Princess, I already admitted to being an ass.
I do think of all the things in the world, griping about gas prices should be low on totem pole.
Gas to fill up your tank is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to higher fuel prices. That loaf a bread arrives on a truck. Anything you purchase and bring into your home has a fuel component.
We all know the drill (get it).
*We know infrastructure isnt there
*we know technology is there. Toyota has the patent.
*Edison made a bulb that lasted over 100 years. What good would it do to sell a product that lastednan entire lifetime?
*i dont buy the weak electrical grid wont support it stance. When horse and buggy was watching a Model T go by at 15 mph, I'm sure people thought 'how will we ever support a fleet of these?'
Our Grid absolutely will not support a mass switch to electric vehicles. My son, a senior at UT had an entire class dedicated to ideas as to how to store electricity for when people come home and plug in their EV. Even if it did we would still rely on fossil fuels to generate the electricity which in turn would be more harmful to the environment than just putting the fossil fuel right into the gas/diesel engine to begin with because when you convert energy type there is substantial inefficiencies.
*Large corporations of whom it is beneficial will help subsidize building out of electric charging stations. That should make you red boys happy, private business doing its thing.
*Battery's can be recycled.
*If America can take lead on this, it will help us to reduce our reliance on Middle East & South American countries. You talk about Russian influence?!
We could be energy independent if the commies would let us tap our own resources.
Finally, if you really want to make a difference in the environment, the much bigger problem is plastic garbage. The last time we had a major environmental shift was when we were told we had to switch to plastic for everything. So we shifted from paper bags, cups, plates to plastic which is about as bad as nuclear waste. Dumb asses went away from a totally biodegradable, recyclable, renewable solution to something much much worse. Forgive me if I take these so called environmentalist with a full dump truck load of a grade of slaw.