Rocky Top

Yes that is without a doubt the only redeeming factor about the song. And honestly, the POTSB version is much more tolerable than the banjo-picking, jug blowing, "Beverly Hillbilly" version.

It's folk music. You don't have to like it...but you shouldn't rip it like you did. A mature thinker should be able to appreciate the culture behind it, even if it's not their own personal taste. This is the American folk culture from which the University of Tennessee emerged and in which it exists. Your comment is snobbish, and honestly, far more ignorant than the people you mock as such.
I hope all of you will commend me for my brave honesty rather than condemn me for my opinion. But OMG I HATE this f_cking song! Yes even as a Tennessee fan. I have never liked it! All I can picture when I hear this is overalls, bare feet, and corncobb pipes! I know this is blasphemy to pretty much everyone on this forum but I have never really embraced this unofficial fight song! I'd much prefer to hear our ACTUAL fight song "Down The Field".
This is the hottest take I’ve ever read on this site
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Listen, even Ivory Soap is only 99 & 44/100ths per cent pure. (Youth: Google the reference.) Guess that means EVERY UT fan doesn’t like Rocky Top—silly me, I‘ve been wrong all these years.

I will say this: whenever I meet a fan from an opposing SEC team and I tell them I’m a Vol fan and will gladly sing all 4 verses of Rocky Top for them...the fear in their eyes is unmistakable. “Oh, no! Anything but that” they plead. Rocky Top is to other SEC fans as Kryptonite is to Superman. We must love and respect the song for many reasons...including the discomfort it causes opposing fan bases.
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I hope all of you will commend me for my brave honesty rather than condemn me for my opinion. But OMG I HATE this f_cking song! Yes even as a Tennessee fan. I have never liked it! All I can picture when I hear this is overalls, bare feet, and corncobb pipes! I know this is blasphemy to pretty much everyone on this forum but I have never really embraced this unofficial fight song! I'd much prefer to hear our ACTUAL fight song "Down The Field".
Perhaps that is why we ended up with a Gump HC; a man who never saw a verb tense he couldn’t mangle.
I hope all of you will commend me for my brave honesty rather than condemn me for my opinion. But OMG I HATE this f_cking song! Yes even as a Tennessee fan. I have never liked it! All I can picture when I hear this is overalls, bare feet, and corncobb pipes! I know this is blasphemy to pretty much everyone on this forum but I have never really embraced this unofficial fight song! I'd much prefer to hear our ACTUAL fight song "Down The Field".
First time in 15 years I put someone on ignore.
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If you're lucky enough to be able to call Tennessee your home, whether by choice or by birth, you should wear it with pride, IMO. No doubt there is a stereotype I'm sure we're all aware of that has been promoted by the media going back to "The Golden Age of Radio" and continued with Gomer Pyle, the Beverly Hillbillies and Forest Gump. If there's a yokel or a simpleton in any production you can almost guarantee he or she will have a Southern drawl. Hell, the movie Deliverance took it even further.

People who would never consider saying anything racist, are happy to joke at your expense right to your face when they find out you are from the South.

But I say wear it with pride and rub their noses in it for good measure. This song does that better than just about anything else I can think of. And it's also just a helluva good song.
Always have, and do, take pride in being a Tennessean and from the south even though I've lived in Texas now for many years. Always proud of my heritage and when people ask me where I'm from the reply is always Tennessee. Also love that people underestimate me & I can shove it down their throat when necessary. Yeah, opponents hate hearing Rocky Top & it gets under their skin--another plus. As to the post, you can't please everybody & we shouldn't try to. They have choices--don't listen to it, duh?
Shuddup Joe.

Serially, it's one thing to not like a song, yes even Rocky Top. But it's another to be a Tennessee fan, come on VN and Volunteer that crock of crap where the enemy is not only present, but visible.

But the thing that just flat out insulted my intelligence, was the Oz character like grandiosity of expecting me/us to commend him for his treason.

Good Lowered.
I hope all of you will commend me for my brave honesty rather than condemn me for my opinion. But OMG I HATE this f_cking song! Yes even as a Tennessee fan. I have never liked it! All I can picture when I hear this is overalls, bare feet, and corncobb pipes! I know this is blasphemy to pretty much everyone on this forum but I have never really embraced this unofficial fight song! I'd much prefer to hear our ACTUAL fight song "Down The Field".
Methinks you've stirred the pot here. Prepare for a siege, BV.


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I hope all of you will commend me for my brave honesty rather than condemn me for my opinion. But OMG I HATE this f_cking song! Yes even as a Tennessee fan. I have never liked it! All I can picture when I hear this is overalls, bare feet, and corncobb pipes! I know this is blasphemy to pretty much everyone on this forum but I have never really embraced this unofficial fight song! I'd much prefer to hear our ACTUAL fight song "Down The Field".
The cringey elements are kind of what makes the song though. I’ve always kind of liked that the fight song is culturally distinct and not some generic riff or a straight ripoff (Glory, glory to ole Georgia/Auburn).

P.S. - They can blast the “woo” into the sun though lol.
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Love these kids, they just put out this new version this morning.

Bring the Cotton Pickin Kids to Neyland Staduim.

If you're lucky enough to be able to call Tennessee your home, whether by choice or by birth, you should wear it with pride, IMO. No doubt there is a stereotype I'm sure we're all aware of that has been promoted by the media going back to "The Golden Age of Radio" and continued with Gomer Pyle, the Beverly Hillbillies and Forest Gump. If there's a yokel or a simpleton in any production you can almost guarantee he or she will have a Southern drawl. Hell, the movie Deliverance took it even further.

People who would never consider saying anything racist, are happy to joke at your expense right to your face when they find out you are from the South.

But I say wear it with pride and rub their noses in it for good measure. This song does that better than just about anything else I can think of. And it's also just a helluva good song.
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It's embarrassing that the song so reinforces typical redneck/hillbilly stereotypes. I always hope the rest of the country doesn't visualize the lyrics of the song, when they think of Volunteers.
Down the field is great!
If you associate Rocky Top, or East Tennessean culture as a whole, with stupidity then that’s a problem YOU or anyone who feels as you do need to overcome.
I love our hillbilly roots. Our people could have stopped anywhere along the way, or just kept moving for that matter, but they stayed in these mountains and hills because they felt like home. No ship docked them here, they journeyed here and called it home.

Anyone looking down their nose at these "poor dumb simpletons" wouldn't possess the wit, drive, or ingenuity to feed their family for one winter here.
Poster wants to be commended for his "brave" honesty. Nothing "brave" about posting such trash anonymously on a forum. It's better not to say anything. If you haven't figured it out yet it's chickenshat. Now GFY bravely I might add.
It's folk music. You don't have to like it...but you shouldn't rip it like you did. A mature thinker should be able to appreciate the culture behind it, even if it's not their own personal taste. This is the American folk culture from which the University of Tennessee emerged and in which it exists. Your comment is snobbish, and honestly, far more ignorant than the people you mock as such.


Roots, Americana, culturally relevant.

Song tries to evoke images of a simpler, bygone era that the singer still yearns for.

How do you feel about Guy Clark’s “LA Freeway”? Is it a stupid song sung by someone who can’t hack progressive city life?
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It's embarrassing that the song so reinforces typical redneck/hillbilly stereotypes. I always hope the rest of the country doesn't visualize the lyrics of the song, when they think of Volunteers.
Down the field is great!
What would you like the rest of the country visualize?
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I hope all of you will commend me for my brave honesty rather than condemn me for my opinion. But OMG I HATE this f_cking song! Yes even as a Tennessee fan. I have never liked it! All I can picture when I hear this is overalls, bare feet, and corncobb pipes! I know this is blasphemy to pretty much everyone on this forum but I have never really embraced this unofficial fight song! I'd much prefer to hear our ACTUAL fight song "Down The Field".
I hope all of you will commend me for my brave honesty rather than condemn me for my opinion. But OMG I HATE this f_cking song! Yes even as a Tennessee fan. I have never liked it! All I can picture when I hear this is overalls, bare feet, and corncobb pipes! I know this is blasphemy to pretty much everyone on this forum but I have never really embraced this unofficial fight song! I'd much prefer to hear our ACTUAL fight song "Down The Field".
Get you jar of shine and stick an umbrella In it!
To me, Rocky Top and our National; Anthem should be sung just as they are written, nothing added, nothing taken away. I don't like butchered national treasures like Rocky Top. Just sing it as it was meant to be.

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