and which point would that be?
I'm not missing it I just think it doesn't hold water.
If the public needs to see this information to learn if Romney is somehow emblematic of their frustrations economically and feeling the system is gamed for the rich (which is not a universal feeling by the way) then likewise Obama's college transcripts are essential too so we can see if his coursework and writings are emblematic of redistributive and social justice philosophy.
That's the rub. Romney's taxes/Obama's transcripts are amazing poor proxies for policy philosophy. So what are we left with? Fodder for political opponents to twist, distort and outright lie about to win political points and distract voters from real issues and real policy differences.
Again, look at who is claiming the public needs to see the tax returns - it's the people who would never vote for him even if he paid 100% of this earnings in taxes. That should show it is about scoring political points rather than some real indicator of qualifications for office.
Come on guys, this is campaign politics.
1) You guys (as are a decent majority of posters here) are in the minority. You are well-educated, follow current events religiously, and properly vet various stories on your own. The majoriy of voters don't fall under any of those catigories.
2) This brings me to my second point. The American electorate is dumb as hell. They really are.
3) The American electorate care more about image than substance or policy. Especially voters in my generation. It has always been that way. The debates of 1960 are the classic example of this.
Yes, tax returns
ought to have nothing to do with the whom you should vote for president. The average person really doesn't follow this story nor care about Romney's tax returns. However, they are drawn to a candidate by their perceived image.
Obama is a likable guy. If you had the choice between having a beer with Obama or Romney (excluding politics) almost everyone would choose Obama over Romney. Romney is absolutely awkward. The more he tries to act "normal" or like "common folks" the more awkward and out of place he looks.
Fast forward to this saga. Like I mentioned before, the average person probably isn't following this story. They don't have to for this to be damaging to his image. All the Dems have to do is plant the seed of suspicion that he doesn't pay his "fair share" of taxes. Brilliant move by Obama. Not only does he plant that seed via Reid, but he is also not attached to it in any way if Romney renigs on his promise and releases his tax returns. The negative commercials, parodies, etc closer to the election when people start to pay more attention will use this against him and paint him as "one of them" to a T.
As far as Romney is concerned, he is in a real lose/lose situation. If he doesn't release them, Dems can plant a forest full of seeds in the minds of voters as to why. If he does, he has flip-flopped yet again and whatever he obviously doesn't want out in the public light, will be illuminated.
It is scary how much this election resembles the '04 election. The GOP shot themselves in the foot big time by nominating Romney. They played right into the hands of Obama. Obama knows that policy or the economy is irrelevant when he can so easily paint such a vivid negative picture in the minds of voters about the character of his opponent.