Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Firearms in your home is one thing. Being so scared of the world that you take one with you to the grocery store “just in case” is, what’s that term that so many on here like to use....ah yes....beta.

Saying that carrying a firearm in public because of what might happen is unnecessary or...."beta" (lol) is ridiculously obtuse. You either have FAR TOO MUCH faith in humanity as a WHOLE or just have zero understanding of the grey area that real life is lived in. There are complete wacko nut jobs in the world. They do not wear scarlet letters and inform the other citizens of there whereabouts every day. You have no idea when and where you could run into them. Being prepared to protect your life and the life of your family on that one unfortunate day that you are unlucky enough to be in the path of a lunatic is not "beta" or "scared" or "overcompensation for inadequacies" or any other ignorant reasoning you have laid out. It is simply being prepared.
I don't think guns are the problem. It's the lack of training about guns. Saying no guns is like teaching abstinence instead of using birth control.

It is super easy to buy illegal guns though. I could get one in a few hours if I wanted. I don't carry because of my PTSD. Hyper vigilance is a mofo, especially when you were raised to hit first and as violently as possible and as publicly as possible to send a message to others.
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I’m glad you understand that.

Do you honestly think people like me are just running around causing those deaths or people who carry illegally are causing the deaths while committing crimes? We all know the answer.

You keep getting confused on what we’re talking about here.

I have no problem with guns. Idk why you keep bringing up the legality of guns. My argument the whole time has been that relatively speaking (like vs accidental falls), guns don’t kill that many people per year. About 14k are homicides. Meaning someone who carries their gun while walking around the grocery store is hilarious and absurd to me.

My argument isn’t against guns. It’s certainly not that they should be outlawed or anything. It’s just that carrying one 100% of the time in everyday, regular life, makes you scared of the world.

Suicides are way more of a problem. But that’s a whole other topic.
Saying that carrying a firearm in public because of what might happen is unnecessary or...."beta" (lol) is ridiculously obtuse. You either have FAR TOO MUCH faith in humanity as a WHOLE or just have zero understanding of the grey area that real life is lived in. There are complete wacko nut jobs in the world. They do not wear scarlet letters and inform the other citizens of there whereabouts every day. You have no idea when and where you could run into them. Being prepared to protect your life and the life of your family on that one unfortunate day that you are unlucky enough to be in the path of a lunatic is not "beta" or "scared" or "overcompensation for inadequacies" or any other ignorant reasoning you have laid out. It is simply being prepared.

Then do you carry parachutes? Or pillows to throw on the ground in case someone in your family accidentally falls? Accidental falls kill more people each year than guns. Why are you only concerned vs others and not vs other conceivably preventable risks that have a much more likely chance of happening?
You keep getting confused on what we’re talking about here.

I have no problem with guns. Idk why you keep bringing up the legality of guns. My argument the whole time has been that relatively speaking (like vs accidental falls), guns don’t kill that many people per year. About 14k are homicides. Meaning someone who carries their gun while walking around the grocery store is hilarious and absurd to me.

My argument isn’t against guns. It’s certainly not that they should be outlawed or anything. It’s just that carrying one 100% of the time in everyday, regular life, makes you scared of the world.

Suicides are way more of a problem. But that’s a whole other topic.
If carrying a gun makes one feel safer, so be it. It doesn't mean they're scared of the world. It means they'd rather be prepared just in case. We live in a crazy world where crazy things happen.

And ftr, I don't even own a gun.
You keep getting confused on what we’re talking about here.

I have no problem with guns. Idk why you keep bringing up the legality of guns. My argument the whole time has been that relatively speaking (like vs accidental falls), guns don’t kill that many people per year. About 14k are homicides. Meaning someone who carries their gun while walking around the grocery store is hilarious and absurd to me.

My argument isn’t against guns. It’s certainly not that they should be outlawed or anything. It’s just that carrying one 100% of the time in everyday, regular life, makes you scared of the world.

Suicides are way more of a problem. But that’s a whole other topic.
You are correct, I did think you were saying firearms should be outlawed. But your opinion on carrying one is wrong. You will eventually run into a bad situation and be thankful you have a firearm. I hope you don’t find out the hard way.
Then do you carry parachutes? Or pillows to throw on the ground in case someone in your family accidentally falls? Accidental falls kill more people each year than guns. Why are you only concerned vs others and not vs other conceivably preventable risks that have a much more likely chance of happening?

So you have no intelligence to understand the difference between a fall that I have direct control over. I can control where I got and where I step and how much attention I pay to dangerous situations. But if I am pumping gas and a dude pulls up to the pump next to me and decides to pull out a gun.....I could have done something to prevent that on the front end? Look it is obvious you are either trolling or have your head dug in the sand on the conversation that is happening so there is really no need to discuss things back and forth. Your points lack any credibility but you have every right to leave your head buried. Just dig some holes to help you breathe.
Then do you carry parachutes? Or pillows to throw on the ground in case someone in your family accidentally falls? Accidental falls kill more people each year than guns. Why are you only concerned vs others and not vs other conceivably preventable risks that have a much more likely chance of happening?
Carrying a concealed weapon isn't a hinderance to life.
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You are correct, I did think you were saying firearms should be outlawed. But your opinion on carrying one is wrong. You will eventually run into a bad situation and be thankful you have a firearm. I hope you don’t find out the hard way.

I just wanted to make sure you didn’t think I was talking about outlawing them.

And true, it could happen. It’s just as likely I get hit by a car while crossing the street. I’ll take my chances.
The thing that makes this country great is we all have the right to choose.
I believe homosexuality is a sin but that doesn’t mean that someone shouldn’t be able to partake in that lifestyle if that’s their choice. Same should be said for concealed carry or vaccinations.
My beliefs are no more or no less important than the next person.
The thing that makes this country great is we all have the right to choose.
I believe homosexuality is a sin but that doesn’t mean that someone shouldn’t be able to partake in that lifestyle if that’s their choice. Same should be said for concealed carry or vaccinations.
My beliefs are no more or no less important than the next person.
That's all great till loons try to take our right to defend ourselves away..from both the government and individuals.
I just wanted to make sure you didn’t think I was talking about outlawing them.

And true, it could happen. It’s just as likely I get hit by a car while crossing the street. I’ll take my chances.

It's funny to me how much of a line you draw with regards to carrying. You buy insurance, right? You wear seatbelts? You surely see the value of keeping a fire extinguisher near your kitchen. Concealed carriers have prevented scores of violent situations from becoming much worse than they were. It's prevention, nothing else. The fact that I can't stop certain kinds of accidents doesn't prevent me from preparing for the ones I can.

I'm a former Army enlisted and officer. Raising your right hand and swearing to defend our country and constitution, even unto death, seems pretty un-beta to me. Serving and training both as enlisted and officer was probably the least beta thing I've ever participated in. So I'm beta now because I carry? I don't know how old you are or how big you are, but I assure you, I don't need a gun to rumble with you.

I carry because I can. I carry because it empowers me to help others who may not be able to defend themselves, from situations that require it. I carry as a responsibility. I do not carry because I'm afraid. I have been in multiple situations where I was happy I had a weapon on me, but by God's grace I've never had to use it, and hopefully I never will. My daughter's father-in-law was robbed at gunpoint in Knoxville, there's one I know first hand. My wife narrowly missed being in an armed robbery at the Walgreen's in downtown Gray. Pretty dang safe place, and yet, stuff happens.

You don't want to carry? Perfectly fine. I won't criticize you for failing to exercise a right that could save the life of someone other than yourself, but please extend to me the same courtesy for choosing to.
Firearms in your home is one thing. Being so scared of the world that you take one with you to the grocery store “just in case” is, what’s that term that so many on here like to use....ah yes....beta.
The good thing is you do not get to determine who and where people can carry their guns or how many they can have. I guess if you ever need help you can always call a social worker
It's funny to me how much of a line you draw with regards to carrying. You buy insurance, right? You wear seatbelts? You surely see the value of keeping a fire extinguisher near your kitchen. Concealed carriers have prevented scores of violent situations from becoming much worse than they were. It's prevention, nothing else. The fact that I can't stop certain kinds of accidents doesn't prevent me from preparing for the ones I can.

I'm a former Army enlisted and officer. Raising your right hand and swearing to defend our country and constitution, even unto death, seems pretty un-beta to me. Serving and training both as enlisted and officer was probably the least beta thing I've ever participated in. So I'm beta now because I carry? I don't know how old you are or how big you are, but I assure you, I don't need a gun to rumble with you.

I carry because I can. I carry because it empowers me to help others who may not be able to defend themselves, from situations that require it. I carry as a responsibility. I do not carry because I'm afraid. I have been in multiple situations where I was happy I had a weapon on me, but by God's grace I've never had to use it, and hopefully I never will. My daughter's father-in-law was robbed at gunpoint in Knoxville, there's one I know first hand. My wife narrowly missed being in an armed robbery at the Walgreen's in downtown Gray. Pretty dang safe place, and yet, stuff happens.

You don't want to carry? Perfectly fine. I won't criticize you for failing to exercise a right that could save the life of someone other than yourself, but please extend to me the same courtesy for choosing to.

Thank you for your service. I am amazed and in awe of those who choose to make the ultimate sacrifice and serve this country. Sincerely, thank you.

But insurance isn’t the same thing as carrying a gun. There are stats that show how often insurance is used. Show me the stats of how many citizens carrying have prevented crimes from being worse.

I wear a seat belt? Yes. That’s like not walking down a dark alley, not carrying a gun everywhere I go. Carrying a gun is more like driving a monster truck instead of a regular vehicle so if there’s an accident they’ll only crash into your tires and you’ll remain safe. Do you drive a monster truck? If you do and you’re in fact the wheel man behind Grave Digger then my apologies, you brought me much joy in my childhood.

You guys keep arguing saying it’s “being prepared”. So I am to assume that other things that are much more deadly than guns or knives or these other threats that y’all apparently run into everyday, that you prepare for those? You all eat healthy, nutritious diets and exercise on a daily basis to minimize your risk factors of heart disease? Maintain healthy weights? You never drink or smoke or go outside without sunscreen bc you don’t want cancer, the #2 killer of us Americans?

I’m in no way anti-gun but if it was really about protecting others then wouldn’t you want *less* guns around? Suicide is a much bigger problem than gun crime.

So I don’t buy “it’s for safety and prevention” if you’re carrying a gun *everywhere* you go.
The good thing is you do not get to determine who and where people can carry their guns or how many they can have. I guess if you ever need help you can always call a social worker

The good thing is you do not get to determine how I feel on a subject. Nor whether I speak about it.

Why tf would I need to call social worker? Show me where I said cops shouldn’t carry? Or I said anything about cops at all? Reading comprehension. Reading. Comprehension.

I don’t want to take your guns. I don’t want guns outlawed. I don’t want conceal carry outlawed (although you should have to pass some seriously strict regulations to carry IMO).
The good thing is you do not get to determine how I feel on a subject. Nor whether I speak about it.

Why tf would I need to call social worker? Show me where I said cops shouldn’t carry? Or I said anything about cops at all? Reading comprehension. Reading. Comprehension.

I don’t want to take your guns. I don’t want guns outlawed. I don’t want conceal carry outlawed (although you should have to pass some seriously strict regulations to carry IMO).
I could careless how you feel but its none of your business who carries and what reason they carry for. Its our constitutional right. The problem with your thought process is ,criminals do not pass seriously strict regulations to carry, whatever that is suppose to mean anyways. Inform us what these seriously strict regulations are. So you only think you should have a gun at home in case someone breaks in your house ?
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Thank you for your service. I am amazed and in awe of those who choose to make the ultimate sacrifice and serve this country. Sincerely, thank you.

But insurance isn’t the same thing as carrying a gun. There are stats that show how often insurance is used. Show me the stats of how many citizens carrying have prevented crimes from being worse.

I wear a seat belt? Yes. That’s like not walking down a dark alley, not carrying a gun everywhere I go. Carrying a gun is more like driving a monster truck instead of a regular vehicle so if there’s an accident they’ll only crash into your tires and you’ll remain safe. Do you drive a monster truck? If you do and you’re in fact the wheel man behind Grave Digger then my apologies, you brought me much joy in my childhood.

You guys keep arguing saying it’s “being prepared”. So I am to assume that other things that are much more deadly than guns or knives or these other threats that y’all apparently run into everyday, that you prepare for those? You all eat healthy, nutritious diets and exercise on a daily basis to minimize your risk factors of heart disease? Maintain healthy weights? You never drink or smoke or go outside without sunscreen bc you don’t want cancer, the #2 killer of us Americans?

I’m in no way anti-gun but if it was really about protecting others then wouldn’t you want *less* guns around? Suicide is a much bigger problem than gun crime.

So I don’t buy “it’s for safety and prevention” if you’re carrying a gun *everywhere* you go.

I haven't had been in a car accident in 40 years, I still would maintain insurance even if not required. I have never had a house fire, but I keep an extinguisher in the pantry. It isn't a function of likelihood of occurrence, but severity if it does. And it's easy. My CCW is a small .380 in a wallet sized pocket holster. It takes literally 2 seconds to put in my pocket, less time than buckling my seat belt. It's virtually undetectable when I'm carrying. Why wouldn't I carry it everywhere I legally can? I don't notice it and neither does anyone else, but I have it if I need it. Like insurance. I carry without a single thought of it. No more interesting than my cell phone, wallet, or keys.

I've seen numerous discussions of probable mass shootings deterred by private citizens with CCPs, but I'm not gonna get in a stat war because it doesn't change either person's opinion. This was an interesting article though: Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events

As for nobody having guns? Sounds good, save one aspect: it greatly shifts the balance against physically weaker people, women and seniors. And ironically, the places with the strictest gun laws are often the most violent (looking at you, Chicago) and many of the worst shootings occurred in gun-free zones. The best deterrent against a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun. As long as the former exist, I'll be the latter. And if a guy or gal with a CCP defends you some day, you're welcome.

I'm not asking you to agree, I'm asking you to be respectful.

But regardless, I'm done. If you think my decision to carry has something to do with the size of my manhood, then so be it.
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I haven't had been in a car accident in 40 years, I still would maintain insurance even if not required. I have never had a house fire, but I keep an extinguisher in the pantry. It isn't a function of likelihood of occurrence, but severity if it does. And it's easy. My CCW is a small .380 in a wallet sized pocket holster. It takes literally 2 seconds to put in my pocket, less time than buckling my seat belt. It's virtually undetectable when I'm carrying. Why wouldn't I carry it everywhere I legally can? I don't notice it and neither does anyone else, but I have it if I need it. Like insurance. I carry without a single thought of it. No more interesting than my cell phone, wallet, or keys.

I've seen numerous discussions of probable mass shootings deterred by private citizens with CCPs, but I'm not gonna get in a stat war because it doesn't change either person's opinion. This was an interesting article though: Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events

As for nobody having guns? Sounds good, save one aspect: it greatly shifts the balance against physically weaker people, women and seniors. And ironically, the places with the strictest gun laws are often the most violent (looking at you, Chicago) and many of the worst shootings occurred in gun-free zones. The best deterrent against a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun. As long as the former exist, I'll be the latter. And if a guy or gal with a CCP defends you some day, you're welcome.

I'm not asking you to agree, I'm asking you to be respectful.

But regardless, I'm done. If you think my decision to carry has something to do with the size of my manhood, then so be it.

Slam dunk. Mic drop. Clear simple logic.
The good thing is you do not get to determine how I feel on a subject. Nor whether I speak about it.

Why tf would I need to call social worker? Show me where I said cops shouldn’t carry? Or I said anything about cops at all? Reading comprehension. Reading. Comprehension.

I don’t want to take your guns. I don’t want guns outlawed. I don’t want conceal carry outlawed (although you should have to pass some seriously strict regulations to carry IMO).
To be fair you're the one that insulted people who conceal carry firearms. If you don't like the criticism then maybe not criticize.
Some things don’t need an explanation. You seem to be the odd one out on my comment.

Do you honestly think taking firearms away would keep them away from criminals? If someone has a plan to kill you they’re going to do it with a butter knife. Since you are so hung up on stats look up how the murder rates are doing in countries with stricter firearm laws. Guns aren’t the issue, bad people are.

Exhibit A Your Honor: The fine city of Chicago, Illinois. The toughest laws in the country keeping firearms out of the hands of its law abiding citizens. How’s that worked? Would any one of you walk freely there and not be scared?

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