Reparations for Slavery (California)

'America is a racist country': Who's Who of Newsom's Nine-Person 'radical' Reparations Board that believes capitalism to be racist and wants to pay EVERY African American slave descendant $223k

Members of California Governor Gavin Newsom's reparation committee have slammed America as a 'racist country' while others have hit out against 'white superiority.'

Kamilah Moore - the chair of the group - which was created after 2024 hopeful Newsom signed legislation in 2020, has said she plans to be as 'radical as possible' when it comes to her role.

The nine-person group believes that black Americans should receive the money for 'enduring the economic effects' of racism and slavery – after initially making the suggestions in California.

California is the first state to require agencies to present a separate demographic category for descendants of enslaved people.

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that the taskforce has spent months traveling across the West coast to learn about the effect of the policies.

Members of Newsom's reparations committee have slammed the US | Daily Mail Online
'America is a racist country': Who's Who of Newsom's Nine-Person 'radical' Reparations Board that believes capitalism to be racist and wants to pay EVERY African American slave descendant $223k

Members of California Governor Gavin Newsom's reparation committee have slammed America as a 'racist country' while others have hit out against 'white superiority.'

Kamilah Moore - the chair of the group - which was created after 2024 hopeful Newsom signed legislation in 2020, has said she plans to be as 'radical as possible' when it comes to her role.

The nine-person group believes that black Americans should receive the money for 'enduring the economic effects' of racism and slavery – after initially making the suggestions in California.

California is the first state to require agencies to present a separate demographic category for descendants of enslaved people.

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that the taskforce has spent months traveling across the West coast to learn about the effect of the policies.

Members of Newsom's reparations committee have slammed the US | Daily Mail Online

Best argument I have ever heard: "I'm all for reparations, but in order to properly assign reparations and who is responsible for paying what portion of said reparations, you have to first determine and hold responsible those at very beginning of the supply chain for that industry. That supply chain starts with the kings and rulers of African countries that rounded up their own people and sold them out of cages to waiting ships from the western world. So, let's first determine which African countries are responsible decimating African families, which ones are going to pay the reparations and how does one intend to quantify how much and what those reparations should look like."

That is not to say the US is not responsible for their part, they are. However, we have made an effort to address our past sins and transgressions through legislation, policy, economic incentive and more. Not sure the same can be said for those that sold their own countrymen into a living hell.
Why would you pay one man for an injustice that was done to someone else. Why not put your efforts into creating an environment where such things don't happen.

Because votes are not cheap these days.

Newsom is channeling his inner LBJ, he'll have them voting democrat for generations.
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Slavery ended 165 years ago, but the last lynching was in the 1960s. There's also institutional racism in the 20th century that limited the ability of black people to compete for resources on an equal basis with whites. Oppression of black people didnt end with the emancipation proclamation.
So? How are we doing today? Does everyone have something close to a fair go at jobs, education, etc? If so, and yes it is so, what's the issue?
And, why include just one group? Just about everyone whose family's been in the US for any appreciable time has ancestors that were messed over one way or another.
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Again, do we pay restitution for individuals who go through that? Did the coal miners get reparations? Or any of the various pro-union/Pinkerton clashes result in payments? The Battle of Athens? There have been violent reprisals to any number of protests, I dont see restitution being pushed there.

Payment for their suffering has always been the change, to some extent, they were fighting for. No back pay or reparations for the damage done, or loss of future gains due to denial of X.

Any numbers of peoples coming to this country faced similar problems. The Irish and Chinese for the rail lines. The Irish being drafted into the Civil War. Discrimination based on heritage or religion is common, Catholics were lynched in the south, Baptists in the north. Plenty of people were told "need not apply" because of their ethnicity. Denied education, promotion, marriages, loans etc, just because they were different/unwanted. And I wont even go into what the Natives faced. Every kinda "great step" we took relied on the exploitation of some people.

Did our country have issues, yes. Do we still have issues, yes. Are we better now than we were, yes. The government is picking and choosing winners here because its political.

And after that 250k is gone, what then? Is thought that reparations work? Are they the end all be all? Is racism officially dead in California? Do the politicians finally stop telling the black people the whites are out to get them? Does affirmative action end?
Well said.
'America is a racist country': Who's Who of Newsom's Nine-Person 'radical' Reparations Board that believes capitalism to be racist and wants to pay EVERY African American slave descendant $223k

Members of California Governor Gavin Newsom's reparation committee have slammed America as a 'racist country' while others have hit out against 'white superiority.'

Kamilah Moore - the chair of the group - which was created after 2024 hopeful Newsom signed legislation in 2020, has said she plans to be as 'radical as possible' when it comes to her role.

The nine-person group believes that black Americans should receive the money for 'enduring the economic effects' of racism and slavery – after initially making the suggestions in California.

California is the first state to require agencies to present a separate demographic category for descendants of enslaved people.

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that the taskforce has spent months traveling across the West coast to learn about the effect of the policies.

Members of Newsom's reparations committee have slammed the US | Daily Mail Online

It’s going to be a hoot watching all those dot-Indians, Latinos, and Asians pay their fair share.
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I don't believe in the reparations part. However to say this ended 165yrs so was an ignorant statement. There are people living who endured water cannons, attacks by police dogs, dangerous opposition to integration, separate everything, etc. This isn't so easily dismissed as "slavery is over, move on"

I'm also not an income tax fan but if the govt is going to steal part of every American's paycheck they should use that money to benefit the citizens first.
So you advocate a "cradle to grave" where the Gubmint provides all you need? So why should children worry about school, college, ambition, etc? Sit back, blame others, and wait for the mailman bringing that check. Sounds wonderful

Because.....and this is just a wag, but....

According to what I pulled up on Google there are 39.24M people in Cali, 6.5% are AA = 2,550,600 AAs.

2,550,600 X $350,000 = $892.7B worth of reparations payments.

It would be a financial disaster for California. If Cali thinks the exodus is bad now, wait till the state assembly tries to levy $893B of new taxes on Californians.

Edit: Even if the reparations per individual was $250K, that would be approximately $571.5B. Cali is getting ready to experiment heavily with the FAFO relationship.
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Because.....and this is just a wag, but....

According to what I pulled up on Google there are 39.24M people in Cali, 6.5% are AA = 2,550,600 AAs.

2,550,600 X $350,000 = $892.7B worth of reparations payments.

It would be a financial disaster for California. If Cali thinks the exodus is bad now, wait till the state assembly tries to levy $893B of new taxes on Californians.

Edit: Even if the reparations per individual was $250K, that would be approximately $571.5B. Cali is getting ready to experiment heavily with the FAFO relationship.

That’s just the first round , wait until everyone with a Mexican decent hits them up for slave labor and stealing their land . Pandora and her box , would be envious of what will happen .
Because.....and this is just a wag, but....

According to what I pulled up on Google there are 39.24M people in Cali, 6.5% are AA = 2,550,600 AAs.

2,550,600 X $350,000 = $892.7B worth of reparations payments.

It would be a financial disaster for California. If Cali thinks the exodus is bad now, wait till the state assembly tries to levy $893B of new taxes on Californians.

Edit: Even if the reparations per individual was $250K, that would be approximately $571.5B. Cali is getting ready to experiment heavily with the FAFO relationship.

Oh I'm sure the left coast losers will try to get the Feds to foot the bill in some way....and lets be's virtue signalling. Even if something big passes there is no way that California will ever go through with it. They simply cannot afford it.

Bottom line is that no able bodied soul deserves any free sh!t....ever. I don't give a rip about the past.
Best argument I have ever heard: "I'm all for reparations, but in order to properly assign reparations and who is responsible for paying what portion of said reparations, you have to first determine and hold responsible those at very beginning of the supply chain for that industry. That supply chain starts with the kings and rulers of African countries that rounded up their own people and sold them out of cages to waiting ships from the western world. So, let's first determine which African countries are responsible decimating African families, which ones are going to pay the reparations and how does one intend to quantify how much and what those reparations should look like."

That is not to say the US is not responsible for their part, they are. However, we have made an effort to address our past sins and transgressions through legislation, policy, economic incentive and more. Not sure the same can be said for those that sold their own countrymen into a living hell.
We could stop sending them all this damn aid money like our moron in chief announced yesterday.
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We could stop sending them all this damn aid money like our moron in chief announced yesterday.

Isn’t that something? I saw that and was just smdh. Another futile exercise in stupid virtue signaling.
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Oh I'm sure the left coast losers will try to get the Feds to foot the bill in some way....and lets be's virtue signalling. Even if something big passes there is no way that California will ever go through with it. They simply cannot afford it.

Bottom line is that no able bodied soul deserves any free sh!t....ever. I don't give a rip about the past.

Fortunately, we will have a split congress in DC, so I doubt the Cali state assembly will have much luck going through congress, or at least a republican controlled house, anytime soon. But they’ll give it the old college try if they think they can.
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What's ironic is that they Have to do blood test to confirm who's pure enough to qualify for this money if it passes. I'm telling you, the dimtard party and nazis are like long lost cousins.
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