Rob Spence of Clemson (Merged)

those three are the most intriguing in my mind. is Magee going to go with RR to Mich though?

as for Crowton, the one thing i could never get over watchign Ore's offense this year was how much space they created in the open field. my only concern with that is could that duplicated in the SEC against typical SEC d's?

anyway, i think i'm with you....Hatcher, Crowton, Marrone all seem to be quality.

The only thing, and I mean the "only" thing I dont like about the type of offense that Oregon ran was you better of 2 Dennis Dixons, or Pat Whites, you see what happens when they go down, you tell me what Fla would do if Tebow went down this year. They are 80% of the offense. But I am with you about the space created, amazing to watch.
I want somebody that is willing to be aggressive in their playcalling with a lead in the 2nd half. I like the idea of putting the game away, rather than just 'barely hanging on."

My biggest gripe about Cut was that he was just too smart for his breeches. He called a great game theoretically, but practically he was completely out of touch.
Amen to playing to win. Too many times we have jumped out to a quick lead only to sit on it and give the other team a chance to get back into the game.
During the South Carolina game I told my wife at half time, "i GUARANTEE that South Carolina will come back and tie this game in the 2nd half."

My wife was like, "yeah right silly."

Playing "not to lose" is freakin TN football. We've all seen it too many times. I'll give you a great analogy.

In poker there are a lot of players who will only push their chips in when they've got a really good hand. However, the people that dominate poker tables are those who have the ability to continually play their hands without very good cards. Their "scheme" isn't just about trying to keep their head above water; their scheme is about trying to bury someone else at every given opportunity. Playing your cards when you've got a full house is a no-brainer, we could hire middle school coaches to do that. We need a guy with the guts to accumulate chips by virtue of occasionally bluffing.

Maybe that's a bad analogy, but it seems real to me. We just need an OC with guts, period. Younger guys tend to be less conservative.
Let us assume for a moment that Spence is the kind of human who will stand up and be counted when it comes time to accept credit or blame. I want someone who will neither hide behind, nor shield, coach Fulmer. If Spence has the C.O. Jones to face VolNation than mabye he is our guy?
You definitely have Fulmer pegged on that.
But it would be wonderful if we got some new blood in here and got back to where we need to be.
I guess we can all hope.

At this point, we just have to hope that Fulmer picks the best of the "safe picks" that are available.
Interestingly enough, I was looking back over the Sporting News' Preseason Football Magazine today and found that Spence was ranked the ACC's best OC. They called him the "mad scientist".

On a side note, the Big XII coach on the rise was Oklahoma State's OC, whom Trooper will nowbe sharing time with in Stillwater?

I thought these two tidbits of info were interesting.
I know its about 50-50 right now rather ya'll rather have this guy or not. But take a look at what he's done.

In 2006, Clemsons offense gained over 2,500 yards Passing AND Rushing.

Ranked 13th in the nation in offense.

When he coached at Toledo (2004), his offense had 2,000+ yards rushing. 3,000+ passing in a single season. The only other teams to do that was USC, Oklahoma, and Louisville.

Dude turned the Clemson program around with a little talent. Can you imagine what he can do with the talent we have?

Gotta respect what he's done, lets go get thus dude.

Holla back
You are aware that his offense only put up 3 points against Ga Tech right?

Didn't him and Slade use to be on the same staff at Maryland? Anyone know?
Michael Jordan only had 12 points one game.

So whats your point?

I remember watching Clemson and Fla. St and remember asking myself "Damn, why can't our offense do that?"
Michael Jordan only had 12 points one game.

So whats your point?

I remember watching Clemson and Fla. St and remember asking myself "Damn, why can't our offense do that?"

The other voice in your should have said "Because we don't play in the ACC."
I give Spence a grade of a B..Hatcher B+...Kippy B-......Marrone B........STEVE SPURRIER A+++++!!!................:dance:
Michael Jordan only had 12 points one game.

So whats your point?

I remember watching Clemson and Fla. St and remember asking myself "Damn, why can't our offense do that?"

I remember watching that game too. Clemson didn't score a single point in the second half of that game, at home.

What has Clemson's offense accomplished against good defenses under Rob Spence?
Let me get this straight.

You don't want a successful offesive coach in te ACC.


You want a successful coach in the SoCon...

Make sense of this somebody

Holla Back like a shoulder blade
GA......Didnt Spence and Slade both coach at Maryland together? Can't remember the year but it was when Wycheck played there....
Succesful???? Mediocre is what i call it....

Holla Back.....

BTW, u gotta find the guy with the good, new ideas....

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