there is no flexibility at all. He's built this house of "truths", and if one truth is false, everything will come crashing down.
this. people in general are not to be trusted. and while i respect Bass's position and belieft structure, the one thing i've never been able to reconcile is, while i believe in God and Jesus Christ, everything we know about it has come from the writings or speaches of men.
and it's been interpreted over thousands of years by other men. and taught by other men. the reason we have so many denominations of the christian faith is because of man's interpreations of 'the word' and the differences men wound up having with the prevailing christian wisdom of the time.....sometimes it was for good reason, sometimes not, and yet for some, it just isn't what suited them. and all of them believe their interpretation is correct.
and they'll all tell you that it's not an interpretation, but the word of God, and it's infaliable. then there's all the other religions of the world, who the most devout believe similarly about their belief structures. and they believe that the other religions got it wrong.
so i always come back to either everyone's right, or everyone's wrong, and Bass's pancake batter analogy aside, i doubt seriously the subjects of those comparisons would agree with the analogy that was made. cause in the eyes of those most devout, most rigid in their belief structure, there's definitley no room for the other guy being right, in any way shape or form. so, we move to everyone's wrong. i mean you have radical muslims that believe so devoutly in what they've been taught, they'll strap a bomb to their chest to make their point. had the christian crusades. you had nazis....
which is why there's been more war and corruption in the name of religion than anything else in our world's history. it's why it's used as a devisive tool in politics today in our country.
it's a tool used to divide people. and you can see it being played out here in this thread. it's really sad, when in general, the whole point is simply to be good to one another, be charitable, and treat people like you'd expect to be treated.
the rest...........well, how much do you trust "people" to get this big a thing right??? really?
all that said, religion can be good, if sought out for the right reason.