Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Yeah man. Screw the world. We good. Who needs a rain forest anyway! 'Merica!
You know what would be an ELE at this point?..a freaking ice age. We can adapt to heat...the world has been much hotter than it is now, as a matter of fact, millions more hectares of land at far northern latitudes could be used for agriculture than is currently possible...but with the world population being what it is now, we would all starve to death quick if the temp starts falling.

Go look at graphs of temperatures over the eons.
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We will see. Would feel better if Ga., Bama, tOSU, LSU, etc had offered. But there are always some undiscovered talent out there. Let’s hope.
Be careful about independent thought in here. You’re not allowed to question any commitment without being a Heupel detractor or just an outright troll.
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Be careful about independent thought in here. You’re not allowed to question any commitment without being a Heupel detractor or just an outright troll.
Poor baby.... Did we talk too loud and disturb your safe space?

Seriously guy, you came off as a smart aleck and trashed the kid for no good reason at all. Then rather than walking it back or at least shutting up... you keep piling on as if you needed to do more to prove your jackassery.

I read a story a long time ago about the pluses of a warmer earth vs a colder one....for some reason the "State of Fear" crowd chooses to ignore those truths and instead harp about the obvious minuses due to rising sea levels....

Wonder why that would be..😏

The fact is, we can adjust to a warmer earth, we are the most adaptable species on earth and although millions of people will have to either move to higher ground or build giant seawalls due to higher sea levels, there would also be some pretty huge benefits that could be exploited...on the other hand...BILLIONS and Billions will starve to death, or die in the massive world civilization wide wars over scant resources and arable land if a new ice age dawns...we will not last long during a ice age...
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I read a story a long time ago about the pluses of a warmer earth vs a colder one....for some reason the "State of Fear" crowd chooses to ignore those truths and instead harp about the obvious minuses due to rising sea levels....

Wonder why that would be..😏

The fact is, we can adjust to a warmer earth, we are the most adaptable species on earth and although millions of people will have to either move to higher ground or build giant seawalls due to higher sea levels, there would also be some pretty huge benefits that could be exploited...on the other hand...BILLIONS and Billions will starve to death, or die in the massive world civilization wide wars over scant resources and arable land if a new ice age dawns...we will not last long during a ice age...

I find it mildly ironic that those making the most noise skew evolutionist more than creationist, while simultaneously ignoring that the warming is being caused (theoretically) by the return of carbon trapped in fossil fuels...i.e. life that was previously part of the ecosystem when the bulk of evolution was purported to have occurred. Meaning we aren't breaking the climate, we're restoring it to the state it was when it gave rise to life.

The other irony is that as you pointed out, a warmer climate increases arable land and lengthens growing seasons, thus supporting a larger population. The same folks most against warming are generally the ones in favor of reducing the population, so I guess that actually does check out.

I absolutely believe we should be better stewards of creation than we are, but I also believe that the needs of humanity are the highest priority. Balance is good.
You know what would be an ELE at this point?..a freaking ice age. We can adapt to heat...the world has been much hotter than it is now, as a matter of fact, millions more hectares of land at far northern latitudes could be used for agriculture than is currently possible...but with the world population being what it is now, we would all starve to death quick if the temp starts falling.

Go look at graphs of temperatures over the eons.

So you are saying it's getting warmer. Gotcha. I'm not saying humans cause it to rise or fall, but you cannot deny humanity is a terrible steward of the planet. I'm mostly aghast about destroying rain forests. That crap is out of hand and there is no sign of slowing down.
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I find it mildly ironic that those making the most noise skew evolutionist more than creationist, while simultaneously ignoring that the warming is being caused (theoretically) by the return of carbon trapped in fossil fuels...i.e. life that was previously part of the ecosystem when the bulk of evolution was purported to have occurred. Meaning we aren't breaking the climate, we're restoring it to the state it was when it gave rise to life.

The other irony is that as you pointed out, a warmer climate increases arable land and lengthens growing seasons, thus supporting a larger population. The same folks most against warming are generally the ones in favor of reducing the population, so I guess that actually does check out.

I absolutely believe we should be better stewards of creation than we are, but I also believe that the needs of humanity are the highest priority. Balance is good.
That's where I'm at too...I just hate the State of Fear crowd with a passion.
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So you are saying it's getting warmer. Gotcha. I'm not saying humans cause it to rise or fall, but you cannot deny humanity is a terrible steward of the planet. I'm mostly aghast about destroying rain forests. That crap is out of hand and there is no sign of slowing down.
who's cutting 'em down. There's the culprit.
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Just drive through Hamilton County, TN and you'll see them cutting down the rainforest. They're clearing everything to make room for more apartments and shopping centers, while bulk store buildings sit empty.

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