Ron Paul Can't Win

One day before the NY GOP Presidential primary, Vincent Reda, the First Vice Chairman of the NY Republican Party, made robo calls to voters declaring that all other candidates had dropped out of the race except Mitt Romney.

Read more: NY GOP Chairman Lies to Voters, Says Ron Paul is out of the Race

NY GOP Chairman Lies to Voters, Says Ron Paul is out of the Race

The man just can't get a break from these clowns.
Good grief. that's about as dirty as it gets. R's act like Romney has it in the bag, and Paul doesn't have a shot at rounding up delegates, but they appear to be worried.
One day before the NY GOP Presidential primary, Vincent Reda, the First Vice Chairman of the NY Republican Party, made robo calls to voters declaring that all other candidates had dropped out of the race except Mitt Romney.

Read more: NY GOP Chairman Lies to Voters, Says Ron Paul is out of the Race

NY GOP Chairman Lies to Voters, Says Ron Paul is out of the Race

The man just can't get a break from these clowns.

There has to be some illegality behind this. A government process that is altered or affected by deliberate issue of misinformation.

It's about time RP or someone in his camp starts to stand up against this behavior.
I'm excited about this shiz. Ron Paul supposedly stealing delegates left and right. He is right for America, and that's why he'll never win a pure democratic vote. The elements of republicanism may save the day.
I'm excited about this shiz. Ron Paul supposedly stealing delegates left and right. He is right for America, and that's why he'll never win a pure democratic vote. The elements of republicanism may save the day.

Do you really think he's stealing delegates nearly to the degree it would take to cause a brokered convention? This sounds awfully like the prototypical conspiracy stuff.
Do you really think he's stealing delegates nearly to the degree it would take to cause a brokered convention? This sounds awfully like the prototypical conspiracy stuff.

I don't know. I know people are worried enough to try dirty tricks like the one in NY. If they are worried to the extent that they'll risk their reputation and political careers to undermine Paul's campaign, there has to be some validity, right?

I was ready to throw in the towel until Reda pulled that stunt.
I don't know. I know people are worried enough to try dirty tricks like the one in NY. If they are worried to the extent that they'll risk their reputation and political careers to undermine Paul's campaign, there has to be some validity, right?

I was ready to throw in the towel until Peda pulled that stunt.

That kind of robocall garbage happens a lot though. This is all plausible if things go absolutely perfectly . . . but just barely.

The real battle is going to be whether Paul gets to speak at the convention. I'm not sure which way that will go.
That kind of robocall garbage happens a lot though. This is all plausible if things go absolutely perfectly . . . but just barely.

The real battle is going to be whether Paul gets to speak at the convention. I'm not sure which way that will go.

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Actually, Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning A Lot More Delegates Than You Think

Mitt Romney may have all but locked up the Republican nomination with his victories in the East Coast primaries this week, but Ron Paul and his army of acolytes aren't ready to give up the fight just yet

In just the last week, Paul locked up 49 delegates, including five in Pennsylvania and four in Rhode Island, two states thought to be firmly on Romney's turf. In Minnesota, Paul won 20 of the 24 delegates awarded at last weekend's district caucuses, an impressive sweep that guarantees that Paul will control a majority of the state's delegation at the Republican National Convention

Read more: Actually, Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning A Lot More Delegates Than You Think - Business Insider

Even Rick Santorum, who earlier in the race accused Paul of shilling for Romney, acknowledged the Texas Congressman's impressive organization this week, telling CNN's Piers Morgan that "Ron Paul is working the delegates hard."

Well duh Rick, that was Dr. Pauls plan from day 1.
Even Rick Santorum, who earlier in the race accused Paul of shilling for Romney, acknowledged the Texas Congressman's impressive organization this week, telling CNN's Piers Morgan that "Ron Paul is working the delegates hard."

Well duh Rick, that was Dr. Pauls plan from day 1.

He learned a lot from the 2008 run.
I voted for Paul in Tennessee's primary. I need to say that first before I go on with the rest... but let me get this straight: he's working overtime talking to the delegates to get them to vote for him at the convention? Is that right or am I grossly misreading all of this? Let's say I did... isn't that kind of crappy? I mean if a candidate won 47% of the votes in a states primary does that not mean he at the very least should be guaranteed that 47% of the delegate's vote if not more since he did win the state?

Bottom line for me is Ron Paul's voice NEEDS to be heard in the Republican party, as I believe he gives the party a much needed shot of intellectual honesty. Yes, some of his views can seem a bit extreme, and some of those can be unrealistic. But, if you really are about limited government then you really need to step back and hear what the guy has to say.
I voted for Paul in Tennessee's primary. I need to say that first before I go on with the rest... but let me get this straight: he's working overtime talking to the delegates to get them to vote for him at the convention? Is that right or am I grossly misreading all of this? Let's say I did... isn't that kind of crappy? I mean if a candidate won 47% of the votes in a states primary does that not mean he at the very least should be guaranteed that 47% of the delegate's vote if not more since he did win the state?

Bottom line for me is Ron Paul's voice NEEDS to be heard in the Republican party, as I believe he gives the party a much needed shot of intellectual honesty. Yes, some of his views can seem a bit extreme, and some of those can be unrealistic. But, if you really are about limited government then you really need to step back and hear what the guy has to say.
the delegate rules are convoluted as hell. He knows he's not winning. He's just trying to squeeze out delegates in order to have a voice.
And like i said in my post, I hope he gets it. I truly believe for the Republican party to actually survive they need to quit trying to dismiss those trying to reverse the trends and embrace them. Small government does not mean limit only the golden calves the Democrats are beholden to while trying to keep your enormous programs in place. The Tea Party was a huge step in the right direction before they lost focus and then were crucified by those who opposed them and were scared to death of them. And I feel the same way for Paul.
Good stuff thanks for sharing. Kudos for those (RP supporters) who are civil and demanding a fair process.

Ron was mocked for challenging Romney in the caucus states, and a few times would say comments like "we all know those numbers aren't correct"

All I want is Romney to finish in triple digits and get RP a shot at the convention balloting
"If Ron Paul got on TV and said “Gah gah goo goo debasement! theft!” — which is a rough summary of what he actually did say — his supporters would say that he won the debate hands down; I don’t think my supporters are quite the same, but opinions may differ." - Paul Krugmann
All I want is Romney to finish in triple digits and get RP a shot at the convention balloting

Do you guys seriously thinks there's a snowball's chance in hell that this is happening and there's going to be some miraculous, Ron Paul epiphany at the convention?
Do you guys seriously thinks there's a snowball's chance in hell that this is happening and there's going to be some miraculous, Ron Paul epiphany at the convention?

Dr Paul has some true believers still dreaming.

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