Riley Ferguson Update

I personally don't think we can afford to lose him. By all accounts we don't have a proven QB. We have game managers but not one has stepped up to be an actual SEC caliber leader. Not seeing him in game action I have no opinion on his ability. Never having met him. I have no opinion on his character. But if he stays. And he plays. I will root for him like all others who wear the orange. Live and die as one. Go Big Orange.

I tell you one thing he has probably loss a lot of equity in that locker room. He's out deciding whether or not he wants to stay be here there are players in the weight room and film room trying to prepare to win. It will be a long road for him to start after this event.
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NB4 someone posts the "if he's not going to put forth the work, then just let him go" comment. I'm sure it's a difficult decision, and it's amazing to me how some people don't get how much time and effort is required of these young men to play collegiate football... especially at the QB position.

bUTch will give him a motivational speech and he will light a fire in him and he will start to put in the work to improve.

Next season, at some point, he will be the starter, either thru the injury of the starter or by the starter playing poorly.

Once he is a starter he will play well and will play with an exciting style.
Yes, he did say that… the day before he said this:

"Speaking at the Southeastern Conference spring meetings Tuesday night, Jones said that "Riley's no longer with the program."

You're right. Not much wiggle room here.
CBJ's quote from @Vol_Football....

@Vol_Football: JONES: Riley Ferguson, moving forward, he won’t be a member of our football team. He has made some decisions to move back home.
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You're right. Not much wiggle room here.
CBJ's quote from @Vol_Football....

@Vol_Football: JONES: Riley Ferguson, moving forward, he won’t be a member of our football team. He has made some decisions to move back home.

He made it sound like it was up to RF - thus presumably if RF "made some decisions" later to come back CBJ would take him.
The question now isn't if the coaches want him to stay now the question is how would the locker room receive him. I can imagine it would be pretty tough to comeback in and try to lead when players know deep down that you don't want to be there. Will the players be that open to him when they know he not 100% bought in.

Not really! If he were to get motivated and get a real work ethic and prove to the team that he is a changed man, then things would be different.

Should he put in the time and the other players notice his newfound dedication, he can have his reputation transformed by September.
If he flirted with leaving; then he might as well just leave because now it looks like his heart isn't truly in playing for UT. He's gonna have to do some damage control and probably wont start anyway, especially not now after how he handled this. If his attitude is how its reported then he needs to grow up and get a fresh start somewhere else.
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NB4 someone posts the "if he's not going to put forth the work, then just let him go" comment. I'm sure it's a difficult decision, and it's amazing to me how some people don't get how much time and effort is required of these young men to play collegiate football... especially at the QB position.

Well...could it be that practically no one on this site has been a QB at the college level? Still! Go bigtime or go home! :hi: :)
If he flirted with leaving; then he might as well just leave because now it looks like his heart isn't truly in playing for UT. He's gonna have to do some damage control and probably wont start anyway, especially not now after how he handled this. If his attitude is how its reported then he needs to grow up and get a fresh start somewhere else.

Get real. All he has to do is perform. It's the magic cure all.
If the internet was 15 years ago what it is today, most of you dumbasses would have run Tee freakin Martin off. Not an unsimiliar situation.
The kid better have a lot of potential and promise if I were coach and would even consier letting him come back. After all the reports of him being a prima donna that have started to leak (assuming they are true) and now this, it would be hard to overcome my pride that wants to say "take a hike, kiddo"
The kid better have a lot of potential and promise if I were coach and would even consier letting him come back. After all the reports of him being a prima donna that have started to leak (assuming they are true) and now this, it would be hard to overcome my pride that wants to say "take a hike, kiddo"

Or it might be just the medicine Riley needed to make him swallow his pride, put his head down, and start to work harder. You never really know how this can affect a kid, but hopefully it will work out for the better.

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