Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I came away from 2020 with sinful feelings of resentment and anger. Strong emotions that I wont allow to pervade in my life. Ultimately I have 1\300,000,000th effect on change. Not burying my head in sand, but, im also not taking 1 second away from my life to give it any more energy.
Hey man, I used to be the same way with football in my younger years (losses would effect me emotionally etc) and had to pull back momentarily to gain perspective. Life truly is about moderation in all ways.
I think if we were all to get together and have a nice conversation, maybe with a pint or two of the Lords nectar we’d probably find we agree on more than disagree on what at the end of the day should be common sense approaches that lead to equity of opportunity (not outcome) for all. I think @Glitch would agree with me that most folks with my type of opinions find politics and especially politicians distasteful, however we feel the need to be outspoken because the feckless useful idiots are doing everything to empower and enrich themselves to the detriment of the regular folks in this country (I.e. flyover country).

"We" send the least qualified people to Washington to lead our country because few people of real intelligence want to be involved in the distasteful business of politics. "We" need to stop sending the same idiots to Washington cycle after cycle and get some actual people that know what they are doing in the real world to spend a term or two and then return to their real business. Term limits is a big part of the answer IMO.
"We" send the least qualified people to Washington to lead our country because few people of real intelligence want to be involved in the distasteful business of politics. "We" need to stop sending the same idiots to Washington cycle after cycle and get some actual people that know what they are doing in the real world to spend a term or two and then return to their real business. Term limits is a big part of the answer IMO.
Ain't that the truth. Even when we send what seems to a qualified person and within 60 days they're corrupted by the political system.

I think it's hilarious how we accept average people going to Washington and becoming rich in one term.
Ain't that the truth. Even when we send what seems to a qualified person and within 60 days they're corrupted by the political system.

I think it's hilarious how we accept average people going to Washington and becoming rich in one term.
I always ask why someone would have to raise millions of $$$ for a 120k/yr job...
Prices are out of control. Rental entities (many foreign owned) and 2nd/3rd home owners are driving up prices, along with natural growth. Buying up everything available. The bust is coming I'd say...if not just a slower downward movement...this is too far from sustainable.
My wife works for the largest mortgage insurer as a senior underwriter. They underwrite the home loans they insure.
They surge on housing has been all about the interest rates. It's the cheapest money you can borrow right now. The rules for buying second homes and investment properties has tightened up.

Thank goodness most mortgage lenders and insurers learned their lessons after 2008. They have the capital to cover defaults. The lower priced inventory got snapped up fast.

My wife says most of the people buying in that price range have been people that make $30 or $40 grand a year that can afford a mortgage on a $100-150,000 house at a 2.5% interest rate. PITI for most of them is under $1200.

The problem right now is the cost of building. Inventory is down and construction costs are up.

Any builders on here? How is the supply chain? I've got a good friend that owns a cabinet company outside of Atlanta. He can barely get what he needs to finish the jobs Innis pipeline right now.
At least the south has Jesus. That is a good fall back option.
Jesus is a good first option (if you are into that kind of thing)

The issues with education in the south are hard to ignore though. Hell, there are still people on this site that will tell you that the Civil War wasn't about slavery and the Missouri Compromise and still fly the battle flag of treason.
The skills gap issue is nationwide, not just the South, and that is our top issue. That is cultural as a nation where we’ve told everyone that the only path to success is a 4 year degree (for 3 generations now)

We need MORE vocational training and less standardized testing. I know more waiters with college degrees and high school graduates that are business owners than the other way around.
All I'll say to that is I can't get anyone with a pulse to show up for less than $15.00/hr. The minimum wage is absolutely meaningless and has been for a while. Anyone with the slightest skill set makes $18-$20.

Also, I don't know of any cops or firefighters that make that little either.
Doesn't the market determine the pay scale? If people won't work for that amount, then raise the amount offered.
Isn't that how the free market works? I'm not big into economics like I was when I taught it.
"We" send the least qualified people to Washington to lead our country because few people of real intelligence want to be involved in the distasteful business of politics. "We" need to stop sending the same idiots to Washington cycle after cycle and get some actual people that know what they are doing in the real world to spend a term or two and then return to their real business. Term limits is a big part of the answer IMO.
Doesn't the market determine the pay scale? If people won't work for that amount, then raise the amount offered.
Isn't that how the free market works? I'm not big into economics like I was when I taught it.

It does, but the government paying "enhanced" unemployment benefits is keeping people home when employers are screaming for workers to come back. The government is artificially deflating the supply of workers while the demand is going through the roof. Companies that are paying a premium for employees now may find themselves with extremely over compensated employees a year from now and either have to lay them off and re-hire people at a non-inflated wage rate or raise their prices to compensate. I said it earlier, the bottom line will not be impacted. We are having to do it in my business. Steel is through the roof, so we are raising our prices. We are a union facility so our labor rates have not changed.
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We need MORE vocational training and less standardized testing. I know more waiters with college degrees and high school graduates that are business owners than the other way around.
Where else can you get a loan for something like a college degree with no return on investment expectation? It’s a grift and we are giving degrees out in areas that are useless while underfilling areas like engineering which we are now working at bringing foreign workers to fill. This is a completely broken system.

With all the pics and adventures from out West, I’d like to share a new video (Wind River range Wyoming) from my favorite YouTube backpacker David Gray. He’s from Indiana, and just a normal guy which I think makes his videos so enjoyable. He has a background in photography that makes his videos visually spectacular. Also has several hikes across Tennessee and is how I first “discovered” him. Hope you guys enjoy!
Jesus is a good first option (if you are into that kind of thing)

The issues with education in the south are hard to ignore though. Hell, there are still people on this site that will tell you that the Civil War wasn't about slavery and the Missouri Compromise and still fly the battle flag of treason.

I thought the Civil War was about Captain America and Iron Man having a difference of opinion on legislation keeping The Avengers in check. Then they dragged everyone else into and made them choose sides. Is that not right?
I thought the Civil War was about Captain America and Iron Man having a difference of opinion on legislation keeping The Avengers in check. Then they dragged everyone else into and made them choose sides. Is that not right?
I saw a post where someone tried to explain the political ideologies of the choices Captain America and Iron Man made, and they got it completely backwards (all I'll say to keep it close to non political)

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