RIP Phil Valentine

Hilarious. You randomly state no one is talking about Jesse Jackson. Well Jesse Jackson isn't dead. It was a buffoonish argument.

Predicting that some on VN will treat Jesse Jackson’s death, whether by Covid or natural causes, indifferently like some have treated Valentine’s death is a buffoonish argument? I’d say it’s predictable. I’ll use another example to make you feel better: If Nancy Pelosi died tomorrow of Covid people on here would be flat out celebratory. Neither side is above this BS. That was my point. I’m sorry you have to make everything about race.
The point is that you don't call out your right wing buddies when they do it as you do the left leaning posters. Somewhat of a double standard?
That wasn’t the point of the poster I replied to and I haven’t seen him holding to your purity standard either. And why don’t you go to the RBG thread and see what and to whom I said. Slice is correct, it’s classless regardless who does it no need to revel in their deaths. I’m sure there’s a couple I’ve fallen off the wagon on in my time posting here but I try to refrain. Feel free to call me out if you see otherwise!
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Predicting that some on VN will treat Jesse Jackson’s death, whether by Covid or natural causes, indifferently like some have treated Valentine’s death is a buffoonish argument? I’d say it’s predictable. I’ll use another example to make you feel better: If Nancy Pelosi died tomorrow of Covid people on here would be flat out celebratory. Neither side is above this BS. That was my point. I’m sorry you have to make everything about race.

I would hope I would show some empathy but to be honest I don't know much about her early life. I only know about her crazy ideas over the last few years.

I do know where Valentine worked 99.7 they do an annual phonathon for the Nashville Rescue mission. Good work in the community. It convinced me to donate to the same cause when they were holding it and that's when I plan to make my annual contribution. I find conservatives some of the more giving people, but they want to decide when their money should go...not the corrupt government.
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Yep. COVID is the all in topic right now to detract from the admin dumbassery. And let’s face it he isn’t exactly winning over any admirers on this topic either

Biden is one of the best "real live" full of sh!t puppets that there has ever been.
He thinks & believes Al-Qaeda is gone. What a buffoon this puppet president speaks.
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Guy chooses not to get vaccinated, contracts COVID and realizes how serious it is, changes course and urges everyone to get vaccinated, dies anyway

This thread: The lesson is, China is really bad!! 😡😡

Guy chooses not to get vaccinated, contracts COVID and realizes how serious it is, changes course and urges everyone to get vaccinated, dies anyway

This thread: The lesson is, China is really bad!! 😡😡


No one knows if he would have survived if he got the vaccine.. fact it, God determined that it was his time to pass.
He did but he never told anyone not to get it. He decided not to get it because he felt he was healthy and had no underlying issues. I think he got the delta variant possibly from his son.

As someone else said, this virus that has come out of China is wrecking havoc on the world. There should be senate hearings on this and China should pay dearly in some way. We don't hear a dammnn thing about an investigation anymore.

Too many people invest in china to have serious hearing. Honestly, has any hearings actually produced any consequences?
Yeah I just read up on it. They call it “viral vector” and it’s apparently a newer vaccine delivery method than even mRNA

The viral vector is the traditional vaccine delivery method, has been used since the 70s, mRNA is new.
It's the conspiracy-seeking mindset.

It would be one thing to question the effectiveness of the vaccine and chalk it up to incompetence. But no, they have to add all these convoluted theories on top of it because it's what people want to hear.
I agree but it’s more than that.

People asking for medical advice on Facebook, re: COVID, is weird.
The fact that “go call/see your doctor” isn’t the universal response is really weird.

Doctors aren’t omniscient, but even the worst medical doctor at least knows things the average online jackass doesn’t, like how to interpret OSAT readings or what normal lung sounds are and what accessory breathing looks like. Odds are that guy on Facebook telling you to use essential oils and Epsom salts or whatever doesn’t know any of that much less whatever else there is to know.

Some of that is people who sell Epsom salts and essential oils but IMO most of it is well-intentioned people exercising poor judgment because they haven’t stopped to think about what they don’t know.

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