Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I think it's someone who knows AP
I thought it was someone directly close to the program (maybe someone that knows a staff member or is part of the staff in some capacity). The user was literally money all of last year. This was outside/in addition to the information AP was giving. He/she was calling commits well before AP gave any real hints out.
yeah, i think looking back on it, we really shot for the moon as a whole on the DL recruiting and i think, overall , we did a really good job with it, and still aren't done.

agree on the portal....

and i'm not sure Mizzou's w/l record will matter if these guys are getting 6 figures between now and December.....

i haven't looked at any part of the 25 class, so i'll take you're word for it.
Id really defer to @bignewt on 25 cycle.

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