Rob Neyer Article Comparing Pence and Bourn

You're the one saying the Braves gave up nothing for him. That sets his value.

Ridiculous. The fact that the Braves made a great trade sets nothing about his value.

Bourn is inarguably better than Schafer or McLouth, in every aspect of the game. We were able to get a player that is leaps and bounds better than either player we've had starting at center field all season, and we were able to get him by sending a mediocre center fielder and some decent prospects to Houston. Spin it however you want, and you can tell me how every other GM thinks he's was a very good deal for Atlanta.
Bourn is a significantly better hitter, defender, and teammate than Schafer. How's that?

He is a better player then Jordan at this point but they are closer to comparable than a Bourn to Pence debate.
Ridiculous. The fact that the Braves made a great trade sets nothing about his value.

Bourn is inarguably better than Schafer or McLouth, in every aspect of the game. We were able to get a player that is leaps and bounds better than either player we've had starting at center field all season, and we were able to get him by sending a mediocre center fielder and some decent prospects to Houston. Spin it however you want, and you can tell me how every other GM thinks he's was a very good deal for Atlanta.
What's this "we" stuff? How many games have you played in this year?
He is a better player then Jordan at this point but they are closer to comparable than a Bourn to Pence debate.
Give me a break. Schaefer's career batting average is around .220.
I'm a Yankees fan and I thought Bourn was a solid pickup for Atlanta. It's not world-changing, but he adds value they didn't have at the top of the lineup, which is what a mid-season trade for a contender aims to do. hat apparently thinks Bourn is a AAA fish out of water, which isn't surprising.
I'm a Yankees fan and I thought Bourn was a solid pickup for Atlanta. It's not world-changing, but he adds value they didn't have at the top of the lineup, which is what a mid-season trade for a contender aims to do. hat apparently thinks Bourn is a AAA fish out of water, which isn't surprising.

He also insults Craig Biggio and Derek Jeter about being soft slap hitters. It's not surprising.
People generally start resorting to this type of crap when they know that they have no other sensible argument.
No, I simply find it funny that people who have zero connection or affiliation with something act like they are brothers in arms with those are doing the actual work.
No, I simply find it funny that people who have zero connection or affiliation with something act like they are brothers in arms with those are doing the actual work.

It's semantical and petty. Don't kid yourself.
Give me a break. Schaefer's career batting average is around .220.

In limited at-bats, I never said that he was going to be great but then again niether is Bourn.

That's my point, you guys are giving him too much love, he is an average baseball player.
In limited at-bats, I never said that he was going to be great but then again niether is Bourn.

That's my point, you guys are giving him too much love, he is an average baseball player.

You want to call him average, that's fine. Average is better than anything we've run out there all year.
Apparently every GM in baseball not named Frank Wren. Nobody else found him worth enough to jump the Braves offer. Players are like any other commodity. They are worth what they bring on the market.

Or maybe - just maybe - the Braves got a good deal, certainly better than having to give up a top prospect.
You want to call him average, that's fine. Average is better than anything we've run out there all year.

That may be, but that isn't saying much, can you agree on that?

Just cause you got an upgrade doesn't mean that your upgrade is really anything to write home about.
You want to call him average, that's fine. Average is better than anything we've run out there all year.

This times a million.

We haven't exactly been trotting out Rickey Henderson or Tim Raines in our leadoff spot since Furcal's departure. More like Gregor Blanco, Melky Cabrera, and Jordan Schafer. We're entitled to be excited about acquiring a guy that will actually do a decent job, in all likelihood.
Or maybe - just maybe - the Braves got a good deal, certainly better than having to give up a top prospect.
That's it. Houston passed on a bunch of great offers because Wren dropped some Jedi Mind Trick stuff on them.

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