Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I have never seen a football post in the off topic thread. Frank needs to tighten the rules.
Maybe Greta was correct
Tennessee has put the full court press on. Hearing we lead here right now.
Obviously I'm not going to ask you to give up your sources or anything of that nature, and this might honestly be a question for the others on here but well let's put it this way, how reliable are your sources? I'm not saying you're wrong or anything like that, I just don't recognize your handle
Obviously I'm not going to ask you to give up your sources or anything of that nature, and this might honestly be a question for the others on here but well let's put it this way, how reliable are your sources? I'm not saying you're wrong or anything like that, I just don't recognize your handle
This is in no way a slight towards @OrngeJuiceJones because I know he’s good people and sets up tailgates for football games plus been around forever

But the ‘insiders’ (again, not OJJ) are out in full force this weekend. Will be interesting to see how everything plays out
Obviously I'm not going to ask you to give up your sources or anything of that nature, and this might honestly be a question for the others on here but well let's put it this way, how reliable are your sources? I'm not saying you're wrong or anything like that, I just don't recognize your handle
You hearing different?
Not saying that. Just hadn't seen that handle before so I didn't know how reliable he was
He’s been telling us when he hears a recruit is close to or going to commit and been fairly accurate. We are all grown ups here and realize how recruiting goes sometimes. Well…
There is only two analyst on this board I truly trust and that’s Franklinvol and metalvolunteer. All the others are pointless to me. No disrespect to any of them of course
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There is only two analyst on this board I truly trust and that’s Franklinvol and metalvolunteer. All the others are pointless to me. No disrespect to any of them of course
Bob Mueller is the only one I’ve ever seen and believe to truly be an insider. That dude had to have worked inside the complex or for the team
Only one i can remember @MetalVolunteer missing was Ramil last cycle, and it sounded like he was telling people different things
To me, folks who have inside access are basing things off of info from visit times. Anything beyond that is LIKELY third hand info, unless it isnt.

Therefore, iyam if it doesnt happen this week, it could easily. I think Metal, Peabody, and few others are legit - and honestly bat a higher average than many so called 'Fongsperts' and their CB's.

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