Ron Paul Can't Win

So if he is willing to wipe our enemies off the map, then why do people still have issues with his foreign policy?

I like that better than picking on everyone around and see who wants to fight. The loudmouth at the bar isn't the one to worry about, it's the quiet guy in the corner
I like that better than picking on everyone around and see who wants to fight. The loudmouth at the bar isn't the one to worry about, it's the quiet guy in the corner

Ha, made me think of David Allan Coe's Longhaired Redneck.

I agree, just not sure why the majority of the GOP faithful are all set on going to war with everyone, I don't get the mindset. They aren't walking over to their neighbors house and preemptively punching them in the face due to a alleged future fight.
still waiting for someone to tell me how Romney and Obama are the same

and if you can do it without mentioning health care, you get extra points and OE will grant you amnesty from a speeding ticket while he's on duty
still waiting for someone to tell me how Romney and Obama are the same

and if you can do it without mentioning health care, you get extra points and OE will grant you amnesty from a speeding ticket while he's on duty

?...I must've missed the question the first time around. I've been answering this question for the last 2-3 years (I live in Utah, so Romney comes up a lot).

The harder question is how are they different (other than cosmetic BS like career paths, party affiliation, etc.)?

Romney will maintain the same kind of foreign policy.

Romney will practice corporate welfare, just like Obama.

Romney will allow/encourage similar levels of spending. He won't cut anything of substance. If he's planning on it, he hasn't said so.

Romney will not end entitlements, and like Bush/Obama, will likely increase on them (he's bashed Obama for cutting medicare spending).

Romney will maintain the last two presidents' patterns of violating civil liberties (PATRIOT Act, due process).
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what is Ron Paul's stance on entitlements? After looking through the issues section of his official 2012 campaign website, I can't find a single mention of medicare/medicaid or social security.
what is Ron Paul's stance on entitlements? After looking through the issues section of his official 2012 campaign website, I can't find a single mention of medicare/medicaid or social security.

The people that are already counting on entitlements or will be in the near future, he wants to be able to continue to fund it for them by cutting military spending.
still don't see an official campaign statement on entitlements

perhaps Dr. Paul isn't as brave as his supporters claim he is
still don't see an official campaign statement on entitlements

perhaps Dr. Paul isn't as brave as his supporters claim he is

Why are you worried about it? He's no longer a contender. We've already set the course for more of the same.

He's on record. He has phaseout plans for entitlements.

He said first order of business as POTUS would be to void all prior executive signing statements...I can't find that on his campaign site either. The horror!
I've been called "intellectually lazy" by Ron Paul supporters because I've refused to jump on his bandwagon. Entitlement programs are the biggest driver of our debt and deficit and they are not mentioned anywhere on his official campaign website, but that's excused because he wants to audit the fed.

Why is asking a question about his policy objectives suddenly a waste of time?
I've been called "intellectually lazy" by Ron Paul supporters because I've refused to jump on his bandwagon. Entitlement programs are the biggest driver of our debt and deficit and they are not mentioned anywhere on his official campaign website, but that's excused because he wants to audit the fed.

Why is asking a question about his policy objectives suddenly a waste of time?

On this message board? I think you have a pretty solid rep among us that know you.

It's not a waste of time. I thought you were going for cheap thrills claiming he doesn't "really" oppose entitlements because they're not on his campaign website. Since it is an honest question:

1) He has always voted against entitlements
2) I'm almost certain Revolution addresses entitlements. It was his "campaign book" in 2008. I haven't read his newest book, but I'd be surprised if he doesn't talk about it.
3) You can find stuff all over the internet, but this was the most appropriate I found in my brief search. 1 month ago on CNN he called for 20% cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and SS:

Ron Paul on entitlements:

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