Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

LOL, I'm literally chuckling that you think being moderate is dumbing down thinking. It's the exact opposite. A ham-fisted, binary answer to a complex issue is the dumbed down approach. I can't even fathom someone looking at our culture and saying the problem is that people are being intellectually lazy by being moderate. That's truly the most bizarre, ludicrous thing I've read on the internet all year. To think someone could say, in all seriousness, that taking into accounts all sides of a story instead of immediately jumping to an extreme conclusion that one side of an issue is 100% right or wrong is evidence of a lack of critical thinking is unfathomable to me. I just can't believe you when you say the problem with our culture is that people are too scared to be extreme and are instead too moderate. My mind has truly been blown for the first time in a long time. I wish it were for a positive reason. I'm literally screen shotting this to everyone I know right now, I'm that astounded at your post. Even the least cynical person I know would concede that our culture lazily jumps to an extreme, oversimplified answer too often instead of hearing out all sides of an issue. But you think our problem is we are scared to be extreme?!?! I wish I had a better vocabulary to voice how overwhelmed I am by your stance.
Screen shot it, as you've completely misrepresented my argument, and yours. It's a bad look. Your argument has been that moderation is the standard of truth. My argument has been to ascertain truth by facts.

This (quoted) post didn't describe "moderate". It described the process I've been encouraging.

Here's the post that I originally took issue with:

I just like takes that are circumspect and moderate. Everything you all are saying is probably true, but laying blame at the feet of any single party or even on a single side of an issue is rarely accurate.

I'm not sure what you were trying to convey with "moderate", but it's definition is "not extreme". The word "circumspect" means: "wary or unwilling to take risks".

I'm not sure how you've jumped from "non-extreme and spineless propositions that culture will generally easily accept are true" to "think deeply and follow the facts wherever they lead, allowing for complex outcomes", but if that's where you've landed, then we can agree to agree.
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You need to take a logic class. An exception does prove a rule, that's literally in the rhetoric and logic textbook. The exception stands out so starkly because the rule is so frequently adhered to, so it's super easy for you to grab an exception because it contrasts so completely woth the norm (rule) and it's so rare that it leaps out at you.

Also, history and experience are the reasons for my stance on not trusting lazy extremist conclusions that one side of a complex issue is 100% right or wrong. It be yet to see a complex scenario that can truthfully and fairly be simplified to a binary extreme. You're acting like that's extremely common.

Your nephew's example is a great example of that. Our culture leans toward assigning blame to one place, when in reality, almost always, blame should be spread around. Why you use an example that's evidence for my stance while disagreeing with me is confusing.
A logic class worth its salt would make distinction on the possible meanings intended for the statement, i.e. a legal "rule" (which doesn't apply to your application), as in "I told my kids to be in bed by nine. The oldest proved my 'rule' by staying up too late." It's quite obvious that this doesn't apply to your usage.

In logic, a proposition in question is not proven by exceptions. As a matter of fact, the more exceptions one lists, the more the proposition is disproved. Your usage is a common misuse.

And "extreme" vs "moderate" has no bearing on the complexity of thought that led to the conclusion. That's a red herring that I have never argued. Thus, my example was in keeping with my argument. As a matter of fact, it has no bearing on how binary the conclusion, either. Thus, my example was in keeping with my argument.

My argument has been to follow facts and make conclusions based on that, and not how extreme (read, acceptable) they may be viewed. So, again... The dumbing down of the world occurs when people are convinced to stop thinking and start caring how acceptable their conclusions are, and how risky the statement of those conclusions may be.

And vocabulary aside, if you agree with that, then I am extremely happy to agree with you.
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She's right you know...

As a man, you have to continue to pursue your wife even after she marries you. If you just sit playing video games or watching tv all evening while she cooks dinner and does the dishes, then yeah, you are probably going to go to bed and she will have a headache. BTW, it's probably you. You are probably the headache. Ask her out to dinner. Ask her to take a walk. Leave an encouraging note on her nightstand or somewhere you know she will find it. Figure out what makes her feel loved and do that. Then see if your level of physical intimacy remains only on your birthday and/or anniversary.

Not directed at you @Orange_Crush.
As a man, you have to continue to pursue your wife even after she marries you. If you just sit playing video games or watching tv all evening while she cooks dinner and does the dishes, then yeah, you are probably going to go to bed and she will have a headache. BTW, it's probably you. You are probably the headache. Ask her out to dinner. Ask her to take a walk. Leave an encouraging note on her nightstand or somewhere you know she will find it. Figure out what makes her feel loved and do that. Then see if your level of physical intimacy remains only on your birthday and/or anniversary.

Not directed at you @Orange_Crush.
Next caller your on the line with Dr. Ruth....๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
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Very good show and very realistic. Keaton's character was inspired by a real doctor from East TN who does addiction counseling now.

My FIL had thousands of the Oxycontin 80's in sealed bottles in his gun safe when I first met my now wife. Very tempting for 2 teenagers.
Very glad you didn't. I imagine it was probably like somebody's mom or dad having a bag of weed or liquor cabinet when I was growing up. We knew nothing about prescription pills til I was probably 19 or 20. Someone offered me one at work, saying its gave you extra energy. It was a lortab 10. I took it and got so sick. I couldnt understand why people liked them after that. Oxycontin 80 is like 10 of those all it once, the way people were abusing them.

People mad at the actions of addicts, when they should be mad that such a powerful drug was made available to the masses on an extraordinarily large scale. It was being prescribed when it should have never been an option in most cases. . . then there were/are the pill mills. . . lets blame addicts for their actions when companies are being allowed to shovel dump truck loads of the pills into communities of people with little to no awareness of what they are.

So many people are still ignorant about the situation. It's easy to despise an addict and their actions, but that same person doing those things could be anyone else without the drugs. They could've became a teacher, cop, business owner, etc, but ended up where they are due to the availability of such a potent drug.

Dont get me wrong, I hate the things addicts do and I dont like them as people, I dont have sympathy for them, but I can empathize for the reasons they have gotten where they are. In the end, they can still quit. They still have that option, but make the choice to continue the nightmare every day.
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As a man, you have to continue to pursue your wife even after she marries you. If you just sit playing video games or watching tv all evening while she cooks dinner and does the dishes, then yeah, you are probably going to go to bed and she will have a headache. BTW, it's probably you. You are probably the headache. Ask her out to dinner. Ask her to take a walk. Leave an encouraging note on her nightstand or somewhere you know she will find it. Figure out what makes her feel loved and do that. Then see if your level of physical intimacy remains only on your birthday and/or anniversary.
Not directed at you @Orange_Crush.

Husbands will in many ways have the wives they create, and wives will in many ways have the husbands they create.

Guys, love your wife. She is a valuable (and often fragile) gift, the greatest gift and investment of your life. Ladies, respect your husband in every way you can find to do so. Love builds trust; trust fosters honesty; honesty about your needs can help each other in that love/respect area.
As a man, you have to continue to pursue your wife even after she marries you. If you just sit playing video games or watching tv all evening while she cooks dinner and does the dishes, then yeah, you are probably going to go to bed and she will have a headache. BTW, it's probably you. You are probably the headache. Ask her out to dinner. Ask her to take a walk. Leave an encouraging note on her nightstand or somewhere you know she will find it. Figure out what makes her feel loved and do that. Then see if your level of physical intimacy remains only on your birthday and/or anniversary.

Not directed at you @Orange_Crush.
Husbands will in many ways have the wives they create, and wives will in many ways have the husbands they create.

Guys, love your wife. She is a valuable (and often fragile) gift, the greatest gift and investment of your life. Ladies, respect your husband in every way you can find to do so. Love builds trust; trust fosters honesty; honesty about your needs can help each other in that love/respect area.

Guys, mine places the brand new roll on top of the empty. In the rare event its refilled, the paper roll is placed so that its upside down. Sociopaths.
Anyone know Rob Lewisโ€™s personality? My friend posted a joke reply on volquest and he completely overreacted and sent an interesting DM to him.

Is he typically a no nonsense stickler type?
As a man, you have to continue to pursue your wife even after she marries you. If you just sit playing video games or watching tv all evening while she cooks dinner and does the dishes, then yeah, you are probably going to go to bed and she will have a headache. BTW, it's probably you. You are probably the headache. Ask her out to dinner. Ask her to take a walk. Leave an encouraging note on her nightstand or somewhere you know she will find it. Figure out what makes her feel loved and do that. Then see if your level of physical intimacy remains only on your birthday and/or anniversary.

Not directed at you @Orange_Crush.
He's clearly talking to you @Orange_Crush.
Anyone know Rob Lewisโ€™s personality? My friend posted a joke reply on volquest and he completely overreacted and sent an interesting DM to him.

Is he typically a no nonsense stickler type?
very dry. very serious.

pretty damn funny.

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