are good.

It does make that splitting of religious hairs ending in death totally wrong.
The many many versions of the Bible across many language translations has to have changed the words.

Follow the 10 Commandments
Judge not lest thou be judged
Love thy neighbor as thyself
Don't criticize your brother for how he inteprets the Bible (Romans)

That's my religious intent in a nutshell.
For me anything else is splitting hairs.
It does make that splitting of religious hairs ending in death totally wrong.
The many many versions of the Bible across many language translations has to have changed the words.

Follow the 10 Commandments
Judge not lest thou be judged
Love thy neighbor as thyself
Don't criticize your brother for how he inteprets the Bible (Romans)

That's my religious intent in a nutshell.
For me anything else is splitting hairs.

And you are welcome to believe whatever you want to believe.
My friend's father was witness to his father's murder by the missionaries. It was in the late 40s in Viet Nam.

No I was not saying that you would perpetuate such an atrocity.

Merely pointing out that man has used religious zeal to give credence to their crimes.
All religions are man made therefore not perfect.

What bothers me the most is your evident zeal to persecute other Christian denominations. You say that Catholics are wrong over some piddly verbage.

I feel confident that Jesus didn't intend that. "Love your neighbor as yourself" seems to have plum evaded many...

Not much changed between then and the Viet Nam Era when Madame Nhu called the buddhist monks who self-immolated in protest 'barbecue' and said, "Let them burn and we shall clap our hands."

Her husband (technically in charge and our ally *cringe* before he died *another cringe*) equated Buddhism with 'foreignness' radicalism, and communism and Christianity with Patriotism. IOW, in both the Dragon Lady's and her husbands eyes to be Vietnamese was synonymous with being Christian and if you were anything else you were suspect and likely to be abused by the state with little recourse if you made the wrong person angry.
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Hey Bass,

If you are Protestant and I am Catholic, should we meet at The Waffle house to settle this?


You grew up Baptist and are now Catholic, right? Aren't you really a Protestolic or maybe a Catholestant? Either way, a Texas Cheesesteak and hashbrowns, scattered covered and topped wouldn't go amiss IMO.
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