Richmond is taking down Confederate statues: Is this the end for other Confederate memorials?

Given the reason these statues were erected, it is a victory that they have been moved from the public square.

"An overwhelming majority of Confederate memorials weren’t erected in the years directly following the Civil War. Instead, most were put up decades later. Nor were they built just to commemorate fallen generals and soldiers; they were installed as symbols of white supremacy during periods of U.S. history when Black Americans’ civil rights were aggressively under attack. In total, at least 830 such monuments were constructed across the U.S,"

Confederate Statues Were Never Really About Preserving History
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Participation trophies are, in general, a bad idea.

I have two ancestors who were in a Confederate unit totally wiped out in "the hornets nest" at Shiloh. We could never find them in the death counts.

Later we found out they switched sides right before Shiloh and were in a Union regiment until the end. My brother found a letter from another person in the regiment who had been conscripted by the Confederates and then switched to the Union as well. His lofty reasons: better pay, better clothes, better weapons, more and better food, tobacco rations, and boots.

History is a little more complicated than a statue or a bumper sticker can represent.

Sadly, the leftist fools refuse to understand this. When you have a communist agenda it doesnt matter sbout complications
Crowd CHEERS as workers use cranes to remove statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson in Charlottesville - four years after deadly Unite The Right rally rocked the city


The 26-foot-tall bronze statue of General Robert E. Lee was removed from its base shortly after 8am Saturday, evening a four-year-long legal battle


Meanwhile, the bronze statue of Gen. Jackson - completed in 1921 by renowned sculptor Charles Keck - was hoisted off it base in nearby Jackson Park around 10am




Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker gave a speech shortly after dawn decrying white supremacy. She was joined by student, Zyahna Bryant who started a petition to remove the monument in 2016

Statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson removed in Charlottesville | Daily Mail Online

Fact - They’ve been removing Confederate symbols for decades and the black community is still a colossal failure.
Statue of Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea is Torn Down in Charlottesville on spur of the moment after two Confederate monuments were removed as TOPPLING FRENZY GRIPS CITY four years after deadly Unite The Right rally

  • Charlottesville city council held lightning meeting to remove Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea statue on Saturday
On the same day that workers in Charlottesville, Virginia removed statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson, the city council held a lightning vote to topple a monument depicting the explorers Merriwether Lewis, William Clark and Sacagawea.

Work crews already out on the job removing the Confederate monuments rushed over with a crane to bring down Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea on Saturday after the city council called an emergency meeting with 20 minutes notice.

The statue of the explorers, which was erected in 1919, depicted Native American guide Sacagawea kneeling next to the white explorers -- a position critics called demeaning, but defenders argued was a depiction of her 'tracking.'


A monument in Charlottesville depicting the explorers Merriwether Lewis, William Clark and Sacagawea was removed on Saturday as the city council held an emergency meeting with 20 minutes notice to vote to remove it


Jubilant locals lined the road to watch the statues be loaded onto trucks before they were driven away

Statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson removed in Charlottesville | Daily Mail Online
Okay, since none of these guys are part of history lets get rid of all statues including the MLK statues that dot our landscape all over the country, but I suppose suggesting that would make me a racist, right?

No one is saying they're "not part of history" except people with zero reading comprehension
Crowd CHEERS as workers use cranes to remove statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson in Charlottesville - four years after deadly Unite The Right rally rocked the city

Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker gave a speech shortly after dawn decrying white supremacy. She was joined by student, Zyahna Bryant who started a petition to remove the monument in 2016

Statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson removed in Charlottesville | Daily Mail Online

Statue of Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea is Torn Down in Charlottesville on spur of the moment after two Confederate monuments were removed as TOPPLING FRENZY GRIPS CITY four years after deadly Unite The Right rally

  • Charlottesville city council held lightning meeting to remove Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea statue on Saturday
On the same day that workers in Charlottesville, Virginia removed statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson, the city council held a lightning vote to topple a monument depicting the explorers Merriwether Lewis, William Clark and Sacagawea.

Work crews already out on the job removing the Confederate monuments rushed over with a crane to bring down Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea on Saturday after the city council called an emergency meeting with 20 minutes notice.

The statue of the explorers, which was erected in 1919, depicted Native American guide Sacagawea kneeling next to the white explorers -- a position critics called demeaning, but defenders argued was a depiction of her 'tracking.'


A monument in Charlottesville depicting the explorers Merriwether Lewis, William Clark and Sacagawea was removed on Saturday as the city council held an emergency meeting with 20 minutes notice to vote to remove it


Jubilant locals lined the road to watch the statues be loaded onto trucks before they were driven away

Statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson removed in Charlottesville | Daily Mail Online

Did Sacagawea actually do any tracking? I thought she was more of an interpreter and guide. I'm not trolling this is a legitimate question.
Crowd CHEERS as workers use cranes to remove statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson in Charlottesville - four years after deadly Unite The Right rally rocked the city


The 26-foot-tall bronze statue of General Robert E. Lee was removed from its base shortly after 8am Saturday, evening a four-year-long legal battle


Meanwhile, the bronze statue of Gen. Jackson - completed in 1921 by renowned sculptor Charles Keck - was hoisted off it base in nearby Jackson Park around 10am




Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker gave a speech shortly after dawn decrying white supremacy. She was joined by student, Zyahna Bryant who started a petition to remove the monument in 2016

Statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson removed in Charlottesville | Daily Mail Online

Well I'll never have a reason to ever visit Charlottesville. This should do wonders for their tourist industry.👌
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Well I'll never have a reason to ever visit Charlottesville. This should do wonders for their tourist industry.👌

Somehow I doubt the location of Monticello, Highland, UVA campus, numerous museums and wineries, that also happens to be pretty close to the Shenandoah National Park, is going to lose a lot of tourists because there isn't a statue of Robert E. Lee on a horse. But if that's the only thing that you would find interesting there, you're entitled to that opinion.
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I just don't understand how it changes anyone's life on a substantive or measurable basis... other than feels.

Weird place to put the burden. Daughters of the Confederacy and their friends throw up cheap Confederate statues everywhere and they’re suddenly untouchable unless they’re life-changing?
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