Recruiting Forum Off Topic Thread III

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*some Jews. Remember, the NT was written by Jews. The first Christians were Jewish, including the thousands saved on the day of Pentecost and the time after. The gospel would spread to the Gentiles, yes, but Christianity started with a group of Jews. All of the apostles were Jews, for example.

Much of the NT was probably written originally in a form of Greek spoken by the Jewish diaspora in the Near East at the time (ie Paul). But the original gospels (Matt, Mark, Luke, John), were almost certainly originally Aramaic, IF those contemporaries of Jesus were the true sources. The disciples likely would have spoken some Koine Greek, but being the regular Joes they were and not particularly learned, the text would likely have been transcribed into the Greek (for it's intended audiences in Greek-speaking areas) by a scholar/scribe.
Somehow my wife keeps getting this creationism magazine, Acts and Facts, that does all it can to debunk science every issue. Like the age of the earth, dinosaurs, the Ark, etc. It's fascinating to read.
It's interesting stuff. I'm not an expert there, but one thing I have learned is that the dating of the earth is based upon a lot of assumptions. Assumptions that, if there was a global flood for example, would be false assumptions. If those are false assumptions, then everything that secular scientists believe about rock layers for example would be incorrect.
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Organized religion is not bad. Just because some have abused the title "Christian" doesn't mean organized religion is bad. Christ called His apostles and commanded them to start churches. That's what they did, everywhere they went. Hebrews 10:25 even says that we are not to forsake assembling ourselves together. Galatians 6 says that the church is to come together and bear each other's burdens. We can't hope to live the Christian life alone. I encourage you to find a bible teaching church. It'll be good for you as a Christian.

Islamic is organized religion...isn't it?
Of course not. But I'm not sure what you're getting at here or why that's a question. I believe the entire bible to be the infallible word of God.

Some questions are asked simply to hear the answer Bass, I'm not "getting at" anything. I disagree with the rigidity of your hard truths in your perception of Christianity, but I'm still curious what has created it.
Some questions are asked simply to hear the answer Bass, I'm not "getting at" anything. I disagree with the rigidity of your hard truths in your perception of Christianity, but I'm still curious what has created it.
there is no flexibility at all. He's built this house of "truths", and if one truth is false, everything will come crashing down.
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That's partially true. Judaism of Christ's day had become extremely corrupted. They had begun to teach that salvation was on the basis of works in keeping not only the law but also oral and written tradition. The Old Testament didn't teach that. Paul demonstrates this in Romans 4 when he shows by quoting Genesis 15:6 that Abraham was justified by faith alone and not on the basis of works of the law. But yes, they had to abandon the Judaism of the day. But, Jesus is the promised Messiah in the Old Testament. The Jews were waiting for their Messiah, and He came, and He came in fulfillment of Isaiah 53, 61, and Psalm 22 and others, fulfilling all of the OT prophecies in Himself, even things He had no control over. He called them to receive Him as the Messiah and thus be saved.

Isn't it interesting that just a few years later, in AD 70, the Romans sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and, in affect, they destroyed Judaism for all of their sacrificial system ended on that day when they lost the temple. Obviously that makes sense, because the sacrifices in the OT pointed to the one perfect sacrifice of Christ. When He came, there was no need for sacrifices any longer for the one sacrifice had finally come.

Romans 9-11 teaches us that there is still hope for the nation of Israel.

Well yes as the story goes. He came for those that were in his sphere of influence and for those that chose to believe he was indeed the messiah. Kinda sucks when your messiah gets crucified but hey, that's the Jewish lot I guess. Of course they got a get out of jail free card:

“The deliverer will come from Zion;
he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
27 And this is[ae] my covenant with them
when I take away their sins.”[af]

They are set. Guess they get different rules than the gentiles. My bad.
I guess you're mocking my comments about the flood and the ark? I mean, if you don't think Noah could have fit the animals on the ark, go and read the info for yourself and try to debunk it. Again, I'm not an expert in that area.
I just would love to see a man trying to herd a couple lions, which I guess are in the middle east somehow, by this poor guy, while the lions are surrounded by "food", etc. The whole routine involved is somewhere between fascinating and comical.
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there is no flexibility at all. He's built this house of "truths", and if one truth is false, everything will come crashing down.
Only one false. That is a rejection of Christ. You can disagree with me on many other subjects and nothing crashes. Disagree on the person and work of Christ, and yes, everything falls. Because it all stands on Him. I'm not sure why that's difficult to see. He's either the only way or He's not a way at all.
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