Republican Nomination for President

Who would you vote for to run for President from the Republican Party?

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If Newt wins the nomination, I'll vote third party. I don't care if that helps Obama get re-elected.

Yep, right now it appears that I'll be voting for Gary Johnson if he gets the Libertarian nomination. The only Republican candidate that I'd remotely vote for is Paul.
Just off an assumption that Mitt and Newt are the only two with a chance to win the nod.

I think there won't really be any difference between Mitt and Obama. PBO came in talking a big game but wound up being more of the same. Say what you want about his rhetoric, but he's been very status quo.

I do not, however, have any interest in seeing how the United States of Newt turns out.
Newt has proven the ability to shake things up (for good or bad). I could vote for him over Obama for that reason alone. I am tired of status quo and nothing much getting done.
I'll vote Johnson if Paul isn't on a third ticket. Do you hard core Neocons really think Newt can win?

This is going to be really interesting. Newt and Santorum are the anti-Romney candidates, and now it looks like you are going to have Romney be the anti-Santorum/Gingrich candidate. And whoever wins that contest will then become the anti-Obama candidate.

What a fustercluck.
I am just curious.

Who thinks that Newt has won the majority of the debates in all this primary madness?

When you say winning, do you mean by having the most punchlines, soundbites and "big ideas"? Or do you mean the most substance? If you mean the former, I would say you could probably make the case. If you mean the latter, no way in hell.
of course he did. In front of any republican crowd, one well placed shot at the liberal media and northern elites will have the crowd in your pocket.

That group is who many feel they are under attack from. The candidate who can do the best job of convincing a crowd they are actively being oppressed then selling themselves as a knight in shining armor against those oppressors will win.
When you say winning, do you mean by having the most punchlines, soundbites and "big ideas"? Or do you mean the most substance? If you mean the former, I would say you could probably make the case. If you mean the latter, no way in hell.

Well, maybe I just look at things differently than some, but I keep seeing people talk about what a great debater Gingrich is and how he would stomp Obama or whatever, but I still don't think he has won a debate yet. I was wondering which debates others thought he won. He is definitely argumentative, but that isn't the same as debating. What are other people seeing that I am missing? Examples?

Is there a group that scores debates?
I am just curious.

Who thinks that Newt has won the majority of the debates in all this primary madness?

All he does is b*tch and whine in the debates. Waah I don't like that question. Waah liberal mainstream media.

To me, Newt's debates are like watching Obama. He talks down to everyone, has snarky comments for everything, creates straw men everywhere. The only reason Conservatives like him is because he's talking down to Dems, yet when its Obama talking down to Conservatices in the exact same manner they get "offended".
Well, maybe I just look at things differently than some, but I keep seeing people talk about what a great debater Gingrich is and how he would stomp Obama or whatever, but I still don't think he has won a debate yet. I was wondering which debates others thought he won. He is definitely argumentative, but that isn't the same as debating. What are other people seeing that I am missing? Examples?

Is there a group that scores debates?

Gingrich's crowd control abilities are immense.

What I would be very curious to see is a debate between Obama and Gingrich in a closed studio.
Gingrich's crowd control abilities are immense.

What I would be very curious to see is a debate between Obama and Gingrich in a closed studio.

I guess that is my problem. I don't watch the debates, I read the transcripts. I am just trying to learn what they have to say and I don't want to waste all the time watching them. Only the words are important if you are concerned about the issues and their stands on them.
Spent a little bit flipping between FNC, CNN and MSNBC. The latter two have brought up the question of whether or not Newt's moments like calling the Paul Ryan plan "right wing social engineering" are going to bite him in the butt. Leave it to CNN and MSNBC to ask that question, but anybody care to entertain it anyways?
Spent a little bit flipping between FNC, CNN and MSNBC. The latter two have brought up the question of whether or not Newt's moments like calling the Paul Ryan plan "right wing social engineering" are going to bite him in the butt. Leave it to CNN and MSNBC to ask that question, but anybody care to entertain it anyways?

There are times, I think, that Newt doesn't like something and he spouts off about it in negative terms without thinking the idea through. He seems to run around half-cocked to me.
I think that Newt has performed near the top in nearly every debate. Much like Milo said, Newt seems to know how to reach the audience. However, I also think most of Newt's answers have been more substantive than the other candidates, whose responses (other than RP's) seem to be political sound bites fairly often.
There are times, I think, that Newt doesn't like something and he spouts off about it in negative terms without thinking the idea through. He seems to run around half-cocked to me.

The half cocked part is what I like about him.

I am sick of the whole big tent republican party that wants to make all the liberlas happy.

I hope if he gets elected he goes in there like a bull in a china shop.

So sick of all these luke warm republicans.
A half cocked Newt has more a better sense of sound policy than a fully engaged and deliberate Romney, who is obviously just mouthing whatever words he feels will get him elected.

Newt has some sleaze, but he is a true believer in conservatism. Conservative voters sense that.
I knew relatively nothing about Newt before primary season, and my impression of him when the debates first started was that he was all about the economy (very smart and made his points), but as election season kept going, it seemed like he just started throwing out the flavor-of-the-week stances/slogans: border fence, fire Bernanke, Israel ally, No nukes in Iran, etc.. (and then it got worse as he's on full on attack mode with other candidates) and he wasn't all that inspiring in those stances, they seemed more like populist vote buying. And that's now where I stand on Newt. He seems like the king of career politicians, an intellectual populist. That being said, I think he would be very capable at getting stuff done in Washington, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

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