Oh no doubt, I mentioned them in my post. It's all such a scam. It's an incredible disservice to the human race the way these pharmaceutical companies profit off of medicating illnesses instead of actually curing them. But there's no money in curing diseases. The money is in medicating people over and over and over and over. Putting them on 5 different pills they take twice a day for the rest of their lives. Most which have multiple side effects that require even more medicines.
And god forbid marijuana is legal, a plant that grows naturally and is a fantastic drug for many different illnesses. But they can't control it, they don't have patents, it can be grown in any backyard in america. That's a big problem for them. So let's continue to make Americans afraid of it..."It's a gateway drug", "It's addictive!", "we don't know the long term affects!", "It's evil!" "It ruins generations of lives!". All complete bs.