That's very convenient, isn't it? You give someone like me grief for only being able to answer several hundred of a thousand steps to evolution and the origins of life, but your own thoughts on the subject have one step, and the answer to it is basically "just because."
Just so you know I wasn't trying to be nasty, I will attempt to share what I was thinking:
Why is it that without a cultural experience with a particular faith (in this case Christianity), a person can never come to that religion? In other words, if there is only one way to God, and everyone is given a choice, why isn't that one way independently "reinvented" by people in different parts of the world, without having been exposed to Christianity before? It seems like that should happen, if there is only one way to salvation, and it's through God, and we've all been given a choice.
That's very convenient, isn't it? You give someone like me grief for only being able to answer several hundred of a thousand steps to evolution and the origins of life, but your own thoughts on the subject have one step, and the answer to it is basically "just because."
Where you lost credibility in the discussion, was when you said, if something about creation, could not be explained it made the whole story false.
But then later, you said that evolution could not be fully explained ( I.E. life, to name 1), but should be accepted as truth.
I can tell you for a fact that God was beside me in church this morning. Circumstances don't matter. But an answer came that our church was struggling with and there is no doubt what so ever in my mind that it was God. Glorious, GLORIOUS day for me!!!!
Now, I'm sure I can't convince you to believe me. All I can tell you is that it happened. Believing is your choice.
Just so you know I wasn't trying to be nasty, I will attempt to share what I was thinking:
Why is it that without a cultural experience with a particular faith (in this case Christianity), a person can never come to that religion? In other words, if there is only one way to God, and everyone is given a choice, why isn't that one way independently "reinvented" by people in different parts of the world, without having been exposed to Christianity before? It seems like that should happen, if there is only one way to salvation, and it's through God, and we've all been given a choice.
You need for "answers" is blinding you to the FREE gift of salvation. I was the same way for 35 years. I thought that I had to earn it.
That is the purpose of the "Great Commission" in the Bible.
We are told, as christians, to spread the gospel to all corners of the earth. That is what we are called to do. Jesus Christ even said, that believers would be persecuted and mocked, for his name.
Christians do not have the power to save, only to bring the word to non believers. Some will believe, others will not.
I don't think there is anything to earn.
I was raised in a Christian home, going to church every Sunday morning, night and Wednesday night. I was really into it as a kid. I always felt funny about it though, because no matter how good I was, how much I prayed, and how much I studied the Bible, I never had any sort of spiritual experience even as others around me would talk about them. Even when they would write me into theirs. As I got older, I realized it was all in people's heads.
My mother is still very religious, and it upsets her that my older sister and I have completely left the church. It bothers me that I cause her pain, and I have no problem with people who choose to spend their time and energy on religion. It isn't real though.
He is supposed to be omniscient and omnipotent. The Bible tells us that nothing happens without his will.
What kind of loving God sets up a system where he knows many will fail, and burn in hell?
That's not a choice. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
The Bible tells us that every man will "know" God. No one has an excuse.
We can only try our best to reach every person with the gospel. But, make no mistake, EVERY person will stand in judgement one day.