No need for guns. . . the world is safe.
A close friend of mine got a knock on his door at 11p one night. He walked from his room, down the hallway, and to the front door. He turned the deadbolt to unlock the door. The burglars heard the lock and shot, point blank, through the door with a shotgun, into my friend's chest.
He died instantly.
The burglars entered. Seconds later, they shot his father's fiance, who was sleeping in a recliner in the living room.
She died moments later.
His dad heard the attack from his bedroom. He grabbed his 9mm from beside his bed and moved to the door. Quickly peering down the hallway from his bedroom door, he saw 2 burglars coming toward him. He fired several shots, killing one burglar on the spot and wounding the other in the hip.
Hours later, the 2nd burglar was apprehended as he attempted to visit Blount Memorial emergency room, complaining of an injury from an earlier car accident.
The murderers had followed his dad home, after seeing him pick up a prescription at Walgreens. They waited until night and attempted the robbery. They had previously known my friend's family and knew the father was a disabled veteran, receiving pain meds.
This happened in Seymour/South Knoxville, only a few years ago.