Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Knife fights. No one really wins.

You're either in hospital with a stomach shank, or in the hospital with a buckknife in the third rear rib.

Not me. I am in the third booth facing the door eating my scattered covered and topped hashbrowns while the other guy gingerly gets in his car to head to the emergency room.
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As a white male i'm sure you have been treated completely unfairly in your time on this Earth. Please continue to play the victim role as you and yours hath suffered since the Mayflower first rolled over the graves of Natives waving you on.

Not sure how you got victim out of that, but carry on.
'white male, age 50, card carrying member of years of sacrifice and perpetual victim.'

White male, 59, former Army officer, happily married 38 years, father of 3, grandfather of 7, business owner for 31 years, serve in my church. I have worked hard and enjoyed the fruits of my labor. I am not, nor have I ever been a victim.
White male, 59, former Army officer, happily married 38 years, father of 3, grandfather of 7, business owner for 31 years, serve in my church. I have worked hard and enjoyed the fruits of my labor. I am not, nor have I ever been a victim.
Happy for you man. Sorry, Im being an ass.

Also, hope all that comes to fruit.
Random comment but have you ever considered writing for a publication maybe sport themed. Just saying may take time for traction but you have a witty humor that translates well in writing. I have noted your contribution to the forum and it’s always a net positive with a side of humor. Maybe a late career change?
Always preshate compliments, brother. They’re in short supply. 😉 Not sure how I’d perform if there were expectations (and money) on the line.
yeah, he just always used his work phone to order multiple, at a time, hookers to a different hotel room than the one he was staying in....

hookers for himself sells a heck of a lot better than hookers for 17 yo's.
I’m sure he had time to order one or two for himself.
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