But they don't take the intellectual high ground here and say that there is no evidence he didn't either.
Really? What evidence is there that the flying spaghetti monster didn't either? Should we take that explanation just as seriously? All the scientifis community is saying is "we don't know, but here is what the evidence points toward"
The bottom line here is that those on the side of science who do not believe are just as guilty of making the same kind of absolute statements they criticize the religious for.
No they aren't, as least not on the same level as the religious crowd saying God did it. There is a component of uncertainty that allows for modification of the belief or outright dismissal of it with the science crowd. The other camp just says "It's God".
I am not saying that Christians or any other member of any number of religions for that matter have been very narrow minded at times, even to this very day. What it all boils down to is there are the detractors who say science disproves God (or at the very least casts all but complete doubt) and the religious that assign every thing to God's will. Neither can prove or disprove anything they say, yet both claim the high ground. One is no better than the other.