Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

What salary do you consider high paying? That's per year

Prob $150k+ would fall into that category. But especially as you climb the ladder.

Every company I’ve ever worked for requires the employees to have a college degree.

Obv there are exceptions. And the most money to be made is owning your own business. But generally speaking, the higher paying jobs require a college degree.
I did just that. Dad left started working at 14 to ensure my mom could take care of my brothers. Taught me a lot of great things that I am teaching my family and other young people.
1. I don't have to have everything I want
2. An expensive house and nice cars are just anchors in your life.
3. Being moldable and willing to learn other positions makes you extremely valuable to a company and is more important than any degree.
4. College isn't for everyone but if it's for you work while you are there, you will appreciate it more.
5. Work a year or two in fields that interest you before college. Wasting multiple years to get a degree in something you will hate is something you will regret later.
6. Do what you love early in life and you can make a career out of it.
7. Most people think a degree makes someone an expert in that field. Many degree holders are simply educated idiots.
8. Do something that no one else wants to personally do and you'll retire a rich man or woman. Clean septic tanks, mow yards, etc.
9. Do hard things 3-5 times per week, it's good for your mental acuity.

You may add to the list if you would like.
And for every one like you there are hundreds out there in the same situation that didn’t get it right and had people around them standing in the way and whispering in their ear, including those still at home with them. We can and should support those people and we can do it without doing the job for them, but we should make the job more accessible in the first place and if the educational system was done right we’d be doing just that.
Bruh just enjoy the beach. On your death bed you might reflect on the beach memories. You won’t give a f about a commit edit post time.

This is all fun and games but keep perspective.
Total agreement today; but!!!, there was a time when I would have told you to shove your perspective..."Beach?? I've got to know if we're getting this Offensive Guard, and I gots to know now!!! Go Big Mother-effin Orange!!!"

Those were the days.
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Idk but these dudes talking about insiders cuz they do edits. Nah that dude does some dope stuff
Vols Orbit isn't an insider. He is a guy that runs a fanpage of Tennessee on Instagram. If you've read the Kam Fountain thread recently, you might know him. He's the dude that went after Fountain's mother in the comment section of the kid's commitment post bc the commitment rubbed him the wrong way.
Vols Orbit isn't an insider. He is a guy that runs a fanpage of Tennessee on Instagram. If you've read the Kam Fountain thread recently, you might know him. He's the dude that went after Fountain's mother in the comment section of the kid's commitment post bc the commitment rubbed him the wrong way.
Ur still salty about that and she went after me bro but ok😂

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