I'm almost 58... and my experience has taught me the near opposite. Yes. People make dumb decisions. But they make far fewer when they have both the freedom to make a decision AND the responsibility for the consequences. I'm OK with far less government intrusion and am for FAR MORE personal responsibility.
I think you have fallen for some deception. Government creates or exacerbates problems... then politicians present new expansions of government power as the solution. That is the process by which our rights and freedoms have been significantly eroded over the last 100 years or so. (The Progressive Era)
But the overshot of what you just wrote is that you think that you can judge whether I am making the best decisions... if 50.1% agree with you or vice versa. That's not conservative. That's not freedom. That's not in alignment with the ideals our country was founded on... that made us the most successful, prosperous, and free nation in written history.
But as you unpack that... it goes eventually to ALL government interference and manipulation of the market- this one particularly autos.
Government has a "general welfare" responsibility. While I believe an Amendment needs to be passed specifying Congressional powers related to the environment and safety... for now we have "general welfare". I don't think that means voters or their representatives have a RIGHT to dictate EV's as "the solution".... much less use tax dollars to make it the solution. However, Congress can and should change CAFE standards. Reduce the permitted air pollution and increase standards for engine performance/economy... then let the market figure out how to comply. Let the new "Edison" create a new "lightbulb".
One way to do that is biofuels. Brazil runs essentially the same auto engines that we do. They average 30% ethanol in their fuel. We average just over 10%. Their cost per mile is comparable or better. Their emissions are MUCH better from autos. If automakers tuned to run 30%, fuel economy might even be better due to significantly higher octane (cylinder efficiency).
So maybe you're wondering what it would take? The EPA would simply have to acknowledge that newer engines cannot be harmed by ethanol blends up to 30%... take away the "scary" labels and the imputed liability to fuel blenders and distributors as well as warranty concerns for drivers... and you could be paying around 30 cents less for a 91 or 92 Octane fuel.
I ran E-30 recently in my 2019 Tundra and compared to regular E-10. It was not only cheaper... my mileage didn't go down by more than maybe 3%. My engine "sounded" smoother too.
We could go to E-30 as the standard fuel within months. It would significantly reduce CO2 emissions without change of infrastructure. It would be cheaper for most drivers. It would drastically reduce the health concerns from auto emissions. The reason it is pretty near impossible is that the oil AND EV lobbies are lined up against it... and regulations prevent it.
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