Republican Nomination for President

Who would you vote for to run for President from the Republican Party?

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Reagan was a little complex, morally conservative (prayer in school, pledge of alllegiance) fiscally liberal "deficits don't matter", and in foreign policy he was an interventionist i.e. Iran-contra.
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Reagan was a little complex, morally conservative (prayer in school, pledge of alllegiance) fiscally liberal "deficits don't matter", and in foreign policy he was an interventionist i.e. Iran-contra.

Too add to his complexity, Reagan had a serious issue with the thought of ever having to use a nuclear weapon (one of the things I actually liked about him). Probably one of the reasons he passed the INF treaty near the end of his tenure.
Romney pledges to 'get us on track to have a balanced budget' -

It's true you can't blame one party or the other for all the debts this country has, because both parties in my opinion have spent too much and borrowed too much when they were in power," Romney told a crowd of several hundred people who cheered enthusiastically throughout his speech. But, he added, "I find it incomprehensible that a president could come to office and call his predecessor's record irresponsible and unpatriotic and then do almost nothing to fix it, and instead every year to add more and more and more spending.”

"If I'm president, I'm actually going to take responsibility and lead, and get us on track to have a balanced budget."

In his indictment of Obama’s handling of the economy — the central theme of his campaign — Romney often prefaces his statements by saying Obama was not responsible for the nation’s economic crisis, but accuses him of making it worse. He rarely discusses his views on how the Bush administration’s policies contributed to the nation’s fiscal crisis or more specifically the Wall Street meltdown. On Wednesday, he did not even mention Bush’s name, repeatedly referring to him as the "predecessor."

Good to hear from Mitt. This is where he needs to keep his campaign focused. If this goes to social issues, he's toast (imo).
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I'll believe it when I see it. Saying, "I'll get the budget back on track" leaves a world of wiggle room. At least give us a plan. Where are the cuts coming from, Mitt?

I'll believe it when I see it. Saying, "I'll get the budget back on track" leaves a world of wiggle room. At least give us a plan. Where are the cuts coming from, Mitt?

if only he had the cojones to call for a 10-15% across the board cut in all federal agencies on day 1. tht obviously wouldn't eliminate a budget deficit, but the symbolism would be nice.
if only he had the cojones to call for a 10-15% across the board cut in all federal agencies on day 1. tht obviously wouldn't eliminate a budget deficit, but the symbolism would be nice.

How gutsy is it to propose something that doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of passing?
How gutsy is it to propose something that doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of passing?

How gutsy is it to make the vague statement that you will get us "back on track to a balanced budget". I could cut 1 dollar a year from our budget, and claim we were "getting back on track to a balanced budget".
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Back to the original topic, I see that in primaries yesterday in Nebraska and Oregon Romney still couldn't get 3/4 of the primary vote of his own party. Remarkable.
How gutsy is it to propose something that doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of passing?

it takes guts to propose a specific plan rather than providing vague ideas and general plans. I think, originally, that's why Cain got a lot of early support, b/c he had an idea. whether you agreed or not, at least you knew he had a position.
Non-existent and too damn big

Now the attractions and taxes are right in Florida.
This guy will say anything.

Romney tells Floridians he considered a home in the state

But he surprised some members of his audience Thursday at a brewery in Jacksonville when he mentioned that they had considered putting a new coastal destination on that list: the mighty swing state of Florida. “You know my wife – I wish she were here today. ... She has said someday, who knows, we might move to Florida. You never know. Someday, way down the road.”

“We had the chance during the primaries to be able to go all over the country and see a lot of places, and she said 'You know what? If we are going to move, one place I love [is] Jacksonville, Florida,’” Romney told the crowd, which cheered. “She knows a good thing when she sees it.”

Later, on his charter flight from Jacksonville to West Palm Beach, a reporter asked Romney what he and his wife found most appealing about Jacksonville. "We love California," he replied. "But there are attractions to Florida. It has the right tax rates, among others."
Rubio is good-looking, well-spoken, and dangerous. He scares the shiz out of me:

I always start by reminding people that what happens all over the world is our business. Every aspect of [our] lives is directly impacted by global events. The security of our cities is connected to the security of small hamlets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Our cost of living, the safety of our food , and the value of the things we invent, make and sell are just a few examples of everyday aspects of our lives that are direcly related to events abroad and make it impossible for us to focus only on our issues here are home.

Read between the lines. Endless war. Any time. Anywhere.

GOP Golden Boy Gives The Most Hawkish Foreign Policy Speech Since Woodrow Wilson - Business Insider

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