Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabababababl ok l I lollolilolililil
There is an insurmountable red wave coming due to completely insane folks espousing the same nonsense above while they still drive around wearing masks, all alone, in their cars blaming $5 gas and the humiliating azz whipping in Afghanistan on Trump.....
We get it. The mean man hurt yalls delicate feelings by....speaking words...and 2 years later he still lives completely rent-free in your heads. Skewing your judgment, squandering your logic or adherence to actual reality...He just absolutely steals your lunch money and gives you folks mental wedgies pulled up so high around your ears that the elastic waistbands in your fruitylooms suddenly gives up the ghost with an audible "SNAP!!!".
Loother...LG...apparently you...and the rest of yall Looney Tunes are going to be completely gobsmacked by reality in November when those evil conservatives ...who refuse to pretend along with ya that there are or ever have been more than 2 human sexes...seize back control of both chambers then unceremoniously get rid of the unicorns and pixie sticks bills, the boondoggle green new Earth Day warming/cooling/freezing/flooding/oh my God we are all gonna die plans with their multi trillion $ price tags and no means planned whatsoever to actually PAY for these terrible ideas.
Oh...then the "adults in control" will elect a republican president and sadly Nikki Haley as vice. Sad because she will be on the bottom of the ticket most likely rather than up on top where she could actually get much done. I love exchanging run on sentences, emotional outpours, walls of text and a general lack of punctuation with others. Was glad to see your post bud. Crazy knows crazy best. Try to get that carnival barker whose been out of office for 2 years out of your head. The other voices will have more room, and you will likely be able to evaluate the underclass (politicians) based on their actual record and platform rather than extremely slanted media and sound bytes. GO VOLS