Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I'm good with the middle part of this...I believe in a large federal Gov't and 100% large that we have to build out into the Atlantic Ocean. No more water, only Brawndo.

Seriously, I would like to see Jeff Bezos driving a used Tesla in future, that would make me happy.

You now how often I think about Jeff Bezos? I don't because he means absolutely zero to me. Let him have his billions. Taking his money won't solve the problems of our nation.
When MC'ers are paying 18-21% and Uber Rich less than that we have a problem. Also, Corporate Tax cuts, with idea of privatizing infrastructure upgrades yielded billions for Big Business, huge pay bumps for CEO's & little to no gain for workers. Much of money went overseas, safe from taxation.

Ok. I disagree with all of your comments here considering that wages were increasing for all and across all demos before we torpedoed it with our covid response. Who cares if the wealthy get more wealthy if everyone is brought along for the ride? Of course you don't think that the lower and middle class were being brought along for the ride do you?
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Ok. I disagree with all of your comments here considering that wages were increasing for all and across all demos before we torpedoed it with our covid response. Who cares if the wealthy get more wealthy if everyone is brought along for the ride? Of course you don't think that the lower and middle class were being brought along for the ride do you?
I believe middle class of this Country drives its economy and that we put too much of an emphasis on protecting big Corporations and super wealthy. Truly it's middle that breaks its backs & spends money on goods and services. So, I adamantly believe that just because you are super wealthy and can afford best accountants and found a loophole to make you pay less taxes, that you absolutely should not be able to do so. Saying you dont care what Bozos does is a cop out.

On one hand the guy has created a juggernaut, good good on him. Meanwhile his workers are paid wages juuust high enough to keep them out of poverty line, and working in abhorrent conditions. I'm sorry, the amount of money he's making is egregious. It is a monopoly. If he wont fix it then he should be forced to pay his workers a living wage and resolve the conditions inside his facilities.

And no he should not get a break just because hes loaded, in fact just the opposite.
Yes, and the not wealthy end up holding the bag regardless. The problem statement should be something like. "How can we help all Americans gain more wealth?" It should not be, "Uber wealthy American's increased their wealth more than middle class Americans, so how can we penalize the uber wealthy?"

Ultimately, what it comes down to is that people that want to take money from the uber wealthy and distribute it out to those who didn't earn it are seeking power. Probably not people posting on here. They are kind hearted people who see an injustice and are lashing out at the perceived perpetrator. It is the people that are taking and giving the money (Government) that is seeking power. Most of them do not know how to go into the private sector and make a bunch of money so they go into politics. Then they can take money from those that do know how to make a bunch of it and gain more power by giving it to those that didn't earn it so they will vote to keep them in power.

Sorry for the politics but it is so painfully obvious anymore that it is permeating all parts of our national conversation.
Politicians make more than they deserve. They just take it from the rest of us.
I believe middle class of this Country drives its economy and that we put too much of an emphasis on protecting big Corporations and super wealthy. Truly it's middle that breaks its backs & spends money on goods and services. So, I adamantly believe that just because you are super wealthy and can afford best accountants and found a loophole to make you pay less taxes, that you absolutely should not be able to do so. Saying you dont care what Bozos does is a cop out.

On one hand the guy has created a juggernaut, good good on him. Meanwhile his workers are paid wages juuust high enough to keep them out of poverty line, and working in abhorrent conditions. I'm sorry, the amount of money he's making is egregious. It is a monopoly. If he wont fix it then he should be forced to pay his workers a living wage and resolve the conditions inside his facilities.

And no he should not get a break just because hes loaded, in fact just the opposite.

How much money should Bozos pay his employees that pick orders, box orders, slap a label on the box, and push it off the end of the assembly line? That is not an overly complicated job, nor does it require much education. If you can read basic numbers and letters and operate a scanning tool then you can most likely do that job. I am not belittling those workers. I love getting stuff at low prices and getting it quickly and not many can compete with Amazon in that area. However, there comes a point when Bozos decides to remove the human element altogether because they cost too much and just automate the vast majority of the process. Then what are those employees going to do? There are so many jobs that are not meant to be the income to raise a family on. Many jobs that people are demanding $20-25 / hour for are meant for high school and college kids that need some spending cash. They aren't meant to be the income you try to raise a family on. This whole thing about getting people above the poverty line is the real cop out. Do you know what that does? It makes those products more expensive because Bozos has to pay more to get them to me. When stuff becomes more expensive then your fancy new $20-25 / hour wages don't buy as much and you are right back at the poverty line. (That is a bit of a simplification, but the principle of it is solid)
Politicians make more than they deserve. They just take it from the rest of us.
C'mon now. They are our humble, local servants...for 200k/year with extravagant benefits! And luckily their campaigns only cost millions, all to choose the worst of multiple evils!

They're basically like volunteers...
Politicians make more than they deserve. They just take it from the rest of us.

I would be all for not paying them a dime and limiting them to 3 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate. Career politicians are not good for the long term sustainability of our system of government.
I would be all for not paying them a dime and limiting them to 3 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate. Career politicians are not good for the long term sustainability of our system of government.
I've long advocated Congressional term limits, but as long as they're the ones who get to make that decision, it's not happening. Could you imagine Pelosi or McConnell limiting themselves?
C'mon now. They are our humble, local servants...for 200k/year with extravagant benefits! And luckily their campaigns only cost millions, all to choose the worst of multiple evils!

They're basically like volunteers...
some of them keep great company...Ep... nah
C'mon now. They are our humble, local servants...for 200k/year with extravagant benefits! And luckily their campaigns only cost millions, all to choose the worst of multiple evils!

They're basically like volunteers...

It's like they are paying for the privilege of serving us. They should probably all be sainted and knighted.
I've long advocated Congressional term limits, but as long as they're the ones who get to make that decision, it's not happening. Could you imagine Pelosi or McConnell limiting themselves?

I can't imagine either of those two trying to actually EARN a living in the real world. The only reason either of them are wealthy is because they "sell" their influence or use their position to enrich themselves. That would be a fine place to start making changes, but like you said would they ever consider giving up their gravy train? I think that is an area where the founding fathers failed to anticipate how bad it would get. They assumed that people would serve a while and then go home. They failed to factor in that once people realized the power they could wield that they would never want to give it up. I don't know how they missed that one but they did.
no life long appts, 0. not even SCOTUS

I think the number of Justices should be set and a term limit should be set as well. 9 Justices seems like a good number to me. Any more than that and you start to water down the court and it becomes more of a legislative body.
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I think the number of Justices should be set and a term limit should be set as well. 9 Justices seems like a good number to me. Any more than that and you start to water down the court and it becomes more of a legislative body.
I think the number of Justices should be set and a term limit should be set as well. 9 Justices seems like a good number to me. Any more than that and you start to water down the court and it becomes more of a legislative body.
Half the time they are a legislative body, ruling along party lines.
I've long advocated Congressional term limits, but as long as they're the ones who get to make that decision, it's not happening. Could you imagine Pelosi or McConnell limiting themselves?
That would be good but there also needs to be a non lobby clause so they can't become lobbyists after term. Their retirement packages would also need to change
I would be all for not paying them a dime and limiting them to 3 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate. Career politicians are not good for the long term sustainability of our system of government.
I've thought that too (especially with how the continuous job of campaigning is awful for actually getting any work done away from $$$ influences) but I do think there's something to institutional knowledge and if there really is a great person doing a great job, would rather they not be forced out for life.

I like the idea of staggered terms. You can do 1, maybe 2 or 3 terms, but then must go back to public life for some time. Then you can return back and campaign in your own time. The current cycle is downright dumb. You get elected for a term and spend the latter half of it campaigning to get re-elected.

But wouldn't be against set term limits either...better than currently.
I've thought that too (especially with how the continuous job of campaigning is awful for actually getting any work done away from $$$ influences) but I do think there's something to institutional knowledge and if there really is a great person doing a great job, would rather they not be forced out for life.

I like the idea of staggered terms. You can do 1, maybe 2 or 3 terms, but then must go back to public life for some time. Then you can return back and campaign in your own time. The current cycle is downright dumb. You get elected for a term and spend the latter half of it campaigning to get re-elected.

But wouldn't be against set term limits either...better than currently.

There aren't enough of the great people doing a great job to risk it. Term limits please.

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