Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

You know how men joke soda. In all seriousness, I don't want it more than once a week anymore, most of the time. That youthful exuberance is no more. Maybe things will be different when the rest of life is less demanding. Yard work, gardening, taking kids to work, cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, helping elderly church members are all on my regular to do list.
I was thinking it was probably just something men like to joke about, but then got to worrying about the younger ones that may need a little help instead of just deciding that’s how it has to be.
I think our culture is a mess of absolutes where relatives should be applied and relatives where absolutes should be applied. The problem is that our politics and worldview greatly affect whether we see a particular situation as appropriately relative or absolute. Without clear definitions of "truth" and "right and wrong" chaos will reign and we are approaching the event horizon of that black hole.
Top 10 currently. Commitments from eight 4 stars and one 5 star since beginning of May. I’d say they’re doing very well. Have they lost some battles to other bigtime programs? Yes. That’s how recruiting works. Not sure why that’s surprising to you since you’ve been following for many years.

At this point, he’s posting ridiculous things just to get people upset for fun.
At this point, he’s posting ridiculous things just to get people upset for fun.

Just because an opinion doesn’t align with some of y’all’s Pollyanna views doesn’t make it ridiculous. Sorry if contrasting views upsets your sunshine and butterflies go Vols echo chamber.

“This is fine.”
Just because an opinion doesn’t align with some of y’all’s Pollyanna views doesn’t make it ridiculous. Sorry if contrasting views upsets your sunshine and butterflies go Vols echo chamber.

“This is fine.”

Your posts for the most part are just lame. You are so cocky it’s not funny. You think you know stuff but you don’t. You crack in guys like AP and Hubbs when they have forgotten more about recruiting than you will ever know. And then there is your ridiculous “staff can’t close joke.” That was funny after about two times. Now we just make fun of you for saying it.
Just because an opinion doesn’t align with some of y’all’s Pollyanna views doesn’t make it ridiculous. Sorry if contrasting views upsets your sunshine and butterflies go Vols echo chamber.

“This is fine.”

Correct, it is not because it does not align with one’s opinion. It was ridiculous on it’s face and he was just being courteous and pointing it out to some who might have missed it.
I will speak for everyone on Volnation when I say please let us all know when you figure out what you would classify him as. We all want to know your expert opinion. Plus we can let the UT coaches know once you fill us in.

Remember when @LittleVol said Jeremy Banks could go in the first round of the draft? Good times.
Does anyone even run UNIX anymore? Everywhere I have worked since about 2011 has been on Linux

Well I've heard of some situations where Unix was chosen based on a promise of a free Dodge Charger and now that we are in the NIL era you just never know what might sway someones decision. I'd never want to ruin someones announcement by saying they are choosing Linux or Unix. All I'm saying is GNU's Not Unix!
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Well I've heard of some situations where Unix was chosen based on a promise of a free Dodge Charger and now that we are in the NIL era you just never know what might sway someones decision. I'd never want to ruin someones announcement by saying they are choosing Linux or Unix. All I'm saying is GNU's Not Unix!
You sir are a true geek. But Richard Stallman is ungrateful . He never could build an OS to go with GNU but Linus Torvalds saved his bacon 😂
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People acting like this staff isn’t having issues getting kids across the finish line reminds me of the “this is fine” meme.

I had no doubts that when things started trending towards LSU that our good buddy Edward would show up to educate us on our staffs ability to not close. As predictable as the sunrise.
People like to make up facts to support their argument and opinions when they have nothing else to cling to.
Also, saying we’re too 10 nationally sounds good but in reality that’s still like 6-7th in the SEC.

In reality we are 4th in the SE and only Alabama has less recruits than we do. If we land Bates, Franklin, and Jefferson, (3 guys we are trending for) we would be ranked 4th nationally with 21 commits, barely behind UF with the same number of commits.
Morning crew waking up to be outraged at my opinions.

Yeah we’re 4th in the sec now but we have more commits than 9 other sec teams so 🤷‍♂️
Morning crew waking up to be outraged at my opinions.

Yeah we’re 4th in the sec now but we have more commits than 9 other sec teams so 🤷‍♂️
Thats a strange way to say fewer commits than most of those above us. and the one we have more than lost to us, so how does that compute into your negativity.

I guess we won't ever beat bama until we beat them in recruiting right...
Morning crew waking up to be outraged at my opinions.

Yeah we’re 4th in the sec now but we have more commits than 9 other sec teams so 🤷‍♂️

Of course the entire line of logic completely ignores the fact that we went 11-2 with classes far less talented than the "staff can't close oh Lord we're gonna die" class they've July.
Morning crew waking up to be outraged at my opinions.

Yeah we’re 4th in the sec now but we have more commits than 9 other sec teams so 🤷‍♂️
Now, it can be seen that you are a troll, because trolls have double standards.

Just as Florida and Georgia have more commitments than Tennessee and we can't catch them ...

... most of those 9 teams with fewer commitments than Tennessee have no chance of catching us. They are simply either too far back, or they aren't in on enough 4 and 5 star rated talent.

You are trolling. Knock it off!

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