Riley Ferguson Update

Not really! If he were to get motivated and get a real work ethic and prove to the team that he is a changed man, then things would be different.

Should he put in the time and the other players notice his newfound dedication, he can have his reputation transformed by September.

The operative word there is if. Quite frankly in a season as critical as this we have no time a room for this type of distraction the focus needs to be on this team working to words a bowl game not Fergy's new found commitment.
Or it might be just the medicine Riley needed to make him swallow his pride, put his head down, and start to work harder. You never really know how this can affect a kid, but hopefully it will work out for the better.

I hope so. Maybe let him back and drop him to the bottom of the depth chart or something, teach him a lesson.

It is a fault of my own, but bratty attitudes make me angry. I find it much easier to forgive a guy who got into a fight at a club, smoked some weed, or was drinking underage, but this entitlement really grinds me up.
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bUTch will give him a motivational speech and he will light a fire in him and he will start to put in the work to improve.

Next season, at some point, he will be the starter, either thru the injury of the starter or by the starter playing poorly.

Once he is a starter he will play well and will play with an exciting style.

And a fairy really did put that money under your pillow....

Just kidding. If RF stays to become a great UT QB then it will be a great story. The thing I can't go with you on is wishing that the starter plays poorly or gets injured. It would have been much better to say that he earned his way onto the field to become great.
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bUTch will give him a motivational speech and he will light a fire in him and he will start to put in the work to improve.

Next season, at some point, he will be the starter, either thru the injury of the starter or by the starter playing poorly.

Once he is a starter he will play well and will play with an exciting style.

I would hope by now that someone already (and I would hope numerous times) tried to give him a motivational speech and light a fire under his butt. For some kids it just doesn't take.
Or it might be just the medicine Riley needed to make him swallow his pride, put his head down, and start to work harder. You never really know how this can affect a kid, but hopefully it will work out for the better.

Or maybe he got home, told his family of his plans and they talked some sense into him?
He made it sound like it was up to RF - thus presumably if RF "made some decisions" later to come back CBJ would take him.

bUtch: " Riley you are not acting as if your head is in the right place to play football here. You need to make a decision about if you truly want to be here and put the work in to be an S.E.C. caliber q.b. or else look elsewhere to play your college football."

Riley: "Okay, then I will go elsewhere"

bUTch to media: "It was Riley's decision to leave the program"
If he flirted with leaving; then he might as well just leave because now it looks like his heart isn't truly in playing for UT. He's gonna have to do some damage control and probably wont start anyway, especially not now after how he handled this. If his attitude is how its reported then he needs to grow up and get a fresh start somewhere else.

RF has broken that trust that goes with being on a team--that you will work hard and try to improve and support the rest of the group. He seems to have a bad attitude--a prima donna who quit because the situation wasn't as he thought it should. This doesn't mean he can't come back and play well, but he'd have to overcome a new and unflattering perception now.
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Or it might be just the medicine Riley needed to make him swallow his pride, put his head down, and start to work harder. You never really know how this can affect a kid, but hopefully it will work out for the better.

Very true but this team isn't in the position to take that gamble. Right now UT needs to have buy in from all parties.
It'll be pretty funny to see the back tracking if he comes back and then ends up the starter. All those posters happy that he is gone will be his biggest supporters once he starts and wins.

There is actually nothing a matter with that. Sad he thought about departing, everybody makes mistakes, and what other issues may have played into this we may never know.

If he comes back it means he has accepted the responsibility and will be held accountable. I for one am more worried about his self-confidence.

This all could have happened behind close doors and when the media got it could have been blown out of proportion. Who Knows. Support him in his decision especially if he decides to stay and kick him in the bu** to help him out the door if he decides to leave. Pretty simple....
And a fairy really did put that money under your pillow....

Just kidding. If RF stays to become a great UT QB then it will be a great story. The thing I can't go with you on is wishing that the starter plays poorly or gets injured. It would have been much better to say that he earned his way onto the field to become great.

I actually was not wishing that the starter played poorly and was replaced. I just made a comparison of this current situation to the situation with Travis Henry.

(1) Henry wasn't getting playing time. Riley is not getting playing time.

(2) Henry was on the depth chart behind Jamaal. Riley is on the depth chart behind Worleybird.

(3) Henry considered leaving the team. Riley is considering leaving the team.

(4) Henry stayed, Jamaal was injured and Henry completed the season as the starter. Riley stays, Worley either has a poor game at some point or has an injury and Riley is inserted in to the line up. Henry played well for the team in Jamaal's absense and Riley will play well while replacing Worleybird.
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Maybe he lacks pocket presents. Maybe he is a pre Madonna. Maybe he is being made into an escape goat by the coaches. Maybe, just was the tats after all.
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it's amazing to me how some people don't get how much time and effort is required of these young men to play collegiate football... especially at the QB position.

But...but...but...I played high school football, which means I know everything about how much it takes and that young man just isn't committed. :loco::p
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Maybe he lacks pocket presents. Maybe he is a pre Madonna. Maybe he is being made into an escape goat by the coaches. Maybe, just was the tats after all.

Maybe, but I heard that UNCC promised him he would be Valid Victorian if he joined up with them.
Don't be so quick to bring down the hammer without intimate knowledge of what's in the kid's head. Who knows - maybe going through this process helps him find his motivation to develop the mental side and necessary work ethic. Wishful thinking, anyway.

I was thinking the same thing. If he comes back he should be rejuvenated & ready to work...if not, best wishes...
I don't understand the negativity of fans over this. It is a win/win situation. If he is not committed to doing what it takes, he leaves allowing the coaches and players to focus on other quarterbacks who are committed. Additionally, it frees up a scholarship (for would have been his last couple years) instead of having dead wood on the bench and/or a distraction in the locker room. On the flip side, if he decides to stay, he got a wakeup call about what it is going to take. We would add a quarterback who is already familiar with the system, best athletic ability of any QB on the roster, and with a renewed commitment to what it takes off the field.

Either way, UT comes out on top.
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