Rep Massie posts gun photo

The use of the word timshel in Genesis lends me to believe that yes free will exists and we make our own destiny. I always leaned that way and when I read East of Eden and started reading other works about it I'm convinced.
I just finished re-reading East of Eden about two weeks ago.
There was one quote in there that stood out that I marked and then lost. It was something to the effect of.............
Man is the only creature that can know a truth and still not believe it.

Made me think of some of you guys.
And, your concept that a fetus with human DNA and a beating heart and brain activity isn't a living person is what I reject.
Which takes us back to where we knew we would end up.....square one.
Reasonable minds can disagree.
Unreasonable minds can vilify.
Which takes us back to where we knew we would end up.....square one.
Reasonable minds can disagree.
Unreasonable minds can vilify.
In your opinion, would a reasonable mind just disagree if they believed lives were being taken wrongly?
In your opinion, would a reasonable mind just disagree if they believed lives were being taken wrongly?
That's a valid point. If someone actually truly believes that abortion is murder, then they should work diligently to decrease the number of abortions. Hopefully, they are smart enough to realize that there are numerous ways to decrease the number of abortions (I'm not going to get into those at this time) other than making abortions illegal. They should also be smart enough to realize how other reasonable people could view abortion as acceptable and not as murder, and thereby lay off the "baby killer" nonsense.
That's a valid point. If someone actually truly believes that abortion is murder, then they should work diligently to decrease the number of abortions. Hopefully, they are smart enough to realize that there are numerous ways to decrease the number of abortions (I'm not going to get into those at this time) other than making abortions illegal. They should also be smart enough to realize how other reasonable people could view abortion as acceptable and not as murder, and thereby lay off the "baby killer" nonsense.
You just REALLY contradicted yourself.

Or, you don't actually have any firm beliefs.
. . Hard to tell.
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What makes “those kind of weapons” any more dangerous than any other? And what age do you believe a child should be educated on firearm use?
I would say those weapons are much more dangerous than some type of shotgun you use to hunt with. I would not allow any minor to possess a firearm. You cannot vote until 18 and are not considered legally an adult until that time. Further, before everyone screams about 2A rights, a minor is not afforded the same rights under the law as an adult.
Some of you guys would really lose it if you saw some of the funny pictures I have of my kids over the years... On a motorcycle, driving a tractor with a lawnmower blade, operating a cannon, lifting barbells, boxing with actual gloves on, standing in front of a live tiger, in the jaws of a huge shark. . .
Sounds like parenting issues to me.
Gun deaths were already down 1/3 before the law, and still trending down. So it's hard to praise the law for saving lives.

How do you think the millions of innocents that have died or suffered under a government that disarmed them should feel? Grateful?

Before the freeing of slaves most gun laws were requirements to own guns as head of household or if you wanted to settle land. The first wide spread gun control (anti ownership) were against free slaves, or native Americans. Then after slavery you saw the racist laws pop up everywhere, with various "black codes", and jim crow bs.

Gun control has never been about safety, but about controlling the unarmed.
I would say those weapons are much more dangerous than some type of shotgun you use to hunt with. I would not allow any minor to possess a firearm. You cannot vote until 18 and are not considered legally an adult until that time. Further, before everyone screams about 2A rights, a minor is not afforded the same rights under the law as an adult.

To some extent they are they just can’t purchase guns. Plenty of kids go hunting at an early age and some go alone before they’re 18 and get there in something that ends far more lives than guns.
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To some extent they are they just can’t purchase guns. Plenty of kids go hunting at an early age and some go alone before they’re 18 and get there in something that ends far more lives than guns.
I would consider 16 if the child receives proper gun training since a person can drive at 16.
Well I guess I contradicted myself, even though I don't see how, because my beliefs are certainly firm.

Let me help:

If someone actually truly believes that abortion is murder. . .They should also be smart enough to realize how other reasonable people could view abortion as acceptable
I would say those weapons are much more dangerous than some type of shotgun you use to hunt with. I would not allow any minor to possess a firearm. You cannot vote until 18 and are not considered legally an adult until that time. Further, before everyone screams about 2A rights, a minor is not afforded the same rights under the law as an adult.

Would you let a minor drive?
I would say those weapons are much more dangerous than some type of shotgun you use to hunt with.

Why, because they look scary to you?

In close quarters, a 12 gauge with moderate to heavy load will do exponentially more damage than a round from a .223.
I would say those weapons are much more dangerous than some type of shotgun you use to hunt with. I would not allow any minor to possess a firearm. You cannot vote until 18 and are not considered legally an adult until that time. Further, before everyone screams about 2A rights, a minor is not afforded the same rights under the law as an adult.
At close range shotguns can separate limbs or blow your head right off.
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