My best attempt at this will probably draw ire at best, but here goes. No one will ever be able to answer all of one's questions and I seriously doubt there are any accomplished apologists or theologians roaming these boards. I have, however, read some pretty good ones and they've strengthened my Faith with empirical data. Josh McDowell: New Evidence That Demands a Verdict. McDowell set out to disprove the Bible and literally went all over the world to multiple locations/libraries/seminaries/monestaries etc, etc to do so. He came away not only a believer but wrote an encyclopedic type book of his findings, which absolutely point to the Creator. David Nasser-multiple books, evangelist and apologist. He was a Muslim who set out to disprove the Bible and came away a believer and is now one of the most respected and accomplished apologists in the world. Lee Strobel-The Case for a Creator. Don't really know his story, but very empirical, agnostic type approach which is similar to the other two. I've had this type of discussion with believers and non-believers (some of whom were generally and sincerely curious and some of which were genuinely offensive and argumentative) and what I finally realized is that its like the parable (in Matthew) of the sower and the seed. Some of the seed sewn will be thrown "on the rocks" and will "not take root" or grow- meaning no matter what someone says, some folks will either just refute/refuse it and it simply will not take root in their spirit and "grow". Whether or not you accept that realization of mine is obviously contingent upon whether or not you believe the Bible to be the Word of God-which is obviously why this discussion is going on in the first place.
The "facts" that cannot be disputed by any non-believer are, however, the evidence that lies in CHANGED LIVES. My life looked completely different before I began to follow Christ and I've seen, firsthand (sometimes with miraculous revelation) His work in others lives as well. Call it what you will and explain it away if you must, but firsthand revelation by a believer in Christ cannot be disputed. 2 examples jump out for me: Both of my sons had difficult births and early infancies. BOTH were healed through prayer, I was there, I work in medicine, and it cannot be explained away. I saw the tests as they were being done and saw the miracles happen. I can elaborate, but it probably won't do much good and I've already rambled here long enough. Now why did God heal my kids and not some others who are more ill? I don't know and won't this side of Heaven, but I assure you I am going to ask when I get there b/c I've seen some of my Christian Brother's kids not be healed or die just as inexplicably. Am I entitled to healing b/c I am a believer?-no, in fact I am more humbled b/c I don't deserve anything b/c of my sin.
what I sincerely hope, and this should be the attitude of all believers here, is that you do find answers. I am sorry that I am no apologist and most of my responses to your follow-up questions will be answered with Biblical reference. But if you don't believe the Bible to be the Word of God, it's gonna be like telling you Dr. Seuss told me so. Its just another book to you, so that won't satisfy your curiosity or the void left by an answer drawn from a Scriptural reference. And, if this hasn't been already covered (i didn't wade through the entire thread), the reason we share our testimonies is because we're called to. In fact, its the last thing Jesus commanded to us. That commission shouldn't EVER be done in a condescending or berateful way, but in Love. Jesus also commanded us to Love our neighbor as ourselves, and I sincerely hope that's the attitude of the hearts of the believers here. Sometimes, as imperfect as we are, that love manifests itself in frustration because we sincerely and wholeheartedly believe we have the cure for death, and we want to take as many folks to Heaven with us as we can. Its sort of like watching your brother drink his life away as an alcoholic. You love your brother and want to help and you try your best, but just get frustrated as heck with him and say things you shouldn't say. Couple that with the fact the message you're bringing isn't exactly widely accepted, and never has been since the creation of time--> now the messenger has to live up to this expectation of how a "Believer or Christian" is supposed to act, talk, walk. Instantly anything you say negatively is Hypocritical. I will stay in this as long as I can with the previous disclaimers and a promise of whomever engages me will be fervently prayed for.