Rich Men North of Richmond

Is that code for 'I painted myself into a corner'?

I never claimed that the song overtly referenced race.

My claim was that the reason the MAGA base are such a fan of the song is because they are inferring it from the lyrics and, consistent with their general philosophy, they perceive much of the song as a nod to their resentments. Including as to race and social spending.

When I point this out, I get two reactions: a) the song doesn't actually say that; and 2) what about other possible interpretations.

What posters taking these positions fail to grap is that neither is an answer to my point. That there could be other interpretations to the song does not deny my perception that the reason the MAGA base likes it so much is because it appeals to their resentments (described above). And the fact that the song does not make specific reference to race in discussing social spending is sort of my point: it is being put in there by the MAGA base.

This is my sense of what is going on with the song's popularity in certain circles, and particularly the MAGA class. And the effort by some to turn it into some sort of innocent protest song that cuts across party and demographic lines is both pollyanish and utterly unrealistic.
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FTR, I like the song, as I have expressed in two threads now. I have listened to it at least a couple times. I'm just here making fun of the crazy response to it and some of the lyrics that keep me from taking it more seriously.

My question remains, if he is saying miners, what is he asking for from politicians? Should they be getting the fudge rounds?
Dig baby dig, maybe? Idk. Could be a call to support coal production at home vs green abroad.

Again, I don’t know. Just guessing.

Maybe he just wanted something that rhymed with “minors” 🤷‍♀️
I never claimed that the song overtly referenced race.

My claim was that the reason the MAGA base are such a fan of the song is because they are inferring it from the lyrics and, consistent with their general philosophy, they perceive much of the song as a nod to their resentments. Including as to race and social spending.

When I point this out, I get two reactions: a) the song doesn't actually say that; and 2) what about other possible interpretations.

What posters taking these positions fail to grap is that neither is an answer to my point. That there could be other interpretations to the song does not deny my perception that the reason the MAGA base likes it so much is because it appeals to their resentments (described above). And the fact that the song does not make specific reference to race in discussing social spending is sort of my point: it is being put in there by the MAGA base.

This is my sense of what is going on with the song's popularity in certain circles, and particularly the MAGA class. And the effort by some to turn it into some sort of innocent protest song that cuts across party and demographic lines is both pollyanish and utterly unrealistic.
What a rambling bunch of nonsense. The song could just as easily have been written by a hippy in the 60s/70s. You don't think minorities are feeling the financial pinch? You don't think they resent being crapped on by the federal government, as well? Do they pay less for gas? College more affordable for them? You think they like being told what kind of car to drive? Do they like their tax money going to a senseless war that we aren't going to win?

Your Trump-deluded brain goes straight to "MAGA" and race every chance it gets. It's sad, really.
What a rambling bunch of nonsense. The song could just as easily have been written by a hippy in the 60s/70s. You don't think minorities are feeling the financial pinch? You don't think they resent being crapped on by the federal government, as well? Do they pay less for gas? College more affordable for them? You think they like being told what kind of car to drive? Do they like their tax money going to a senseless war that we aren't going to win?

Your Trump-deluded brain goes straight to "MAGA" and race every chance it gets. It's sad, really.

As I've said here repeatedly, Trump is more a symptom of the resentment class than a cause. The MAGA label is just a sanitization of the real sentiment - make America like it used to be and I was the one benefiting economically and where my lack of education, sophistication, or tech savy didn't doom me.
FTR, I like the song, as I have expressed in two threads now. I have listened to it at least a couple times. I'm just here making fun of the crazy response to it and some of the lyrics that keep me from taking it more seriously.

My question remains, if he is saying miners, what is he asking for from politicians? Should they be getting the fudge rounds?
"Help poor whitey and keep the minorities out" - LG
As I've said here repeatedly, Trump is more a symptom of the resentment class than a cause. The MAGA label is just a sanitization of the real sentiment - make America like it used to be and I was the one benefiting economically and where my lack of education, sophistication, or tech savy didn't doom me.

Not everyone can chase ambulances. Where’s all those coding jobs dementia joe spoke of?
I never claimed that the song overtly referenced race.

My claim was that the reason the MAGA base are such a fan of the song is because they are inferring it from the lyrics and, consistent with their general philosophy, they perceive much of the song as a nod to their resentments. Including as to race and social spending.

When I point this out, I get two reactions: a) the song doesn't actually say that; and 2) what about other possible interpretations.

What posters taking these positions fail to grap is that neither is an answer to my point. That there could be other interpretations to the song does not deny my perception that the reason the MAGA base likes it so much is because it appeals to their resentments (described above). And the fact that the song does not make specific reference to race in discussing social spending is sort of my point: it is being put in there by the MAGA base.

This is my sense of what is going on with the song's popularity in certain circles, and particularly the MAGA class. And the effort by some to turn it into some sort of innocent protest song that cuts across party and demographic lines is both pollyanish and utterly unrealistic.
It looks from here like you're still waiting for that paint to dry. There's nothing at all that indicates MAGAs like the song because they can take it as racist.
When I'm in the US I'm in a very white MAGAland and near areas with a lot of folks on assistance. Anger toward those grifting the dole is directed primarily at fellow whites. It is not a racial thing.
It looks from here like you're still waiting for that paint to dry. There's nothing at all that indicates MAGAs like the song because they can take it as racist.
When I'm in the US I'm in a very white MAGAland and near areas with a lot of folks on assistance. Anger toward those grifting the dole is directed primarily at fellow whites. It is not a racial thing.

Uh huh. Sure.

Similar themes in this song but more my jam. The Canadians are putting out higher quality country/folk stuff than Americans (on average) these days.

Have you watched Patriot on Amazon Prime? It's 2 seasons (and a completed story) about an intelligence agent having an existential crisis and all he wants to do is be a folk singer. It's a dramedy with lots of laughs, good folk music, and a great story, and he kind of has a similar voice to Colter Wall. Not quite on the same level, but same kind of sound.
I don't like hardly any of the current rap, but the late 80s/90s/early 2000s were ripe with talent, before the over-produced, droning-vocal style took over.

Biggie/Tupac/Outkast/Em for the win. With Nas/DMX/8ball and MJG coming off the bench.

Rap died from an autotune infection bout 2005. This crap today is not the same.

Except for NF.

Have you listened to NF? He sounds a lot like Eminem. Never cusses. Won 2 Dove awards last i saw. Talks a lot about mental health, the struggle that life can often be, and God.

"Christian Rap" is synonymous with "horrible" ...i get it. NF is the 1 exception to the rule i have ever heard. Love that dude.

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What I took from the song. Everyone is a bunch of b****** hiding behind keyboards and songs living their posh life. Those said people are never going to do anything or stand up for what is right.

You are welcome.
What a surprise, people like rap from when they were ages 10ish - 30ish and don't like newer sounding stuff.
What a rambling bunch of nonsense. The song could just as easily have been written by a hippy in the 60s/70s. You don't think minorities are feeling the financial pinch? You don't think they resent being crapped on by the federal government, as well? Do they pay less for gas? College more affordable for them? You think they like being told what kind of car to drive? Do they like their tax money going to a senseless war that we aren't going to win?

Your Trump-deluded brain goes straight to "MAGA" and race every chance it gets. It's sad, really.

It is sad. Once again, yes I’m being snarky when I talk about the impact TDS is having on many of our fellow citizens.

But TDS is real! I see it everyday.

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