Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Yeah. Like getting them back to work? You cannot throw a rock around here without hitting a job. Why would they need enhanced unemployment benefits if they are employed. GO TO WORK!!!
If someone is able to work then they need to do so. The benefits were to help during an unprecedented time. Theyre no longer needed.

There, I said it.
This doesnt resolve issue of low wages.

What a Zollicofer.

What low wages? My daughter (16) works in a pizza joint and makes close to $12 per hour with tips. If a 16 year old can make $12 per hour then anyone with skills or education or both can surely find a job making over $20. The problem is that people want to get paid a wage that is not warranted by the skills required to perform their job. McDonald's requires very little skill but their employees expect to be paid $15 per hour or more. Why? A job is trading your effort for a fair wage. If your job does not require effort, why should you be able to demand more than your job is worth?
This doesnt resolve issue of low wages.

What a Zollicofer.
Jack, in a capitalist society there will always be low wage earners, that's the way it is. If set a low point and say that's a "living wage" then inflation will compensate and make that new wage virtually the same as the old wage. When you pay a guy $20/hr to flip burgers, you end up paying $10 for a big Mac. When you pay a guy $20/hr to flip burgers, then the skilled HVAC guy that was making $20/hr now needs $30/hr. That means when you call the guy to fix your AC you're paying him $90/hr instead of the $60 you were paying last year. Low wages are always relative.
What low wages? My daughter (16) works in a pizza joint and makes close to $12 per hour with tips. If a 16 year old can make $12 per hour then anyone with skills or education or both can surely find a job making over $20. The problem is that people want to get paid a wage that is not warranted by the skills required to perform their job. McDonald's requires very little skill but their employees expect to be paid $15 per hour or more. Why? A job is trading your effort for a fair wage. If your job does not require effort, why should you be able to demand more than your job is worth?
Fed Min wage has been stuck at $7.25 for 12 years. Now, I'm NOT for a blanket $15 across the board increase. I truly believe the McDonalds of world are offering a competitive salary for a non skilled worker at $12 per hour.

I think skilled laborers, teachers, firemen, police men, Sheriff's Deputies who arent making that should get a pay bump, if they arent making that.

I dont think Fed needs to increase to $15, but perhaps to $10, which may bring up those $8-9 PH jobs to $10-12.

Inflation has already happened.
Jack, in a capitalist society there will always be low wage earners, that's the way it is. If set a low point and say that's a "living wage" then inflation will compensate and make that new wage virtually the same as the old wage. When you pay a guy $20/hr to flip burgers, you end up paying $10 for a big Mac. When you pay a guy $20/hr to flip burgers, then the skilled HVAC guy that was making $20/hr now needs $30/hr. That means when you call the guy to fix your AC you're paying him $90/hr instead of the $60 you were paying last year. Low wages are always relative.
see above☝🏻
I'm good with the middle part of this...I believe in a large federal Gov't and 100% large that we have to build out into the Atlantic Ocean. No more water, only Brawndo.

Seriously, I would like to see Jeff Bezos driving a used Tesla in future, that would make me happy.
Gotta pay off that $500 mil yacht he’s building.
Fed Min wage has been stuck at $7.25 for 12 years. Now, I'm NOT for a blanket $15 across the board increase. I truly believe the McDonalds of world are offering a competitive salary for a non skilled worker at $12 per hour.

I think skilled laborers, teachers, firemen, police men, Sheriff's Deputies who arent making that should get a pay bump, if they arent making that.

I dont think Fed needs to increase to $15, but perhaps to $10, which may bring up those $8-9 PH jobs to $10-12.

Inflation has already happened.
All I'll say to that is I can't get anyone with a pulse to show up for less than $15.00/hr. The minimum wage is absolutely meaningless and has been for a while. Anyone with the slightest skill set makes $18-$20.

Also, I don't know of any cops or firefighters that make that little either.
All I'll say to that is I can't get anyone with a pulse to show up for less than $15.00/hr. The minimum wage is absolutely meaningless and has been for a while. Anyone with the slightest skill set makes $18-$20.

Also, I don't know of any cops or firefighters that make that little either.
seems like profits have gone up, for insurance providers, big businesses, etc. costs have risen. the only constant are the low wages.

I understand $15 is high for burger flippers, but, $8-9 is too low right now, even in TN.
seems like profits have gone up, for insurance providers, big businesses, etc. costs have risen. the only constant are the low wages.

I understand $15 is high for burger flippers, but, $8-9 is too low right now, even in TN.
Drive by any fast food joint. They're begging for people to work. I've not seen anything on their signs for less than $12. Many offering a $200 signing bonus. Nobody is paying Less than $10.
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There was a sign at the Wal-Mart near my house advertising starting pay at $20 per hour. I apologize to anyone that works at Wal-Mart, but the skills required to work at Wal-Mart do not warrant $20 per hour. @InVOLuntary mention it earlier but if you start having to pay unskilled labor a higher wage then the skilled or educated work force will demand higher wages too. The best way for employees to get better wages is to use the one thing that nobody else has... their effort. If you work for Amazon and feel you should be paid more then go find another job making more money. Now is a prime opportunity to do just that. If Bozos can't find enough employees at $15 / hr then he will be forced to raise the wages. Although that will just raise the costs of the goods he sells because the bottom line will not be allowed to suffer because labor costs go up.
Fed Min wage has been stuck at $7.25 for 12 years. Now, I'm NOT for a blanket $15 across the board increase. I truly believe the McDonalds of world are offering a competitive salary for a non skilled worker at $12 per hour.

I think skilled laborers, teachers, firemen, police men, Sheriff's Deputies who arent making that should get a pay bump, if they arent making that.

I dont think Fed needs to increase to $15, but perhaps to $10, which may bring up those $8-9 PH jobs to $10-12.

Inflation has already happened.
Read Thomas Sewell and Walter Williams on minimum wages laws. Both gentleman are amazingly brilliant and their writings are gamechangers.
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Read Thomas Sewell and Walter Williams on minimum wages laws. Both gentleman are amazingly brilliant and their writings are gamechangers.
i used to read political stuff, till 2020. promised myself for various reasons to take a break from it all. i was eating and breathing it.

prob similarly to how you guys feel currently, ive felt for 4 years. appreciate the suggestion, and, Im all about self betterment. but ill pass.

fwiw i even read 'Art of the Deal'. 🤦🏼‍♂️ well made it about 100 pages in before the materialism and megalomania made me feel dirty and sick. also read Scooter Libby's accounts of Dubya's administration. I want to know why...

unfortunately for 45 there is no logical explanation.
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i used to read political stuff, till 2020. promised myself for various reasons to take a break from it all. i was eating and breathing it.

prob similarly to how you guys feel currently, ive felt for 4 years. appreciate the suggestion, and, Im all about self betterment. but ill pass.

fwiw i even read 'Art of the Deal'. 🤦🏼‍♂️ well made it about 100 pages in before the materialism and megalomania made me feel dirty and sick. also read Scooter Libby's accounts of Dubya's administration. I want to know why...

unfortunately for 45 there is no logical explanation.

It’s not political, they’re both economists. Sowell was a Marxist which does make it more interesting.
What low wages? My daughter (16) works in a pizza joint and makes close to $12 per hour with tips. If a 16 year old can make $12 per hour then anyone with skills or education or both can surely find a job making over $20. The problem is that people want to get paid a wage that is not warranted by the skills required to perform their job. McDonald's requires very little skill but their employees expect to be paid $15 per hour or more. Why? A job is trading your effort for a fair wage. If your job does not require effort, why should you be able to demand more than your job is worth?
Going to call in to that pizza place and demand a sit in, fair wages! I'm kidding, going to call in two large pizzas, half cheese, half zollicofer.
Going to call in to that pizza place and demand a sit in, fair wages! I'm kidding, going to call in two large pizzas, half cheese, half zollicofer.

ok i'll check it out

I think if we were all to get together and have a nice conversation, maybe with a pint or two of the Lords nectar we’d probably find we agree on more than disagree on what at the end of the day should be common sense approaches that lead to equity of opportunity (not outcome) for all. I think @Glitch would agree with me that most folks with my type of opinions find politics and especially politicians distasteful, however we feel the need to be outspoken because the feckless useful idiots are doing everything to empower and enrich themselves to the detriment of the regular folks in this country (I.e. flyover country).
I think if we were all to get together and have a nice conversation, maybe with a pint or two of the Lords nectar we’d probably find we agree on more than disagree on what at the end of the day should be common sense approaches that lead to equity of opportunity (not outcome) for all. I think @Glitch would agree with me that most folks with my type of opinions find politics and especially politicians distasteful, however we feel the need to be outspoken because the feckless useful idiots are doing everything to empower and enrich themselves to the detriment of the regular folks in this country (I.e. flyover country).
I came away from 2020 with sinful feelings of resentment and anger. Strong emotions that I wont allow to pervade in my life. Ultimately I have 1\300,000,000th effect on change. Not burying my head in sand, but, im also not taking 1 second away from my life to give it any more energy.

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